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Anxiety Relief and treatment program - Yellow background with red writing for Anxiety Sale now on.

Anxiety Relief & Treatment Program (GAD) - MP3 Download Version

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Anxiety Audio Program 120

MP3 Version - Pay once, yours forever!



This GAD Anxiety Relief & Treatment program was developed specifically for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). See how it may help you.

  • Anxiety can be overwhelming!  But it can be overcome!
  • It can rapidly drain your physical and emotional resources. - But you can rebuild them
  • Anxiety can drain you to a point where you think of nothing else. Therefore, focussing on other matters becomes more and more difficult. But by changing your thoughts - you change how you think and feel.
  • That is the nature of anxiety. But you don't have to be defined by it.
  • Fight, Flight or Freeze-type feelings seem to rule your life. As a result, the spiral of anxiety deepens.  But you can relearn how to think differently and empower yourself.
  • While you are not alone in these feelings you may feel like you are.  But you're not!

We developed this GAD Anxiety Relief and treatment program to help you take part in your healing, which is motivating.

When you start seeing the seeds of change growing, you want to do more, which is progress!

Notice the structure and size of this program. 

I heard about your programs years ago from a friend, and they have been very helpful, especially your anxiety program, which has been one of the only effective tools I've had to deal with anxiety. I very much appreciate your work. - BH - USA 15 August 2023


Multiple interlinked sessions (16 sessions in all)

Stick man happy with his arms up in the air
  • A clear introduction.
  • 2 'familiarization' sessions, helping you to become comfortable with the process of working towards your goal gently and quickly.
  • 2 'resource library sessions (Between them containing 19 important explanations and descriptors).
  • Ten structured interlinked audio sessions.
  • 1  track of ambient music for self-relaxation.
  • A structured listening schedule using Michael's proven OPSIM approach.
  • Symptom checklist and more. 

This MP3 download provides the following:      

  • a structured, caring approach
  • gentle, easy imagery
  • provides encouragement and understanding.
  • Sensitively delivered; in other words, it's made for you!

Think about how this amount of structured content could help you with anxiety.

Man leaning back thinking

Start taking control today in a structured way. The program includes a recommended listening schedule, 2 x resource libraries, 10  x interlinked audio sessions and more. 

Sound Clips 1 - 4  (see below for others)   Session 1   Session 2   Session 3   Session 4

Anxiety Relief & Treatment Program (GAD)

Our GAD anxiety Relief & treatment system is a relaxation and hypnosis program developed as a home-use anxiety treatment. 

Many anxiety sufferers can relate to the difficulties of travelling to appointments for therapy or counselling when battling persistent anxiety symptoms. However, this program removes them.

Please note: To listen to these files on a smart device you will need to sync them from your desktop or add them to your iCloud storage

A basic guide is included and a link to Macworld for guidance. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer technical support due to our limited resources. 

However, we produced a streamed version to overcome the problem.  If you are unsure, see our streamed version as an alternative listening option. 

 Anxiety Relief & Treatment Program (GAD) - structured, gentle and informative. Helps with anxiety, stress, worry, fearfulness and more.


Picture of an arrow pointing right and the words time for change

Consider the structure of this program compared to others. We haven't padded it out. However, we have focused on delivering the best anxiety hypnosis download possible.

The introduction is about you, the mind and body response. It does not fill the session with masses of detail about the complexities of the anxiety state. Nor the physical reactions because you know enough about the anxiety state anyway. Or you may choose not to know too much.

Leaving complicated terms and medical speak to others means settling for easy, clear language instead because the easier it is to understand anxiety, the easier it is to manage and control it.

Additionally, there are examples of good and bad anxiety, recognizing and acknowledging your journey.

It also identifies your ability to change, for instance, acknowledging your decision to do something different.

A major GAD Anxiety Relief & Treatment program with hours of structured interlinked therapeutic guidance, including an accompanying listening schedule, to help you maximize your listening outcomes.

It is important to structure recovery. It time for anxiety to develop, therefore, it takes time to become familiar, and while we don’t like or want it to become familiar, it does.

Because of this, it will take some time and structure to become familiar with releasing anxiety, and also, for the new positive thoughts and feelings to become familiar too.

It also takes time for you to become familiar with taking part in your healing.

It takes time and structure.

Stick with it because you are worth it! These recordings are the mechanics of the process.

Sound clips 5 - 10:   Session 5   Session 6   Session 7   Session 8   Session 9   Session 10


Picture of young lady with freckles looking into the camera

Anxiety Treatment Program (GAD)

There is no quick fix for anxiety, and we don't promise one. However, there can be a structured fix!

The structure of our program is easy to understand without complicating issues or using unnecessary jargon.

This program is an aid to your journey of recovery. It may not be the easiest journey you have ever taken, however it certainly won’t be the most difficult you have ever taken either!

You may have recognized that we are honest and upfront with you. We tell it as our experience has taught us. There are no false promises made about our programs either.

