All our health programs are researched and developed by us and all are condition specific and cost effective.
Some have won innovation and research awards!
We have been helping people live better lives since 1998.
All our products are available in MP3 Version and Streamed format.
IBS Audio Program 100 for Adults - MP3 & Streamed versions.
This program was developed for both the physical and emotional symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have used this program to find relief from the symptoms of IBS, even when all else failed!
The IBS Audio Program 100 is tried and trusted by IBS sufferers in 48 countries, and has been an aid and blessing for many since it was released in 1998.
Click the button and find out why this is the benchmark product of its kind.

Anxiety Audio Program 120 - MP3
Our Anxiety treatment system was developed specifically for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
Multiple interlinked sessions (16 sessions in all)
Click below, to see the structure and depth of this program, it is unique in its structure, content and interlinking sessions.
Delivered with experience, and sensitivity by an award winning clinical hypnotherapist with over 30 years experience.

Stress Audio Program 80 - MP3
Our stress relief hypnosis audio program 80 download has 14 interlinked sessions (plus ambient music track) and structured recording – with an accompanying booklet, including listening schedule, FAQ’s and other information.
This stress relief hypnosis program is structured, easy and enjoyable listening guiding you in your journey to improve your quality of life.
Available on immediate MP3 Download & Streamed versions
Insomnia Audio Program 60 - MP3
This audio program is a collection of recordings is aimed at aiding the re-establishing of a natural sleep pattern.
From time to time we all have bouts of sleeplessness but after a few nights we know they will pass, but insomnia is about continuous sleepless nights, developing extreme tiredness.
This program aims to provide you with the tools you need to aid sleep improvement.
With interlinked audio tracks and a structured listening schedule.

Burn-out Audio Program 75
Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. When you also perceive that you have little control over the source of the stress, then its negative effects are amplified further...
Although burnout, often also referred to as adrenal fatigue, is most often caused by difficulties at work, it can also be the result of difficulties in other areas of life, such as parenting, caring for an older relative, excessive exercise and romantic relationships...
Find out more how you can help yourself into recovery!
Osteoarthritis Audio Program 60 - MP3
If you have Osteoarthritis you will be well aware of the pain and nagging discomfort this condition brings into your life.
This audio program is specifically designed for the Osteoarthritis Sufferer.
In addition to the physical symptoms , often overlooked are the emotional aspects which can be draining and debilitating,
Confidence and self-esteem goes down, stress and anxiety can rise, and for some individuals depression may follow.
So how can just listening and doing help Osteoarthritis symptoms? Just click and find out more for the answer!

Confidence & Self-Esteem
Did you once have confidence and somehow, somewhere on your life journey it just melted away?
Or have you lived a life where you find it hard to imagine being confident?
Linked with confidence is self-esteem, they go hand in hand, they are important keys in opening your outlook on life and pushing boundaries.
When you have had enough of avoiding and missing out on life opportunities, consider this program, it's easy to use, structured, and could be positively life changing!
Emotional recovery after breast cancer - CD or MP3
an aid to emotional recovery after breast cancer MP3 download or Streamed version
Developed by Michael Mahoney, this “innovation and research” award winning audio program.
The locally won award has helped this program to touch the lives of many around the world.
Emotional recovery lags behind that of physical recovery. This gentle recording goes some way to bringing understanding of this to the listener, with enjoyable sessions, the use of simple imagery, suggestion and more, within a gentle, structured process of your own hypnotherapy sessions at home. Just so easy!

Single Sessions
When you feel you don't need a full program, take a look at our single tracks.
Some are stand alone, others are taken from various programs.