On Line One-to-One IBS Masterclass Day

The Benefits and Uses of Hypnotherapy

An IBS Masterclass

With me Michael Mahoney, developer of the acclaimed IBS Audio Program 100. When you are looking for IBS training, look no further.

Doesn't it make sense to train with someone who has done all the hard work, and PROVED for over 25 years, that the IBS protocol works?
This one-to-one IBS masterclass day is held on a one to one basis with hypnotherapists in practice.
Spend the day learning this successful IBS training protocol which has been helping IBS sufferers since 1998
  • Do you want to increase your practice revenue streams with a specific, proven protocol to help your IBS patients?
  • Maybe you want to increase your success rates with IBS clients and patients.
  • Maybe you don’t work with IBS patients now but would like to.
  • Maybe you are established in practice and want to use new IBS methods.
  • Or you are new in practice and need trusting, reliable, workable information which you can take back and use in your practice immediately.
  • Or you may want to specialize in something, but you don’t know what.

 Note: IBS is also termed as an FGID in many countries.


If you said yes to any of the above, this online IBS Masterclass day is for you.


Stickman dancing after IBS training day

I have been in practice since 1986. 

I started my training in the early 80s recession; my practice survived the early 90/91 recession –

It survived the great recession of 2008/9 and,

 It survived the Covid-19 Lockdown/ Recession of 2019/2020-2022

Position yourself now to increase your practice revenue streams for the years to come. 

One of the ways I did this was to specialise and diversify.

I specialised initially in IBS, bringing GP and Consultant referrals and word-of-mouth referrals.

And that was only the start!  As revenue increased, I diversified, and I’ve never looked back.

This IBS masterclass day is part of the diversification - over 25 years ago!


Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is a common digestive disorder.

  • Affecting up to 1 in 5 of the population
  • It is no respecter of Age, Gender or Background
  • There is no medical cure at present.
  • But hypnotherapy has a proven track record of successfully helping this patient population.
  • The IBS NICE guidelines recommend hypnosis to GPs as a psychological intervention after 12 months of ineffective pharmacological treatment!
  • Sadly, there is not a medical cure yet in sight.
  • But until then, Hypnotherapy has an impressive history of helping IBS sufferers.
  • When it is done right!

To be successful, you need the following:

  1. you need to know and understand the IBS condition,
  2. you need to know the subtle drivers that sabotage recovery over and over again
  3. you need to know how to structure and interlink your Hypno-sessions.
  4. you need to know how to stop client emotional draining which prevents recovery.
  5. you need to know how to prove to your client you know how to help before you even start sessions with them!
  6. you need to know how to overcome hurdles from previous client failures
  7. These and more are included in the day.

    Remember, IBS is not only a physical condition bringing:

    • Stomach spasms
    • Bloating,
    • Constipation,
    • Diarrhoea
    • Nausea, along with many other physical symptoms.


    In addition, IBS sufferers often:

    • Lose confidence,
    • May experience panic,
    • Anxiety,
    • Fear of going out
    • Relationships become strained,
    • Work or college absence increases.
    • And so, it goes on.


    So where can IBS sufferers turn for help?

    • Easy! - they turn to you and your Hypnotherapy skills
    • I have been holding one-to-one IBS masterclass days since 1998
    • Is it your turn to see how you can make a difference to clients and your practice?
    • The content of this one-to-one IBS Masterclass day gives a personal touch. We go at your pace, your questions are answered, you have time for clarifications, so you are rock solid confident about what you need to do, ask, and provide your client or patient, in a structured way!


    The day will include the following:   

    • Explanations of IBS and its variations
    • How this protocol mitigates and reduces the frequency of symptoms
    • You follow a Step by step structured approach, which has been proven to work for over 25 years 

    This one-to-one IBS Masterclass day also covers the following:

    • Patient Counselling / Information gathering,
    • IBS Variations & Recognition,
    • Aetiology,
    • Pathogenesis
    • Understanding Medical Terms
    • Structuring & Planning sessions
    • Scripts,
    • Monitoring Responses & Feedback,
    • Managing Secondary Gain Issues,
    • Replying to Referring GPs & Consultants
    • Course notes
    • and much more ...


    Make no mistake:

    The incidence and prevalence of IBS are growing in the UK and worldwide.


    These one-to-one IBS Masterclass days are delivered with the following:

    • Knowledge – I have worked with IBS sufferers since 1991.
    • It is delivered from a position of Experience – which is different from knowledge, with means you benefit from both.
    • I teach a proven protocol. I am not someone who went on a course to learn, and began teaching, I learned at the sharp end, I researched, and developed and tested and proved the protocol. I worked with referring GPs and consultants  intractable IBS patients! I know of no other trainer that can say that! 
    • I am the author of the highly commended IBS Audio Program 100 for Adults, used in 46 countries since its release in 1998, which means I know what IBS clients need


    This one-to-one IBS Masterclass day is:

    • Designed to be informative and enjoyable with hints of humour splashed here and there; after all, we learn better if we enjoy something!
    • And alongside all this knowledge, experience and understanding …
    • There is also side information with tips and hints for your clients and practice, freely given from my 37 years in practice.


    This one-to-one IBS Masterclass day is:

    • Suitable for the Lay-Hypnotherapist
    • No medical training is required.
    • All that is needed is a notepad, an open ear, and a willingness to learn.


    And, the (SALE) cost…

    Just £495 for the day. (Less than the income from just one additional IBS client).  Paid here - through this site.

