IBS Sufferers – Independence Day 4th of July or 14th October Indigenous People Day

We all know the 4th of July is the celebration of Independence Day by Americans..

Yet it won’t be celebrated as fully or as widely as it could be by tens of millions of people across then USA because of the common digestive disorder Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS.

Up to one in five of the population are thought to have the common gastrointestinal condition, which at least is an irritation, or to the other end of the scale where hospitalization is required.

white House

The vast majority of sufferers are between the two, they live their lives, planning and structuring their day, worrying about traffic queues, rest room availability, what clothes to wear, what foods to eat, how to avoid being trapped in a meeting, for others how to even get out of the house after 5, 8, 10 visits to the bathroom until they feel comfortable and a little more confident.

And yet this common digestive disorder, which causes symptoms such as frequent bouts of diarrhea, constipation, alternation of bowel habit, pain, bloating and gas among other physical symptoms is often ignored or misunderstood, by health professionals, family, friends and co-workers.

What is even less recognized is the emotional aspects of this most troublesome condition, ranging from anxiety, reduced quality of life, despair, panic, fearfulness and more besides.

And the real troubling thing is that the medical professional have little understanding of the cause, nor do they have a recognized cure. The symptoms often last for years, for the fortunate ones there are periods of remission, for many others there isn’t.


I is for Individual

Jobs can be lost, professions can be lost, careers broken, school and work absenteeism can be high, relationships strained and broken, and it goes on across the land every day!

And yet this condition is classed as none-serious, that is to say it will not lead to a more sinister condition which will lead to death. So while IBS will not kill you, its impact can be life ruining, leading in some cases to depression and all the implications that brings. So the classification of IBS being none-serious is relative to the individual.  While medically we understand the language used, the same statement used outside of the consultation room, can and does cause great distress to the millions of people who have to live their lives around this most distressing condition.  

And yet, all is not lost. Since 1992 Michael Mahoney a UK based award winning clinical hypnotherapist has been working with referred IBS patients from both primary and secondary care health professionals who recognize the benefits of specific hypnotherapy processes developed by Mahoney.

In 1998 the IBS Audio Program 100 for Adults was released to the public, now on MP3 download it is used by IBS sufferers in 45 countries. Click here for streamed version

b is for belief

In the UK, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) IBS guidelines 2008 recommend hypnotherapy (and other talking therapies) to medical professionals if IBS symptoms remain after 12 months of none-effective pharmacological treatment.

In the USA and other countries around the world, hypnosis is recognized as an effective management tool for the treatment of IBS.


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using code IBS4July-15  expires midnight 5th July

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is prevalent throughout the world, it is not just a western condition. Women present more frequently than men.

For IBS sufferers, any day can start a journey of independence. Developed specifically for the IBS condition, the IBS Audio Program 100 for adults is an aid to managing IBS physical and emotional aspects of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

When you have tried everything else, consider the IBS Audio Program 100, it is structured over 100 days.

So if you began the program on 4th July your IBS independence day could be 14th October – The celebration of Indigenous People Day in the USA

A child version is also available, the IBS Audio Program 60

S is for system

s is for System


Many IBS sufferers have found relief, many have recommended it, many have used it as a last resort, and while results may vary, any kind of relief just has to be worth the time and effort.

Yes time and effort are needed, but when all else seems to have failed, isn’t it worth doing? Since 1998, many IBS sufferers have said yes it is.

Start your countdown to your independence from IBS, today!

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