(Note: To use this program on your smart device, you need to download it to a desktop, sync your files, or add it to your iCloud storage.
If you need help with how to do this, we suggest you purchase the streamed version, which will send daily links to you, eliminating the need for downloading and syncing ng). Go to the Streamed version.
MP3 Version - Pay once, yours forever!
Laid Off and Unemployment
are difficult challenges for all those seeking new positions. In the current employment climate, the difficulty is all the more acute. Dealing with the distress of being laid off, managing the emotion and its unfairness, and getting back in front of potential employers as soon as possible should be urgent goals.

This post-redundancy support audio program
is available on MP3 download and will be shortly available in the Streamed version.
As a company, we have made it our business to respond to the complex challenges our customers face; our structured audio programs have been effectively doing this for more than 26 years.
- Seven tracks of structured recording
- and a suggested listening schedule.
- MP3 download and Streamed Version tracks contain identical content.
The ideal audio program for the recently jobless.
Product Description:
Job loss stress is a significant saboteur of achieving your goals and dreams. It's natural to feel down, drained, rejected, angry, and frustrated, but only for a while. Then you need to pick yourself up and move on – but how? First, remember that it was the job that was no longer required, not you, or your skills, talents, and gifts!!
Our job loss stress audio program may prove invaluable to you.
Whether it's called being Laid Off (UK/US) or redundancy (in the UK), the impact for those who have lost their jobs is the same.
For many, it means financial
uncertainty and an unexpected emotional roller-coaster ride that often seems outside your control. Loss of status, peace of mind, reduced inner feelings of security, and much more are eroded or disappear altogether.

job loss stress audio program …
may well be just the thing you are looking for to help you at this difficult time. Fortunately when you focus your mind and get over the initial shock, sadness, disappointment, anger (and other emotions too) out of the way, with a bit of guidance you will find, that your future is within your control.
Emotions are fine when you understand them and realize they are a natural part of the process of letting go. They can be scary when you don't expect them.
our job loss stress audio program …
called Laid Off, Move On is a self-help / self-development audio program that is one of the tools you can use to help yourself move on.
By picking yourself up and believing in yourself once more you can move on, and very often to something better. It is important also to believe in your skills and abilities. Remember it is the job that is no more, not your skills, talents or gifts, and everything else that makes you the person you are.
The Laid Off Move On program comprises of:
Session 1: Preparing the way: (Approx running time 16:16)
- Introduction by the author,
- the validity of emotions,
- recognizing destructive emotions,
- the author's experiences and how he understands those emotions. Sound clip
Session 2: Understanding the process: (Approx running time 32:41)
- The sequence of events,
- the mind/body connection,
- outlining how thoughts produce physical responses,
- three levels of energy,
- shadow fears,
- the three stages of recovery,
- the light at the end of the tunnel,
- changing and adapting. Sound clip

Session 3: Relearning to relax mind & body: (Approx running time 19:24)
- Re-learning to relax,
- switch negative thoughts to positive ones,
- focusing on strengths,
- acknowledging your control,
- each moment an end and a new beginning and more.
Using gentle hypnotherapy processes, which include imagery, suggestions, and positive statements, the listener is able to help themselves to think and feel more positively, which allows them to come to terms with being Laid Off, which, in hindsight, is often a blessing in disguise!
The author has successfully used these processes to help people in his busy medical centre practice for 30 years. Sound clip
Session 4: Positive focus and encouragement: (Approx running time 17:09)
- Reinforcing calmness and your positive thoughts,
- developing confidence,
- recognizing a willingness to learn,
- defusing negative thoughts,
- developing positive thought patterns. Sound clip
Session 5: Special Moments: (Approx running time 20:03)
- Insulated in safety,
- letting go of negative thoughts,
- replenishing energy,
- pushing back boundaries and limitations and more. Sound clip

Session 6: Bonus Track: (Approx running time 16:11) Entitled 'Learning to be more' ~ taken from our Confidence & Self Esteem program - because it fits!
- Slowing down thoughts,
- letting go,
- developing comfort in mind and body,
- quiet positive reflection,
- developing emotional strength and more. Sound clip
Session 7: (Approx running time 10:03)
Ambient music to relax the mind and body
>>This product is eligible for our Disaster Recovery Plan <<
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Inventory Last Updated: Feb 17, 2025