IBS Audio Program 100 Reviews

Taken from private email, letters, websites and bulletin boards.
The IBS Program is referred to Mikes Tapes, Mikes CDs, Mikes Download - simply because we have been helping for so long! Individual outcomes may vary.
We don't ask for them, but we are sure grateful to receive them!



I bought the sessions about a year ago and they helped me so much after 40 years of IBS. I had 4 gastroenterologists,had acupuncture, saw a nutritionist, was gluten free, followed several diets, tried dozens of medications. Finally I was told there was nothing more to try. I had heard of hypnotherapy and thought what do I have to lose. I researched it on line and found Michael Mahoney . I am so thankful .This is the best I have felt in years. Please thank Mr. Mahoney. I am 85.

 AM.B Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire UK.

I have finished the 60 day program (schedule) and it looks like I am cured. My constipation is gone. I have the recordings in case it comes back but so far so good after 50 years of digestive upsets. I will be forever grateful.

Michael.S. - Michigan USA

Thank you for the amazing program. I purchased IBS Program 100 over the summer and completed my 100 days last week with wonderful results.

These were even better than when I formally saw a hypnotherapist a few years ago.  Cheers for making such an amazing program and, further, for making it so accessible.

As an example, *one* session with my prior hypnotherapist was 6x more expensive than purchasing this entire program and your program was even more effective.    Thank you, Michael and the entire team. I've recommended it to five people already.

EF, Wiltshire UK

I want to thank you for your IBS 100 program which I completed recently. I am so delighted with how effective the course has been for me, & how different my days are as a result. Only someone who has lived the daily grind of uncertainty that IBS brings can know the sense of relief & optimism that comes as a result of having a body that works well again. It was worth persevering. I am really grateful.

Sally - Knoxville, Tennessee USA

"I am about halfway through the 100 day IBS Audio Program and it has made a difference in my IBS symptoms. I have the constipation dominate variety with lots of gas and bloating. I was skeptical but willing to try the Audio Program because I was running out of options. Almost from the very beginning of the Program I began seeing improvement. I'm so glad that I gave it a try!"

Patricia - Buffalo Grove, Illinois:

"Just in the beginning stage [ of the IBS Audio Program 100] but have noticed definite improvement. More helpful than the health psychologist I am currently seeing. I highly recommend."

Gratefully, Frances USA

This message is for Michael Mahoney. I can not thank you enough for this IBS series. It is effective, thoughtful, sensitive and caring. I can feel the kindness, the empathy and the knowledge of the IBS condition that you so eloquently portray.
I have already used what I’ve learned one day when I started to feel some GI disturbance and diaphoresis that typically signal a ‘flare up’. I repeated some of the suggestions and ‘talked myself’ into a calm state with complete resolution!!!
I look forward to each evening session and I must admit I do fall asleep halfway through on occasion and on those days that I must skip my session according to the schedule, I miss it. Again, many thanks for this incredible product.

Joseph R.G USA

I would highly recommend this program with anybody with IBS

I am about halfway through with the hypnosis program and already I see beneficial effects. If you are open minded, receptive and willing to practice new ways of viewing the world this program can be very helpful in the IBS management. Michael Mahoney has an extremely soothing, relaxing, reassuring voice and is very convincing in conveying the message that this method is gentle and safe.
We all know by now of the mind-gut axis. He tells us that we have control over our bodies and he teaches us exactly how to do it.
I would highly recommend this program with anybody with IBS.

Stephen S USA

Dear Dr. Mahoney,

Thank you so very much for the wonderful recordings that you have produced. I have used both the IBS and Confidence CDs, with excellent results. It has definitely improved my life in many positive ways. Again, many thanks!

Sheilagh M Ontario, Canada

Thank you, Michael Mahoney for your wonderful audios.  They are truly life-changing.

I ordered the IBS audio program for my daughter a couple of months ago. My daughter had constant almost unbearable abdominal pain for 18 months, as well as chronic diarrhea and chronic fatigue.  She was living halfway around the world and I felt so helpless.  

Allopathic doctors told her that it was all in her head - but she is a very optimistic, athletic, positive, cheerful person, so that made no sense at all.  I listened to the audio before sending it to her, to make sure it was safe.  

I knew right away that it would help.  It is so beautifully created with such dedication to provide comfort, relaxation, peace, trust in yourself, being yourself and allowing the old subconscious beliefs that keep you trapped in this disease to fall away.  

I have studied hypnotherapy myself, and worked with many audio-tapes, but have never seen anything like this before.  On the third day of listening, my daughter phoned me to say that she was starting to feel like her old happy self again.  

She has now almost completed the 100 day program, and we are both thrilled with the results.  My daughter feels like she has a life purpose now - to help educate other people about IBS and to provide a living template that they can step into.

I liked the IBS program so much that I treated myself to the 60 day Insomnia program.  I have suffered with insomnia most of my adult life.  It got so bad that I could not really enjoy life any more.  

I gave up making plans to do fun things, because I was pretty sure that I would have a poor night’s sleep and not be able to drive, or to have a good time.  I shut myself off more and more from the outside world.  With the audios, the quality of my sleep improved greatly.  I would sleep deeper and wake up rested, relaxed, and ready to greet the new day.  

Instead of expecting poor sleep, I started expecting good, restorative, rejuvenating sleep.  And then a wonderful thing happened.  I no longer even needed to expect good sleep.  It just happened naturally, all by itself.  I now look forward to each day, to what adventures I will have, and how I can spread this joy to others.

I am so grateful for the time and research and dedication that you have put into these audios.  What I love is how they take the “issue-ness” out of a seemingly horrible condition and turn it into a blessing; because of all we have learned about ourselves and our journey on this earth.   

These audios work because they are healing on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.  They are truly a great life-work.  Thank you.

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Great for true relaxation!


Exactly as described.


“It’s worth the price! This is an excellent tool for "gaining control" of your mind over bodily function!”

Gail S UK

"Just a quick note of appreciation. I have finished the 100 days now - found this hypnotherapy program to be excellent - and not just for the gut. I will still use it to lull me to sleep each night. I REALLY missed it on the "0" nights during the 100 days.Thank you!"

Lin W. in the UK

"I have had IBS for over 40 years and have tried everything, with little success until now. I can't believe how much better I feel. I look forward to the sessions and I am confident that I will continue to improve. I trust the programme completely. Thank you."

K.M., parent of two IBS sufferers in New Jersey USA

"My daughter is now in high school and continues to do really well with no lingering IBS symptoms since doing the sessions several years ago. She only had two IBS attacks this year, one after the death of a family member, and the other after dealing with a stressful teacher, which is understandable, but she listened to her favorite session and was back in control within 24 hours with no further IBS problems and she is doing great!

My son developed post-infectious IBS at college with on-going severe diarrhea. He was reluctant to listen to the IBS Audio Program sessions, thinking he still had the infection, but nothing else was helping. After completion of the program, the diarrhea stopped! He no longer has IBS symptoms!"

C.C Wisconsin

"I LOVE the Hypnosis CDs!! ...Michael's voice is SO soothing and the background music is just PERFECT! These sessions really help me become VERY relaxed and sometimes I listen just before bed for this very reason!!..."

Liz A. in California:

"Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity to try hypnotherapy for IBS right in the privacy of my own home. You are a very special person. God bless you."