     Any questions, contact me here


    This IBS Masterclass will equip you with skills and knowledge that can last your entire practice lifetime, as it has done for me!

    We start at 9:00 am to 4:00 pm with 45 minutes lunch and a natural break, morning and afternoon.

    AND - because its one-to-one, on Zoom, we can arrange between us the best day to suit us - because it's your time!  How's that for flexibility!

    One extra client quickly pays for your investment, bringing returns into your practice. 

    On average, I see IBS clients six times, including a highly effective initial consultation I share with you, demonstrating your knowledge and giving them confidence in you, and their future. 


    There are many benefits to this IBS training.

    • Not only do you gain a good understanding of IBS.
    • Not only do you receive a structured–proven IBS protocol.
    • But if you decide to specialise, you are more likely to get GP referrals, as I did
    • As a result I was invited to work in an NHS hospital occupational health department working alongside a psychiatrist and other health professionals where my services were used for NHS staff, and outsourced to local government bodies.
    • And not just for IBS, but also for Stress, Anxiety and other conditions.
    • I worked in GP practices between 1995 - 2017 (22 years); I know this ‘knock-on effect’ through personal experience,
    • When you specialize in something, you increase your worth to your clients and other professionals inside and outside the medical profession and the corporate world.
    • This IBS training has stood the test of time, it is a proven method of working with IBS clients. 


     These are just a few of the many feedback comments received.

    • An Excellent and extremely comprehensive seminar.  UM-Cheltenham
    • I’ve been to a few courses before when I’ve left wondering if I’ve really learnt anything - I’m leaving this course feeling like I’ve really learned a lot. Thank you. RDF-Doncaster
    • Lots of information in a short time, and all of it good - SD-Chester
    • Many Thanks for a very comprehensive presentation in easy-to-follow terms.NC-Birmingham
    • Very useful and interesting, a most thorough approach. TC-Edinburgh
    • An Excellent day - Thank You - MG – Hull
    • One of the most instructive and enjoyable training seminars I have attended-JFC Hants
    • I will be in touch when my feet touch the ground again! Many thanks for the course, I have learnt a lot and feel better about handling IBS clients. PM-Watford
    • Best Workshop in a long time.- RD- London
    • Very Relaxed & Informative. MD-West Midlands.


      For the One-Off Fee

    • You receive all the information you need.
    • To work effectively with your IBS patients
    • You also learn a structured approach to this growing client base
    • The structuring of this day is such that you can take your learning back to your practice and use this information immediately to the benefit of your practice and your clients
    • Making this one-to-one tutorial day self-funding, paying for itself quickly!


    Payment through my distribution company.

    Go to the Payment Page Healthy Audio Hypnosis.com


    An alternative payment method is available through PayPal if required. Contact me for details or any questions. 


      Going forward.

    The number of people I can work with is limited due to demands on my time in my practice and other ventures I am involved in.

    As soon as you are ready to book your place, please get in touch with me, and we can arrange a mutually convenient time to meet.

    Some highlights of my practice experience. Over the years, I have:


    • Guested on numerous radio shows,
    • Guest speaker at numerous health shows,
    • In 2003, I led the list in The Top Brass Section of The ten leading hypnotherapists in Britain. The Independent on Sunday, March 2003.
    • Gained numerous awards for my work in IBS and Breast Cancer Emotional Recovery, including innovation and research awards.
    • In 1998, Sponsored and presented the UK’s first IBS Awareness Evening at Liverpool University, bringing together drug/pharmaceutical companies, OTC, Complementary therapists and medical professionals to benefit IBS patients.
    • Various NHS-funded and private-funded IBS research projects into the Benefits of Clinical Hypnotherapy on Irritable Bowel Syndrome on long-term refractory IBS patients – All deemed successful.
    • Presented Evidence to NHS Priority Sub Setting Committee for London Health Authority.
    • An informal personal introduction to HRH Prince Charles at Guild of Health Writers Awards – London 1999, where my work was included in 80 Excellent examples of integrated, orthodox and complementary medicine, working together in the United Kingdom.


    • Guest Speaker Annual Scientific meeting of the Primary Care Society of Gastroenterology to physicians, gastroenterologists and medical professionals on The Role of Gut Specific Hypnosis in Primary Care.”
    • Complementary and Alternative Medicine Award, 2006
    • So effective are my IBS programs and others I have produced that they were called Innovative Health Solutions by the Department of UK trade and Investment - a UK Government department.
    • As a result, and in recognition of my hypnotherapy work, I was invited to attend The Queens Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in July 2011 – The only hypnotherapist to be invited based on their hypnotherapy achievements!




    *If you cancel your booking we will refund your payments made, less 35% or £210 administration charge which ever is the greater. Bookings not transferrable to another person or date. Seem a bit harsh? 

    The reason we strictly monitor bookings and any cancellations, is that we are offering a services which will pay for itself many, many times over. We only want to work with people committed to helping IBS sufferers, and who have drive to build their practice revenues. Once booked, and if cancelled, we may have had to turn away other people from your booked date, plus admin fees and banking fees, they all add up. You are a therapist reading this, you know how this works and we expect you to understand our need to do this. 




    Please note that the information and protocol in this training are my copyrighted work and IP unless otherwise noted. This protocol is for sharing with clients in your practice, not for commercial reproduction in or of or on any media. All rights are reserved.   See T&C for full details.