What does IBS mean to you?  (Irritable Bowel Syndrome? or Insert Belief System?)

I would expect many readers to reply, IBS is Irritable Bowel Syndrome...

IBS that curse of the digestive system with no clear reason of cause, no medical cure, and diverse symptoms with multiple variants, being no respecter of age, gender, background or culture.

Just the I.B.S. initials can cause a shiver of alarm down a sufferer’s spine, even when symptoms are mild and infrequent.  But for the many with more severe symptoms and increased frequency of presentation, the I.B.S initials can send a flood of suppressed panic through the individual.


 Up to one in five of the population

are affected at some time in their lives. IBS is an umbrella diagnosis. Once more sinister conditions are ruled out, the symptoms of which can mimic those of IBS, the I.B.S label is then applied. And it is a label many have to live with.

Medical science has yet to find a cause and solution, the medical profession is largely limited by often ineffective medication, bringing frustration of being unable to find a lasting solution for their patients.

Pharmaceutical companies continue researching, testing and bringing products to market, yet still, the problem remains, stubbornly resisting any releasing of its grip on the millions of lives around the world, caught within its unrelenting life-changing grasp.

Many readers will know about the mind and body connection, the innate link we all have as human beings. A thought produces a physical response, so change the thought and you change the response.

Sounds overly simple, it is, changing a thought, even those that have been with an individual for many years does not have to be difficult. 

So what about changing IBS to represent Insert. Belief. System?

So many IBS sufferers I have worked with since 1991 and a huge number of those who have used my IBS Audio Program 100 since 1998, learn that by understanding the internal process, that is the mind and body connection, and learning how to manage it, in an easy and simplistic way, immediately begins to change the way IBS is internalized.

An individual can learn to:

  • change the physical and emotional responses they all too often experience,
  • they can also change the negative expectations often brought by prolonged IBS routines,
  • they can change the worry and concern IBS brings, and,
  • change the self-limiting beliefs which often hold them back.

So how long is it until something like this is available to the average IBS suffer who simply wants a better quality of life, and to feel comfortable in their own body and within their own thoughts?



There is no wait. Help has been ongoing since 1998, through the highly acclaimed IBS Audio Program 100 which now helps IBS sufferers in over 45 countries.

Once you understand you have a choice, once you understand there are things you can do to help yourself, and once you begin applying that learning things often change.

You begin empowering yourself, you begin to think differently, positively, and changing your thoughts change physical responses. 

It is simply a process that has to be learned.  Like the processes of learning to walk, talk, swim or drive a motor car, for example, learning the process of changing your negative IBS thoughts feelings and emotions just take a little time and effort.

If you can read this article, you can change your thoughts and your physical responses to them. Even if someone cannot read, they can still listen to the words within this audio program!

Instead of letting those three little letters rule your life:

  • conjuring up dread and worry,
  • holding on to memories / or fears of all sorts of accidents and predicaments the IBS condition has/could land you in,

by changing your relationship with those three little letters, replacing their meaning with Insert, Belief, System, you are starting the process of reclaiming the authority in your life.

By inserting new thinking, grown from your new learning, you begin the process of believing in yourself, and your mind/body connection, that wonderful innate process human beings are blessed with.  

The new thinking and feelings become familiar, with familiarity comes confidence, with confidence comes change, and with change comes happiness and in this case, improved quality of life.

You are simply replacing an old-style negative thinking system, with a new more positive thinking system.  Start your new IBS (Insert Belief System) journey today, with just a few clicks.



For more information on the IBS Audio Program 100, to hear excerpts and to read about its structure, and what makes it so positively embraced by many IBS sufferers click here.

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