"After suffering from CDiff, I developed IBS-D and I can eat around 8 foods and that's it! If I move from those 8 foods I have a massive flair up, stomach bloating, terrible frequent trips to the bathroom. With my flair ups I am terribly nauseous and so fatigued I get shivers and my skin feels like I have all my nerves on end. Combining peppermint capsules, anti spasmodics and this (IBS Audio) Program, has seen an end to the massive flair ups. I can function day to day. I love the CDs (sessions) but you have to follow the program and commit to the 100 days. It's my relax time before bed and I often snooze off and feel great the next day. Worth the money and the time. I'm still not living the quality life before my CDiff exposure 14 months ago, but it's much more manageable."

From Lillian IB-SG

I can't thank you enough…now I am almost symptom free, and I am listening to the (sessions) the second time. And it's still working and my condition keeps improving.

I started to work again and I just finished my vacation of seven days on a road trip to Maine. Originally I had my doubts; however, none of the medicine works for me. This is my last hope, and it really works!! Everyday as I looked back, I feel so grateful that I found this support group and get my life back.

Hopefully more and more IBS sufferers can get the relief form this program."

Barbara in Washington USA

Seems Effective by the 2nd Week - My GI MD took me off all supplements until his diagnostic results are in, but the hypnotherapy has seemed to slow the cramping and diarrhea episodes. I'll know more as time goes on, but falling asleep to the audio is a real treat."

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"I'm on day 40 and I'm making great progress. I look forward to my half hour session every night and I can feel a huge difference in the way I handle IBS. I used to say "my IBS" but not anymore. I'm conquering this debilitating and annoying issue and thanks to these CD's I'm making great headway. I encourage anyone who has issues to get this program. Don't expect miracles, work at it, and when you feel that your head and your gut are finally connecting it's an amazing feeling…”

Gail I, Florida "Seems to be working! I have been doing the sessions every night for almost 2 weeks and in that time have only taken 4 Lomotils to control my IBS and no diarrhea, the 2 weeks prior to this I had to use 14 Lomotils over a 2 week period. I am hopeful this will work and will know more when I get to the 50 day mark, but so far it has seemed to help."

Ann M. in Ohio:
"Thank you so much. This is such a wonderful program and for the first time in 19 years I am feeling relief...
I have been working through the IBS Audio Program and am just finishing day 31. I am having very good results. I just started listening to Session 3 the past four days. I am finding myself feeling very deep emotions during the listening... I do feel very, very relaxed and awake feeling refreshed and calm. Thank you for your help. I am so pleased with the program."

Q.A in Arizona
"Have been using this (the IBS Audio Program) for about six weeks. It definitely helps!!!"

Diana.T Ontario CANADA
"Very Happy with this purchase... I managed to listen to the audio for about 3 weeks and my IBS pain almost disappeared... Thank you for selling this amazing product!"

K.D USA “I just started the IBS Audio Program. It’s too soon to say if it works, but it certainly is very relaxing and I look forward to listening every night. I looked at the research on it, and as I recall, there’s some decent data to back up its success.”

Donna D. in Seattle, Washington, USA "I'm only on the 11th day and already I am feeling better and feeling more confident!! I can't wait to continue with the program!"

D.L Smyrna, Georgia USA on Amazon: Has helped my IBS.

Susan in Liverpool, New York
...Only on day 18 but seems to be helping! Fall asleep when listening and wakeup just as it it ending...Thank you so much!!

Julie W, Oklahoma, I love the meditations. They make a new person of you!

Judy P. Pennsylvania

Just a beginner, but have felt improvement.

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Jans B USA

This Was My Last Resort And This Was My Cure IBS Audio Program 100 for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Self-Hypnosis

I just feel obliged to tell everyone how much this program helped me. I am young 23 years old IBS sufferer who was diagnosed just only 1 year ago, but in 6 months IBS ruined my life. I split with my GF, stopped talking to my friends, stop socializing and quit my job only because of pain IBS was giving to me. I was depressed, my live was a nightmare with constant pain and fear of eating. I lost 20 pounds in 6 months because of fear to eat as I always had pain straight away after meal. There were times when I didn't want to wake up because night time was only time when I didn't feel cramps and pain. So I tried all possible medicines they could offer me, but nothing helped me. So I found this program after a while. To be honest price was a bit expensive to me, but at that point I was ready to pay any money for a relief. So I read all feedbacks right here, and they seemed to be very good and promising. So I bought it from official website with Christmas discount 14%. Believe or not, I got like 75% relief after day 1 of listening.

It was just amazing how hypnotherapy and the way of thinking can affect what you actually feel. I followed all 100 days program strictly listening to recording every day before going to bed. These recordings are amazing! Many times I was just falling asleep in the middle of the session, sometimes I was going through all the session and really imagining all thing he was saying. It was so pleasant to listen to it. Yes his accent was I bit tough to understand. I thing he is from Cheshire (North-East of England) and I am not English speaker but I understood most of what he was saying, and my sub-conscious was doing the rest of the job.

Michael's voice is so soothing and soft which keeps you relaxed. After being on day 21 I had 90% of my symptoms gone! But it was always like that. Through the program I had ups and downs, some days I had my pain back and some days I was symptom free again. The real magic happened after I finished program. I finished it on April 10th. Now 2 months later I realized that I had no symptoms at all for 2 months! But the most important thing, IBS is no longer in my life. In 2 months I never thought about IBS. Before I listened to this program IBS hosted 95% of my mind. Now its 0%! I forgot what is IBS because I have no symptoms. I know there is no cure for IBS, but who cares if you have it if you don't feel any discomfort? Okay maybe 1 time a month I have few spasms which last 10 second, but it's natural. We all humans and time to time we have digestion problems.

My life has changed completely after this program. This is my best investment in my life! Now I enjoy time with my GF, friend, I go socializing, I can drink alcohol, eat any food I want, I mean any - fast food, burgers, pizzas, spicy food anything, do whatever I want and don't think about pain in my guts. If you tried everything and nothing helped you, you should definitely try this program!

Heather A,K USA

"Good partner with treatment. It is not an overnight fix. My son said he feels it does help. It was recommended by his specialist."

A.A, Michigan, USA

"Found it (the IBS Audio Program 100) very helpful."

C.B in Gloucestershire, UK

Oasis of calm in a hectic world - IBS Audio Program 100

"Bought this as a last resort for my IBS. Was slightly 'iffy' about home hypnosis but now definitely a convert. You have to follow the program for 100 days but it's only 30 minutes a day which is easy to fit in.

It's along the line of guided meditations. I'm about 40 days in and it seems to be working. I also seem to feel calmer and less stressed generally, which is a bonus.

I found it heavily recommended on a US forum but Mr. Mahoney is a Brit practising in Cheshire so it's not 'off the wall' American.

I'm enjoying the experience and looking into a general stress program for my husband now. Yes I'd recommend it."

Ruth S Illinois USA

IBS Audio Program 100 for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Self-Hypnosis

"There is no cure for IBS, but these recordings are intended to help the afflicted person achieve control. It does seem to work. I am halfway through the 100 sessions. They have helped me to be calmer, to be able to relax and thus calm the spastic reflexes. Until there is a cure, I think this is a valuable aid.... The sessions usually put me to sleep, during which time my subconscious continues to take in what he's saying. Also, with one of the early recordings, I simply played it in the morning once, while I was fully awake, to discover what he was saying. I didn't do that with the others, but they seem to be just as effective...They have, however, been helpful for me so far..."

Linda Vancouver, BC – CANADA

"Would recommend this program!"

Evelyn, IL - USA

"Love the CDs - Fabulous results, I have told 5 friends about it!"


IBS Audio Program 100 for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Self-Hypnosis

“I found these tapes to be extremely helpful and would recommend them to anyone suffering with IBS. You must be willing to put in the time.”

