Healthy Audio Hypnosis Blog by Michael Mahoney

  • Michael Mahoney IBS Specialist Hypnotherapist on the Karen Kenney Show

     The Karen Kenney Podcast Talking about IBS management, irritable bowel syndrome and much more besides. I recently had the pleasure of appearing on...
  • Stress Relief and Relaxation Program 80 MP3 version - SALE ON

    Stress relief does not have to be difficult, it often needs some time, effort and structure applying to resolve it. The Stress Audio Program 80 is a structured program to aid stress relief and greater resilience.
  • Three things that delay IBS recovery & what to do about them

     Living with IBS brings many challenges, after 31 years of working with IBS sufferers, here are three things you can do,  that can make a positive ...
  • What’s stopping you?

    How many goals and dreams do you have stored away, collecting dust in the dimmest recesses of your mind? ‘If only,’ you might say, or ‘One day p...
  • Who is the most important person in your life

    I want to ask you a simple question. The question is this, “Who is the most important people in your life at the moment”? Think about it, and when ...
  • I am IBS: - hear my side of your story!

    I am IBS: I sneak into your life, I slowly and gradually slide my way into your life Your slow recognition of me helps me to gain a firm hold on y...
  • IBS Audio Program 100 - Celebrating 25 years!

    Way back in 1998, after eight years of research, development and patient piloting the IBS Audio Program 100 was released into the world.  It was th...
  • The day three IBS sufferers changed my life!

    One day in June 1991 started like any other, but by the end of the day, my life had changed, and I had promised to try and change the lives of my ...
  • Are you forgetting to look after yourself?

    Modern life is full of stress and pressure, demands and disappointments, deadlines and setbacks and it’s so easy to forget about yourself while you...
  • Stress - Bang, Flab or Full?

    The word Stress has worked its way into our vocabulary over many years. In the 1990s Stress was called the killer of the 90s such was the impact o...
  • Can you smell burning yet?

    When the comfort zone needs to change. I'm often reminded of a story I heard many years ago told to me by an old guy who I used to talk to on the w...
  • Imagine taming IBS

    When your doctor says 'It sounds like IBS' Think  IBS Audio Program 100 WITH 24 YEARS OF BACKGROUND IN PROVIDING IBS RELIEF∞ Imagine One day you’...