This means we make it easy for you to buy, but we never hard sell.

No matter what else you have tried or disappointments you have had, try this program, work with it, and contribute to your healing, learning, and moving on in a gentle, structured way.

Use this Anxiety Treatment Program (GAD) by itself or with other treatment methods.

If you are anxious, panicky, nervous, or want to feel better, this program is for you.

It has a clear structure, imagery, suggestions, considerations, options of choice, and descriptors, all to help you.

You can be sure that great thought and planning have gone into this audio recording, meaning we've done our best for you.

In addition to the introduction, there are also two resource libraries.

The first …

is a compilation of thoughtful, encouraging and determination-driven thoughts and explanations designed to help you understand why you feel as you do.

These recordings are informational, using suggestions, explanations, imagery, and metaphors. They are designed for easy listening, easy description, and therefore easy to understand.

We don't believe in making things complicated, just a simple approach without the medical and psycho speak, meaning you can focus on feeling better.

Believing the easier we can make it, the more power and authority we can bring to resolving the anxiety.

Remember, none of this has to be complicated!

This first resource library is packed with information and explanations, which gives you an understanding of what is happening inside and why you feel the way you do. 

This resource library is listened to as an audio recording; it is not hypnotherapy; however, it is an integral part of the process because it explains to you:

  • How your internal energy is used and depleted!
  • it mentions each moment being an end and a new beginning
  • physical responses
  • the mind and body working together
  • the emotional balloon
  • the conscious and subconscious
  • the fears about the medical professionals missing something, and,
  • explains positive alternatives to the words 'I can't Because you can!
Resource library picture with track title from the Anxiety Audio Program 120

The second resource library…

is another compilation of tracks to aid your management and recovery through the program. Further encouragement, explanation, and consideration help the learning and understanding processes.

They are also informational, using suggestion, imagery and metaphor, designed for easy listening.

It is scheduled after the two familiarization sessions (explained below).

This resource library prepares you for new learning, which will be mentioned during and through the program, including

  • now and then
  • mind armies
  • setbacks
  • the light at the end of the tunnel
  • gives a straightforward explanation of positive thoughts releasing negative emotion
  • orbits of thought
  • unfamiliarity is not wrong
  • being perfectly you
  • taking time off from recovery
  • the old wizard (in the well-known film)
  • and the onion of memory!
Resource Library 2 from Anxiety Audio Program 120

Familiarization Session 1

This is a simple, easy session to begin the process of moving on in a structured way and to ease you into working with this audio program.

Understanding the process is essential, and this session (as is the entire program) is so easy!  

This is the first important step. Again, relaxation and calmness are important. 

It is a simple process; nothing is rushed or demanded.

Approximately only 18 minutes from beginning to end, it is easy to work with.

Familiarization Session 2

This session helps you continue the gentle process, start to feel familiar with the program and work with Michael's familiar voice. Through this gentle session of encouragement and relaxation, you will be aiding the development of comfortable change. Again, it is short, at approximately 23 minutes, so you know you can fit it into your day.

The two familiarization sessions allow you and your subconscious to recognize that you are safe, the process is easy, and there is nothing for you to do except be comfortable and still as you relax and become familiar with taking time for yourself. Time to learn and relearn. And to know that you are on a gentle journey of your choosing.

Pretty blonde girl looking at camera

10 Structured Interlinked Sessions (Yes, ten sessions!) to help with anxiety, stress and other symptoms.


These sessions, along with the specific OPSIM listening schedule, are the powerhouse of this program. They are building on the preparation of the resource libraries and the familiarization sessions, which have laid a foundation of understanding, calmness and developing awareness of your ability to learn, relearn, and do something different.  

Using hypnotherapy, relaxation, suggestion, metaphor and guided imagery, these sessions help you to:

  • Once again, develop and build your inner energy.
  • Help to establish Confidence and Self Esteem. 
  • Reduce symptoms and expectations of negative feelings and thoughts.
  • Suggest suggestions for reducing and defusing negative thought patterns, beliefs, and expectations.

We all know more than relaxation is needed. New thoughts, learning and understanding are required to make a difference. Self-encouragement, confidence and a range of unique learning all go toward helping you to do precisely this.

And all this is provided in a structured and gentle program. We learn well when we are relaxed, comfortable and confident. This program will help and encourage you to do that.

The structure, guidance and experience are from a therapist who has been in practice since 1986 and is included to guide and help you.

And to conclude, there is an ambient music track for your self-relaxation, which you can use after the program on your days off.   


Get your GAD Anxiety Audio program at a sale price today!

Note that the days off from listening to the therapy tracks are also essential, so take the days off when the structure suggests.


The Anxiety Relief & Treatment Program (GAD) - MP3 Download Version was built with people like you in mind. We work hard to make your life easier. Every. Single. Day.

Inventory Last Updated: Feb 10, 2025