Diane W. Ohio

"I am feeling so much better since I started using the CDs for IBS. I play the selection for the day right before I go to sleep and rarely hear the end, but it still works!"

Susan. T. Canada

"I am very pleased with the audio (program)... I have now concluded day 15 and so far I am finding it extremely relaxing and helpful. I would and have recommended it highly. I am so pleased with your total website. It is very professionally done, and makes life so much easier than one could even imagine. Keep up the good work."

Paula G, Connecticut
“This program has brought me - and others - such peace and comfort! I can't recommend it highly enough!

My IBS/diarrhea was out of control and, out of sheer desperation, I tried this program. I hadn't expected it to work, but I gave it a try. I loved it! I looked forward to my session each day, and felt restored at the end of it. When my sister confided her intense constipation, I sent her a copy and she also felt restored and at peace, and looked forward to each session. When I wore out my first copy, I ordered another. I can't possibly recommend it highly enough to those suffering the effects of IBS. Try it. May it bring you the peace and comfort it brought me and my sister!”

Mary G.  South Carolina USA

"Great Service! Great product!!"

Jeanne B. California:

"I truly believe this Audio 100 Program is helping me cope with IBS..."

Dawn G.B, Wisconsin USA

"Coolest Thing EVER. I am telling everyone about this (the IBS Audio Program) even my mom wants me to get this for her - she doesn't suffer from IBS but she liked how it calmed her. I will be ordering again soon - I even love the fact that it explains IBS to those around me."

Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page

Gerri. Michigan:

"...I was very happy to speak with Marilyn. She is a kind and helpful person. I have never contacted a company that had expressed such sincere compassion and just willing to help me find the best program.

I have used the IBS program for years and it has helped me more than I had imagined. My husband listens to it and it helps him to relax. If we have a bad day, he'll say "put Michael Mahoney on"

I really wish he had much more exposure here in the US. I had tried many programs over the years and his really worked where the others failed.

Again, Thank you all so much for helping me with this. I am so encouraged and looking forward to receiving it. God Bless, Gerri

Kathryn M. in New England, USA,

"My daughter is truly the best she has been since I first contacted you, years ago. She has had no symptoms (that she has told me about) for over four months now! That's a record. And she has not listened to any of the sessions during that time, either. Since (high) school has started this year (a month and a half ago), she has not missed any school, at all. She eats virtually everything now, including raw fruits and vegetables, which she is VERY happy about as she really missed them... We are both wondering when she will feel comfortable saying 'I used to have IBS' instead of 'I have IBS' when the topic comes up at the doctor's office. :) And you know as well as I do that doctors did not help my daughter when she desperately needed help; you did!"

Sassie - Netherlands: 

"Day 100 - Yes, today I finished the CDs (the IBS Audio Program 100). I am feeling much better...Can I just keep on going to listen to parts?... I just like listening in bed. Almost every time I just fall asleep. Very relaxing."

B. K. in Louisiana USA

"I have been a 'mouthpiece' for the success of the IBS Audio Program, having told my doctors about it as well as friends...God has certainly given Michael a special gift. I have always considered the IBS Audio Program to be the tool that God wanted me to use to overcome IBS. I think the stress program is another tool. I wish people would believe. However, many are probably skeptical for a variety of reasons, maybe partly because they think you need medicines for everything, or because it seems too easy, or they feel it contradicts their faith. I prayed about each new session, and I felt God's peace. I guess it's like having faith in God's miracles for which he often provides people and even programs to carry out His work."

Bonnie - Bainbridge Island, Washington USA

IBS Audio Program
“I have only been using this program for 3 weeks, but I had instant results from the first session. Not only does it help the IBS, but it also calmed down my non diabetic neuropathy. I do think both conditions are related in some way, as the neuropathy always flares up when I am having an IBS flare. I am looking forward to finishing the program and getting serious relief for my IBS.”

Dorothy - Dearborn, Michigan USA

"This is a very relaxing program. It is difficult not to hurry and forge on."

KD in the UK:

"I have used the IBS Audio Program several years ago with great success..."

Jennifer B USA

"...I am doing a lot better since starting (the IBS Audio Program) and am so glad I purchased it! Has helped so much already and I just started so I know down the line it will help even more! Thanks again!..."

George B Massachusetts USA xxx

"IBS Audio Program - I have just finished the first CD and it's benefited me greatly so far."

David K-C. in the UK:

"Hi Marilyn - Just to let you know that I have finished the (IBS Audio Program) course
My symptoms are much better. I am able to eat and drink without so much stress reaction as before.
My favourite sessions was no. 2 (and the music is beautiful). Best wishes and thanks again."

Vee – Florida USA

"Completed CD 1, feel confident that this will be helpful for my IBS."

Tomlinson – Minnesota USA

"I purchased this audio CD program when I was battling IBS. I found it very helpful."

Shawn C Oregon USA

"“Excellent Michael!!! … Your hypnotherapy almost completely cured my insomnia, like 98%, as well as been a great help in my life and chronic health condition. Even if I didn’t have these issues, I would still use your work, just for general good health and my understanding of the power of the mind body connections! Better focus, boosting the immune system functioning, stress reduction, anxiety reduction and all the benefits of hypnotherapy and your work. As always, thanks Michael for all you do and all the people you have helped!

Ann B. in Virginia USA

Dear Heather,
I have just completed the IBS Audio Program 100. It was indeed a journey well worth taking. I feel 90% better and have lost 20 lbs. My life is now mine---no more having to cancel outings and miss events that I had look forward to. No more being sick for days on end. I am much more relaxed and confident than I ever was.

With this wonderful program and daily intake of Heather's Tummy Fiber Fibercon and prescription Hyoscyamine (when necessary), I am pretty much free of symptoms. When they do crop up, I practice the techniques that Mr. Mahoney describes, and Voila! they are gone (except for flatulence).

I was granted a full half-hour with my gastroenterologist and gave him a "presentation" of my program of how I am freeing myself of symptoms of IBS. I showed him your products and how I was using them as well as a quick rundown on Mr. Mahoney's audio program and how it worked for me. He could see my enthusiasm and how good I looked for himself as proof.

He had never heard of all these remedies. I gave him your book, The First Year: IBS and the website. He had some good questions that I was able to answer with ease.

I hope he will use the information I gave him to treat the 20% of his patients who have IBS. He thanked me profusely for all this information. I don't have to see him again for a year.

I am so grateful to you for sharing your experience and research with the world. I have found a better way to live because of you. Thank you and God bless.

V. J. in New Jersey USA

"I have found the IBS Audio Program 100 very useful. My wife, who does not have IBS, also enjoys listening to the sessions."

Susan H. in California USA

"The IBS Audio Program 100 is a wonderful, fabulous program. I bought it years ago in the cassette tape format, and use it every once in a while for extra reinforcement."

Y.D in the UK

"Worth Every Penny - The IBS Audio Program 100

    I suffered with IBS for more than 25 years and spent a fortune on drugs which did little to help, spent hours in GP surgeries and months of my life suffering with bloated stomach, pain and discomfort.

    Having used the IBS Audio Program 100, I have had not one bout of IBS. It has transformed my life. Try it - for me it has been a revelation."

    Barb S. on IBSG

    "I am just wrapping up Michael Mahoney's hypnotherapy cds for IBS... I have found the cds helpful and well worth the price. The number of bowel movements I have each day has dropped dramatically. So has my pain. It also takes more to get me frustrated and when anxiety strikes I am able to get it under control more quickly then I could before using the cds. I have also been taking Zoloft so I cannot attribute all my improvement to just the cds.

    Michael also has a series of cds just for anxiety. I found the IBS cds so helpful that I have purchased those for anxiety and will start them in about a month."

    M.B Chicago IL

    "This article is a Product Review of the highly-effective IBS Audio Program 100 from clinical hypnotherapist, Michael Mahoney. The review was written by a subscriber ... who had such good results with hypnotherapy for IBS that she wanted to share her findings:

    "I developed IBS about a year ago after a surgical procedure. It was very difficult for me as I had always been able to eat or drink whatever I desired with no consequences. So I went about trying to educate myself about IBS and spent many hours doing research.

    One of the biggest problems for me was stress and anxiety. I found Heather Van Vorous's website (helpforibs.com) where she gives a great deal of information about the use of hypnosis in treating IBS symptoms.
    Her website led me to Michael Mahoney of Cheshire, England. He is a clinical hypnotherapist who has specialized in treating IBS since 1991. He developed the IBS Audio Program 100 for those of us who could not travel to his clinic. Michael's website is healthyaudio.com where he provides more information on the program.
    His program gives an average 85 % reduction in pain and bowel dysfunction.

    The program consists of [four] CD's: [three] progressive hypnotherapy CD's and one CD with a great explanation of just what IBS is, that can be played to educate friends and family if you wish.

    There is no work involved! You just schedule approximately 30 minutes per day for listening in a quiet environment. The program takes 100 days.

    Michael has a very calm, relaxing voice that just puts you at ease. You feel more relaxed and calm even after two or three sessions. All sessions are gut specific and build on one another. You learn ways to help you control or manage your symptoms.

    Some people have remained symptom-free for seven or eight years. As with anything else, success may vary. However, the program can be repeated as often as you wish.

    There are no cautions with this program; it can be used by anyone. It ... can be ordered from either helpforibs.com or healthyaudio.com. There is no return policy as far as I know unless of course the CD's are defective.

    I have found great relief from this program. I feel more relaxed and it gave me hope that I could possibly get control over my symptoms. I now have a variety of "tricks" that I can use to relax and calm myself as well as manage other symptoms when I need them. I have and would definitely recommend the IBS Audio Program 100 to others..."

    I.M USA

    I am somehow relieved to know that this pattern has a name. It got worse and worse for me during the years of menopause and after. It’s made me late for appointments, caused me to remake appointments at the last minute, and caused me to disappoint friends and loved ones waiting for me in business and recreation. I recently did the IBS100 self-hypnosis series, and it’s given me the most help of anything I’ve tried. In fact, I am going to start the series again in hopes of clearing up the symptoms I still have….

    Isabelle in New Jersey USA

    I have used the Hypnosis a few weeks only & see amazing results. Just back from a week long cruise & very minimal problems. IBS-D. I just can't believe this!!!! This Is Really Helping!!!!!!!!!!!! I only just started on these tapes, but I took a plane to Florida from NJ & actually had a great trip with NO PROBLEMS. I can't believe how wonderful I feel.

    Donald H in Maryland USA

    Only two weeks into the program, but find it very enjoyable and look forward to each session.

    Marcia H. USA

    ...I'm on Day 48 of Michael Mahoney's wonderful IBS hypnotherapy course - OH am I glad I ordered this!!!! My anxiety levels are practically nil again, what an enormous relief!...

    Ken N. USA

    ...I have to say this, Marilyn, I truly feel your compassion and wanting to help. In a sense, that is a high form of kindness from one human being to another. I can't express how grateful I am for that expression....(I loved his (Michael's) voice on that sample audio!) ...I KNOW you are doing an awesome work. I can vouch for the difference you have made in my simple life. A major difference. I will most certainly pray for your good deeds to made manifest for more of the populace suffering from this malady...

    Melissa . L GA USA

    Great so far! Have been using the CD's for only two weeks and I have already seen improvement. I am up to using the second session so far, and I hope to have continued improvement as I go along toward the whole 100 days. Thank you for all you do for IBS sufferers!!!

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    Jerrol W  NY

    IBS hypnotherapy 100 I have had IBS for 40 years. It had been dormant for several years, then a reaction to new construction products and chemicals in our new house created a major thyroid problem for 4 years that had a symptoms similar to IBS with diarrhea. I had 1/2 my thyroid removed last year but the fear that the symptoms left combined with 40 years of IBS led me to negative thinking. I am so grateful for this hypnotherapy program. I am on day 15 and already see changes. I truly believe my life is changing and that I am getting the life I am supposed to have.

    Steve B. UK

    Dear Marilyn, It's been a long time since I was in contact with you back in June but I really wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you. When I wrote to you, I was trying to decide whether to buy the CD or see a Michael Mahoney-trained hypnotherapist. In the end, I decided to get the CD. It was a decision I am so pleased to have made! I finished the listening sessions about a month ago and I feel so much better than I have done in a long while! I can be a bit superstitious so I don't want to jinx things but my IBS seems so much better. In fact, sometimes I wonder if I still suffer from it. I actually feel normal again! I don't really know what else to say except thank you - to you for your initial help and also to Michael for the programme he created for people like me. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Wishing you a very happy 2012. I would be happy for you to use my comments...Again, my sincerest thanks and best wishes. With best regards, Steve

    Robie Newport, RI USA

    Excellent Part of the program that makes this therapy work. I look forward to 1/2 hour of peace every day. Gentle, ...technique that works for me...

    Jean. A Oregon USA

    Fabulous! I'm two weeks into the program and already I'm feeling better and so much more relaxed. I look forward to each evening's session and have been telling other folks about it. Thank you so much for telling me about these wonderful CDs!

    Erika H. South Dakota

    So far everything is working well. It is going to take time and there are going to be bumps in the road, but there are less and less bumps.

    I.W.O USA

     ...The first improvements I began to see came a few weeks into listening to the Audio 100 program. I am now on my second round and am seeing even MORE improvements!...

    T.O in Ontario, Canada

    :...Also have you ever tried the hypno? I used the 100 day program 3 times through and found it helped more than just my IBS. I slept better and felt better overaB

    Further Update KB in Arizona:

    I totally recommend the hypnotherapy program as well. Michael is amazing! It went beyond helping me with my IBS symptoms and truly helped my anxiety as well. I deal with everything a lot differently now. I actually just feel calmer, which is fabulous. However, there is the occasion when I feel like I am going over the edge and I wish I could have Michael whispering in my ear right then, but I just go back and mentally focus on the lessons I learned from the CDs, which does help. One other thing I have found in trying to get out of my own head which can be a death trap as you know is music. ... It makes the stress of do I have ... seem like no big deal. I think some times our subconscious stores up these little annoyances and as soon as something big hits it is too much for our brains to handle. I stopped taking anxiety medicine several months back before I started the hypnotherapy and I feel so much better without it. I hope maybe my little trick will help you too. Just try to zone out. Also, a hot bath before bed and no tv or computer. Don't stimulate your brain too much before trying to fall asleep. Definitely get the CDs though Michael's voice will lull you to sleep:)

    From rhona L (age 70+)

    I dont know how I would have survived without hypnosis, it has improved my symptoms by 95%, I am really having a quality of life I never thought possible.

    Private Email from Elly in Florida:

    We just got back from a five week trek to Switzerland and then to NY. TELL MICHAEL THAT I AM WELL WITH NO SYMTOMS OF IBS FOR OVER A YEAR AND A HALF...

     Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page

    Cassandra E USA

    I too did the program 3 times - it took over a year with the recommended breaks in between sessions. I'm feeling better than I had in YEARS! :)

    M.H Kansas USA

    IBS Audio Program 100 - No longer need this audio program because it helped me get better. I'm not cured but I'd say probably 75% better. This product is amazing and I recommend it to anyone with IBS issues.

    Dan D. USA

    "I have had severe gastroparesis (stomach motility issues) and a hypersensitive gut for 3 years now. My symptoms include primarily retching and heaving with no vomiting for hours on end all day long, everyday. Aside from homeopathy and a whole lot of ginger, the thing that has helped me most is the IBS Audio Program by Mike Mahoney."

    L.G.O in Salt Lake City USA

     I just wanted to give an update on this program because I know how scary it can be to try something new. I made it through the whole 100 days and finished in the beginning of July. Although I still suffer with IBS, I would consider this to be the most beneficial treatment I have had so far. The difference now is that I have control. I will feel myself getting sick/anxious but I can now breathe and relax my body through things so that I can actually be a functional person. I still get sick, but it seems less frequent. I think I will do another round later this year (need a break from the daily commitment) and I might even possibly consider seeing an in-person hypnotherapist because it seems to be something that really helps me to relax and deal with things.

     From Cheryl USA

    I have been battling IBS for most of my life (since I was 12) and nothing has put it in check until I listened to this (IBS Audio Program) hypnosis series. I had read about it years ago and was very skeptical as to how hypnosis could help my life long problem. I mean I was seeing the best GI specialists, taking the best medications, eating everything "right" but still having horrible issues. These tapes work! I am still amazed and very glad I decided to stop thinking this was nonsense and gave it a try. I believe it's worth every penny! And on another support board: I am very happy with the hypnosis series. I have been part of this group since 2003, although I have had a lot of great advice, I still struggled with my IBS. I reluctantly decided to try the hypnosis series and am amazed. I am finished with the series. I had one major attack while using the tapes, 3 episodes that did not turn into anything (I used the techniques from the tape) and have been doing very well since I finished. The support via e-mail is fantastic. I would definitely recommend trying this! I have suffered with IBS since I was 12 and I'm very happy I decided to swallow my pride and take this step. I feel set free! I do still follow a very strict IBS-D diet, don't get me wrong. I don't feel that these tapes give you free reign to eat whatever you want, but it did give me a new freedom I haven't had in a very long time! Cheryl

    A.J. in Atlanta, Georgia:

    The IBS Audio Program has been phenomenal. Not only has it helped me with my symptoms but it has helped calm me down is all aspects of my life. I smile more, am not as tense, and am generally happier. I encourage people suffering from IBS who want to make a change to try this audio program.

    From IBS Live Journal:

    Purchase Michael Mahoney's IBS hypnotherapy program. More bang for your buck and it works. He also has an Anxiety program. With my experience, I don't spaz out anymore about my digestion. I did make some diet changes and do take medication for anxiety/panic (which was another issue) which also has the side effect of helping my digestive system (most of the body's neurotransmitters -serotonin, norepinephrine, etc-are in the digestive system--help those, help the whole system communicate better with the brain/body). So together with the hypnotherapy, I can calm my mind and stomach down, not overreact to the movements of my system. I used to freak out and think I was going to get sick and oh no, what is my system doing now and nerves just killed my stomach. But once I started doing the IBS Audio program, I got a grip on it. I didn't freak out about having to go in a public restroom. I stopped freaking out over any activity I could feel in my stomach. I stopped overreacting and reached a stable level with my digestion. His anxiety program is also quite awesome and even more in-depth. I listen to them during my lunch hour at work. It also has helped me out with that work stress.

    H.M USA 

    There is a hypnotherapist in the UK who has done great work with IBS. His name is Michael Mahoney. You can see him in clinic or buy his program on CDs for in-home use.

    C.S USA

    I changed my diet and took medicine and nothing helped for years. I ended up finding the website below and I must say it really helped me. My IBS was also stress related so I actually bought the hypnosis tapes on this web site and it really helped with me with my IBS. I still stick to the diet and I also listen to the tapes by Dr. Michael Mahoney. My husband and daughters thought I was nuts, but I can now go to the show or mall without looking for a damn bathroom. They also believe it has helped me. Check the website out and make your own decision! Good Luck

    Stephanie R in Australia:

     I'm at day 54 of the 100 day IBS programme, and have had few or no IBS symptoms for the past 3 weeks. I still can't believe it! The change is remarkable and life is so much better. Like many, I was sceptical at this approach but had tried everything else. This was a last resort. It's wonderful and I can't recommend it highly enough to anyone that cares to listen! Thank you so much. Stephanie, Australia

    Diana USA

    I found my emails to you from 1 year ago and wow, have things changed since then! I completed the hypnotherapy 100 day plan by Michael Mahoney and I honestly can say I'm 90% cured. I follow the IBS diet, make a few recipes from your book Eating for IBS, and take the Tummy Fiber every morning and sometimes back it up with Citrucel and Peppermint Oil Capsules if needed throughout the day. I can even eat some trigger foods in moderation with no problems at all! I don't know what I would do without you and that hypnotherapy program - you have both seriously changed my life. Absolutely use my comments. I was skeptical of hypnotherapy at first but I had to take the plunge. And I'm beyond thrilled I did. I'd be happy to speak with anyone who is having doubts as well. Thanks again, Diana

    Update From B.M USA

    ..:...The best recommendation I can make is to try the IBS hypnosis on this site especially if you have very stress-related IBS issues, this can really be life-changing. I am on my second round of doing it right now, and definitely noticed a huge decrease in bloating and pain after I finished it the first time. (Stable IBS-A)

    S.T Royal Oak, Michigan

    The IBS Audio program for the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome...(has) worked for me and helped me immensely. It also helped family members with migraines and anxiety.

     Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page

    R.T. from the UK:

    I have used the IBS Audio 100 program for IBS related to my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. This was fantastic and improved my many severe symptoms dramatically. Day to day life is essentially normal on that front, and I now can eat salads, drink coffee, etc. when I'd like to.I am currently using the Anxiety 120 for chronic anxiety which is also likely part of the EDS. I anticipate similar levels of success. When needed, I use the Insomnia mp3 and find it very effective.

    B.M USA  

     I know the success she has had with the IBS Audio Program, and I have as well. It is one of the main things that led to me being stable. I tend to get myself worked up very easily when I am stressed/worried, and a combination of moderate exercise, including yoga, the hypnosis, and the acacia fiber has made an enormous difference in my life. I don't know where i would be without it! oh wait, yes I do. I'd be on the toilet all day!

    M.M UK

    Hi, I can sympathise completely. I live in the UK and have had IBS for 6 years and find my symptoms difficult to control. My IBS is very psychological and is triggered mainly by stress. I have managed to get my diet under control. I understand that you are having therapy which is good as it will be an emotional support for you but have you also tried IBS specific hypnosis?

    I got the CDs mail order and it's helped me a great deal with getting my breathing under control which was getting in the way of my IBS management. I know it sounds weird but check out "IBS Audio Program 100".

    The CDs are designed by Michael Mahoney, a clinical hypnotherapist who specialises in IBS. It's very relaxing. The CDs are not cheap but it's worth it (www.healthyaudio.com). It'll help your brain to be less crowded as you have a lot going on at the moment and your mind seems crowded with thoughts. This may be making your IBS worse. Try to live in the present moment. I find it helps me a lot as life is stressful and there never seems to be a period when the stress ceases. I've also found that Buscopan tablets and non-coated peppermint tablets help a great deal. These are just the things I've tried as well as cutting dairy out of my diet as I'm lactose intolerant. I sure hope this helps you. I'm sorry if the medication I've mentioned in this message is not available in the States but maybe there will be something similar. I know Michael ships the CDs worldwide so you'll be able to get those if you pay for P&P. Good luck and stay strong.

    H.A.M USA


    But what I believe actually settled it down was a course of hypnotherapy cds, my Doctor had recommended I see a hypnotherapist in the field of hypnotherapy for IBS, the waiting list was long, so I researched it myself and found 'IBS Audio Program 100' on the internet, purchased it and I can honestly say this is the best £60 I ever spent. It isn't hypnosis like stage hypnosis, it's more you just relax listening to it or fall asleep (as i often do), but am assured that even when asleep your sub-conscious is always awake.

      It's all to do with the brain/gut reaction. It's not an instant cure, you are supposed to follow the program for 100 days, but after a week, I saw a dramatic reduction in the amount of time that I spent burping. If anyone else out there has this frustrating condition and the tests have all come back negative and it is IBS related, I would highly recommend these cds. They have been written by a guy called Michael Mahoney and he practiced in Cheshire England. If in doubt Google it and find out for yourself. I am now into day 39 of the programme, I either fall asleep at night time listening to the cds, (great for relaxing you at bed time if you have trouble) or put them on in the morning, before i get up, (so you can fit the 1/2 hour session into your life style some how) and I cant remember the last time I had a bad burping session. I feel normal again. Hope this helps.

    K.K Arizona USA

    I have just completed the 100 day audio program for IBS and it was God sent. I have never felt so good in my life. I still have occasional gas and bloating at the end of the day, but all of my symptoms, the constipation, the pains and tightening of my intestine, the anxiety, and the depression have all lessened substantially. I have also been struggling with my weight ever since the IBS became a problem about 5 years ago. Since listening, I have lost a little bit of weight but not much, I try eating right and exercising, but I am just stuck. Since the IBS audio program worked so well I was looking into Hypnotherapy for weight loss, I came across some audio programs, but I liked Michael’s so much, and I trust him, is he ever going to come out with a hypnotherapy for weight loss?

    B Henry Colorado                                                                           

    The program worked great for me and I no longer need it. 

    A.O in New Jersey

    The IBS Audio Program 100...helped me to relax at bedtime and also calmed my IBS Symptoms. 

    T.H. in Alabama:

    Thank you so much.....you know I have never found anyone...not my family, not my friends....not doctors.....no one that has ever understood my condition....what you have said is exactly how it is.....it is good to know that someone else understands.....by the way, mine is IBS-C...I really appreciate you.....you are very nice and kind....and understanding. Thank you. T. H. 

    Dee in Iowa

    I am back on the program again... If you have tried everything and nothing worked, like it did for me, please give this a try. I would encourage it. I went through the first time, and I am able to eat things I never could eat before; things like lettuce salad, celery, green veggies, peanut butter, and a vast of things. I am beginning to believe like he says on the tapes, food does not make you sick. Please give it a try. I would highly recommend it DeeDee

    The IBS Audio Program 100 - What an awesome program! Hello everyone. I would like to 'promote' the Hypnotherapy IBS Audio Program 100 for those of you who are almost to the end of your rope like I was, and did not know what else to do. I have struggled with everything I possibly could do to help me with my IBS D. I was almost at the end of my rope and decided to try this hypnotherapy program. I did it for 90 days, and just finished it. It is absolutely awesome. The first couple weeks, I was hesitant, wondering if it was going to work, but with help from a wonderful mentor, I kept doing it, and I have found such a wonderful result. I find now I can eat foods which I have not been able to eat for years. I need to wait for four more weeks to start the program over, and can hardly wait for that time to come. I know I will feel much better each time I listen to it. I honestly would encourage anyone who is trying to find a solution to please try this out. I am so excited. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to find such a wonderful program. Have a wonderful day, DeeDee 

    S.H. Shoreham, NY:

     As a former sufferer of IBS, I consider myself stable now after having followed this100-day program, even though I often fell asleep while listening to the hypnotherapy CDs.

    If you or someone you know suffers with IBS, please take the time to visit this website, view results of the program, and read users' comments and reviews. This is a highly effective treatment for IBS with no risks or side-effects like conventional drugs.

    Betty.B USA

    To all that have IBS.... there IS a brain gut connection and there is something that can help you control it. I have been tremendously helped by Michael Mahoney "gut specific" hypnotherapeutic audio program. I am not associated in any way with this product except to say that it WORKS.

    There are 4 CD's, 100 days of listening. It is magic how it works. Amazing. I started listening one year ago, for 100 days. I am so much better. I used to have to stop to go to the bathroom on the way to work, no more. I used to have gas and bloating, no more. I used to worry about long car trips, standing in line, where to go after eating out..... the list goes on ... you know. I now have the tools Michael Mahoney talks about and my mind takes over.... and I am better. Amazing. Betty

    Jean H.

    No Pain, No Cramping For Over A Year!

    With the help of your site and the help of the audio program I am symptom-free now. It's truly a blessing.

    For example: My IBS was so horrible that the summer of 2008 I cancelled my annual summer visit to my sister's in San Diego. And this is the highlight vacation of my entire year, each year.

    I had read all the suggestions from Heather and read her books but what really saved my life, literally, was the IBS Audio Self Hypnosis Program.

    I know stress triggers my symptoms because occasionally still I will get the gentle ache that is the signal that the unlivable symptoms may begin. I can immediately revert back to what I learned on the CDs and work through it in minutes!

    This past summer and on my other short trips, and also here at home, everything is wonderful. No more PAIN. No more cramping. No more eternal bathroom visits.

    Thank you so much for being available, Heather, and offering life-changing help for those who suffer with IBS…

    For those mulling over whether the hypnotherapy CDs are worth the cost, I wholeheartedly say YES! WELL WORTH IT!

    I just wanted to add that I have seen many, many doctors prior to using the CDs and I mentioned your name and recommended your site to my Primary Care doc, my GE doc, and a therapist. The therapist was especially interested and wrote down the info.

    I wish more professional health care workers knew about you.

    Kindest regards,  Jean

    San, CA USA

    This is a remarkable program.  I used it about five years ago and my symptoms are all but gone!  I hope someone else can benefit from this program as I have.

    Lynn G UK

    For those that say hypnosis does not work for them, who do a hit or miss of the program, or stop and start it and then say it does not work, I am here to say it does. You have to stay focused and commit to the program, follow the schedule, and realize it does not happen overnight. Sometimes, as in my case, you may have to go through the program several times. Don't give up too quickly.

    Today, IBS is the farthest thing from my mind. I eat what I want, go wherever I want, and travel with my occupation. I am a new person, mostly due to Mike's tremendous contribution to this condition.

    Please express my deepest thanks to him. I might check back in, in another 6 months.  Lynn  

    Ms M.S ~ PA

    I used the IBS Audio Program 100 CDs and loved them!!

    Mr D.A N.E England. Hand written letter to Michael at his practice.

    I purchased the IBS 100 CD set & consider myself to be effectively cured of this condition thanks to your CD set ... Thank you Michael!

      Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page

    Soothing – From Sofia

    I've been using the (IBS) program for three weeks now, just before I go to bed. I've found the sessions very soothing--so much so that I have been unable to stay awake all the way through (on average, about 30 min). Per author, this is okay as your subconscious mind continues to take in the info. My IBS is very mild, so it is hard to comment on how the program has affected my symptoms. However, I generally feel less tense and am able to fall asleep easily and stay asleep, something that was a challenge for me off and on for quite some time.

    O.N Fort Collins, Colorado

     The IBS Audio Program 100  is truly incredible-- it absolutely changed my life.  Don't take my word for it, though-- check out the reviews…  I personally have nothing bad to say about this program.  It's calm, it's soothing, and it works.  Seriously.

     Diane O Richton IL 

    I haven't completed this 100 day course yet but I have been enjoying it. I'm more aware of when I tense up which makes it possible for me to calm down sooner and relax the muscles in my stomach.

    P R. from Georgia 

    Four months have gone by since I have ordered and completed Michael Mahoney's IBS CD's, and I have not had an attack since!  I am thrilled and sometimes still cannot believe this wonderful success.  I really miss the relaxation of listening to the CD's, and so after researching found that Michael has other CD's for various situations and am eagerly awaiting my newly ordered CD set.  I can not recommend the IBS set enough.  Thank you, Michael!!   

    CM UK

     PLEASE stick with the hypnosis CD's...they are a godsend. Having IBS-D for 19 years, they helped me…, more than anything ever! Thanks forever…!!!


     It is great, great, great!!!!! I cannot say enough good things about the (IBS Audio) program. No, you don't listen every night...there are breaks. If you miss a night, you go back to the day before and pick up where you left off. Michael Mahoney is a godsend. All of the instructions come with the CD's…  Good Luck!

    From Cape Girardeau, MO

    I purchased and used this 4 CD audio program to help me through recurring pain and discomfort in my midsection that the doctor diagnosed as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  This was a 4-5 years ago.  It helped me get my mind straight and get through that period and I held onto it in case I needed it with another bout of the problem.  So far so good…

    Letter received at Michael’s Practice

    Mr Mahoney,

    I have suffered with IBS for many years and I’m pretty sure I have tried everything that was ever suggested for relief. I spent nights searching the internet to find any different solutions to try. I tried diets, supplements, even crazier diets, lots of different medication, but nothing seemed to work for very long. I had limited my social life to nearly noting, as I was too afraid to go to far from home. My husband was always mad or disappointed in me because I wouldn’t participate in any outside interests.

    Finally, one night while I was searching the internet, I was on the site ‘ibsgroup.org’ and one entry started with the words – “If you have tried everything else with no relief, you have to try this”. I read on and the woman described your IBS Audio Program 100. I went to the site, read all the information, then checked out your site and learned about you and your qualifications. I ordered the program and followed it faithfully. I began to see positive results after two sessions. I have completed your program and have never felt better. I can not express to you the gratitude I feel for you giving me back my life. Your audio tapes (CDs) helped me in all areas of my life, but it is such a great feeling to be amongst the “living” again. I can enjoy some of the food that I had given up and have no fear of eating out or attending social gatherings. I was even able to give up some of the medication that I had been taking for the stomach pain.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!. My next problem is that now that I can eat almost anything, I am gaining weight. Do you have an audio program for that, also?

    Again, the words “thank you” do not come near encompassing the gratitude I feel for the relief you have given me. THANK YOU!!!

    Pontiac IL

    Ann UK

    … I tried them (the IBS Audio Program CDs)  last year and found them to be very helpful. It helped relieve my anxiety and in turn relieved my symptoms. I highly recommend them.

    S.S UK

    I used to have IBS and now I no longer suffer from it. I used to never be able to leave my house, was scared to have a job or go on holiday etc....It really does ruin your life.

    I suffered for 5 years from it but have now been free of it for a year and a half. It used to control my life but now I don't even think about it ever!

    I don't know if anyone has heard of it but I used the IBS Audio Program 100® as part of my treatment. I think it was really good and I would recommend it. I think it's worth it.

    From SJF Wilts. England

    Dear Healthy Audio,
    I want to get a message to Michael about his IBS Audio Program 100. I have to say this is just the best thing I have done. Your voice is soothing and your understanding of IBS and how it made me feel was amazing.  I am a new fan, and have told literally all my family, friends and workmates about you.  I have been asked so many times about how it works, and I have to say I simply don’t know, there is nothing I had to do but listen to you. One thing I do tell people though is that you bring a special understanding and gentleness through your program, it often felt as if you were literally guiding me by the hand through those troublesome times, and I am so grateful to you for it.  All that was nearly 12 months ago, and now I am so different and alive and enjoying life. I know you have heard it before from many people, but I wanted to add my voice to praising your work. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you so so  much for your work and dedication.

    Erica. New York

    I've been finished with the program for a week and a half. I still listen to session 5 every few days (It helps clear my head and I sleep more soundly).

    My IBS-D has improved dramatically!
    I had a week and half off from work last week with no IBS symptoms. I went back to work on Monday expecting very severe D, but to my surprise None! I went once (formed) Mon, Tues, and today. Usually I'm very stressed about going to work thus the D.

    Highly recommend the CDs!!

    D.D Ontario, Canada

    I joined this site when I ordered the IBS Audio Program 100. I wanted to really give the listening a chance so, as others usually post a week into the program or when they first ordered it... I decided to wait. I've suffered from IBS-D since 1999 or 2000, some weeks daily, others a few times a week. I'm a male living in Ontario, Canada.. nearing the age of 40.

    I was at my wits end with IBS-D (as my username states) ... there was the prospect of a new job that would require travel on the horizon. Since, the job hasn't panned out.. but I got the program anyway.... I was just plain exhausted from this horrible syndrome. (to me, 'syndrome' is in my head).

    I am currently on day 85.

    I have seen some improvement. Specifically, by day 27 which is the first 'rating' that you compare when you first start the program. I would say in general by day 27 I had improved by nearly 50%. Initially, that was a pretty large change in my mind.

    Don't misunderstand, the program doesn't magically make it all go away, it's still there. It merely talks to your subconscious and helps your mind better deal with the anxiety and such that the IBS brings.

    So far, I still have instances of IBS-D ... just not as many. I'm okay with that. To me, it was worth the money, anything less is an improvement.

    Now, at day 85.. from the start of the program I'd estimate I'm improved around 75% ... I will continue to use the recordings even after day 100.

    It's better controlled, I've had instances that I have still had to make an urgent stop and use a washroom. I've also had times I'd forgotten about... times that I have had the anxiety and bubbling in my stomach and it has passed.... I didn't need to stop. I almost forgot what that was like.

    I'll continue to update my program/progress...  Thanks

    G.G  UK

    I can’t speak for all hypnotherapy programs but If you’re talking about the IBS Audio 100 program then they're excellent. They really helped relieve my anxiety and I have noticed a improvement in symptoms.

      Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page

    AJR, Houston, Texas

    Mr. Mahoney, please accept this note as my deepest thanks for your IBS 100 program.  I am now 70 years of age and in excellent health.  I have however been dealing with IBS for about 5 years now, and I am convinced it has been caused by stress and anxiety.  In addition, when I have had frequent bouts with bloating etc.  my heart would go into atrial fibrillation, which my electrophysiologist attributes to the vegas nerve activity.  Early in my course with IBS my physician put me on Lexapro, which I stopped because it gave me nightmares.  More recently I was on Zoloft, with the same problem, although it was not as bad.  Since taking your IBS 100 program,  I have been off the Zoloft for over 2 months and feel really well again.  I do watch my diet,  but for the most part I consider the program a real Godsend.  Your hard work and dedication have worked wonders for me.

    For that I am deeply grateful and I wish there was yet another way to express my gratitude. 
    I am also interested in your course for managing stress and anxiety and will be ordering that today. Again,  thank you for your work.

    Update from Lynn

    I feel the CD's are great! I am so much better with all of my symptoms. I may experience a setback maybe once every month and that is it, and the good part is I don't stress about it. Compare that to 2-3 times per week, 2-3 weeks per month. When I say setback it is nothing like I used to experience, with 15 trips to the bathroom before I could leave the house.

    I am one of the IBSers that has no pain. I do not experience cramps, but I do get uncomfortable at times with the gas/bloating and the more predominate C than D. Sometimes I would get colicky type pains in my upper abdomen, especially if I use Imodium, so I try to steer clear of that.

    I am firmly convinced that my is 99% emotional/mental/stress related. I have been eating pretty much what I want, within my own set of guidelines. I eat for health, so I keep it clean.

    I am going to repeat the CD's once I get through them. You need to wait about 2 months, but that's OK, because I am going to order Mike's anxiety CD's, and use those in the interim.  Lynn

    O.G Canada.

    Hello, just wanted to let you know that I purchased your IBS program and it changed my life. Thank you so much, and God bless!
    Please keep me posted for the release of the Confidence & Self Esteem CD. Thanks again! 

    A.A  New York, NY

    If you or someone you know suffers from IBS, The IBS Audio Program 100 for Irritable Bowel Syndrome self-hypnosis is THE best IBS audio program on the market. Michael Mahoney is the UK's leading specialist in gut-specific hypnotherapy for IBS. Not only is he an expert with a proven track record but (and this is important) his voice is wonderful -- mellow, pleasant and relaxing. It's a soothing voice you can easily live with day after day, unlike many relaxation/hypnosis/meditation voices!

      Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page

    Carole UK.

    Through this website I also came across the hypnosis CDs by Mike Mahoney, what a wonderful thing I have found, this is a 100 day programme for IBS suffers and I swear to you I have never looked back, my symptoms have literally gone! If I have a flare up its gone within a matter of two hours. This man is amazing and I would recommend this hypnotherapy CD to all IBS sufferers.

    If you have not already done so then please try hypnotherapy!
    Carole x

     WrightPossibly the Holy Grail of IBS Treatments

    Like most others, I tried absolutely everything before resorting to hypnotherapy, which seemed like a ridiculous way to cure my horrific stomach pains. Visiting multiple doctors and paying hundreds for all sorts of tests only to be told that nothing seemed to be wrong only worsened my stress, anxiety, and in turn, my pain.

    These CD's are the first thing that has actually made a difference-- I only wish I would have saved all the money I spent on other drugs and fiber medications and doctor visits to invest in only this product. Granted, the process is a fairly long one and results are not immediate. However, if you're committed enough to follow the program for the full 100 days, it is absolutely worth it in the end. My stomach is not completely pain-free; I still have occasional problems, but this program has given me my life back. As a bonus, it has calmed my stomach enough to really discover which foods to avoid and which seem to be perfectly safe (before the hypnotherapy, everything I ate caused an adverse reaction-- and not eating sometimes made things even worse).

    The best $90 I have ever spent was on this program, hands down. I hope it yields the same results for you as it did for me.

    C.C Virginia USA

    The IBS Audio Program 100 helped me tremendously; I hardly have any IBS now. I recommend it to everyone I talk to. It is worth every single penny.

    Lynn.O, MD USA

    Hi Marilyn,   Just a quick update. I am only on day 16 and there has been a remarkable change. It is hard to explain (you probably know), but I don't give IBS much thought anymore. If I do start to feel uneasy, it passes quickly. I don't know why my mind is OK with it anymore, but it is. I have started to focus on the majority of my day, instead of the small part IBS may or may not play in my day. Something I have come to realize is that (at least for me), IBS is not about food, but about my mental/emotional state. I have been eating pretty much whatever I want.

    I cannot wait to see how I feel on day 100. Listening to the CDs is a highlight of my day, and I look forward to it. I will check back again after about day 50. I hope to continue to progress to wellness. Thanks to you and Mike for the service that you offer. Bless you!  - Lynn

    Carol.F, Scotland.

    Dear Mike,

    I would just like to thank you so much for your Hypnotherapy IBS audio CD it has changed my life so much that it is unbelievable! 

    I was diagnosed with IBS just about a year ago now and thought my world had come to a stand still, it affected my life so much that I sank into a depression because of all the symptoms I was having and nothing seemed to work for me, I tired everything, and then I found Heather Van Vorous’ website on IBS and then things started to get better, I bought all of the products on this website and wasn’t very sure about your CD so I left it for a while.  I read a few comments made by people about your programme and decided just after the festive holiday that I would buy it “just to see” and I swear it’s the best move I ever made.

    My life is virtually back to “normal” before I suffered from IBS, I lost so much weight because I have the diarrhoea predominant IBS and was always “visiting the loo” was scared to eat anything because I felt no matter what it was it just did not agree with me, I stopped going out socially and basically I was miserable, was snapping everyone’s head’s off and was not a nice person to be around, all because I felt so ill all the time. 

    You saved my life Mike and I really do mean that when I say it, I’m sleeping better, eating better, and looking better, and feel absolutely wonderful, all because of your CD.  I look forward to listening to the CD every night and I love the sound of your voice, you have a very caring and understanding voice and it’s because you care about people who suffer from IBS and you know that we do really suffer and know that there basically is no solution to the symptoms from a medical point of view!  I find myself not thinking about IBS so much now, I wake in the morning and it does not cross my mind as to how long its going to be before I’m sitting in the loo with the horrible pains in my tummy and the diarrhoea, I do find though that when I do have a pain (which isn’t that often now compared to maybe three, four times a week) it leaves within 15-20 minutes of visiting the loo, its amazing I just cant say it enough to you.  You’re an angel in disguise as far as I’m concerned and I would recommend hypnotherapy to everyone I know who has IBS, I’m going to make a point of going back to my GP and asking her to recommend hypnotherapy to all her IBS sufferers, if she hasn’t already done so (which I doubt very much because she didn’t recommend it to me!).

    Thank you so much Mike and all the best to you and your family.  Kindest regards, Carol  

    K.E Kansas USA

    I am past the midpoint of the program and greatly improved. I have gone from chronic daily discomfort, pain and bloating with my IBS-C to just the occasional problem that is very short lived. It was the best money I've spent in a long time.

    Additional Post From K.K in Minnesota

    If you would have asked me 10 years ago, I would have had a negative answer. But, things have changed and you can have a normal life. After many years of feeling like there were no options available to me, I hit rock bottom. I have been under a doctor’s care for a few years and the addition of a medication and some dietary changes have helped.

    One of the biggest differences that happened for me was Mike’s CDs (home hypnotherapy). If you haven't looked into it - I would definitely encourage it. I didn't have much hope when I bought them and was pretty sure that  my mind issues would never go away with the anxiety and stuff. It changed me a lot - for the better. I had been working part time from home and felt that I would never be able to enter the "working world" full time. About a year ago, I went FT.

    Do I have my bad days and weeks? Absolutely. Do I still feel the need to do a check for the bathroom when I go somewhere? Sure. But, I don't feel the anxiety that I once did and feel like I can actually function somewhat normally again - but, it is a new normal. I guess that was one of the defining moments for me in that I may never be the same as I was 20 years ago, but a new normal can work as well.

    K.E Kansas USA

    I started the IBS 100 30 days ago and have done it faithfully according to schedule. It is wonderfully relaxing and I look forward to doing it every day -- it doesn't seem like a chore at all! Best of all, I am seeing substantial less pain with my IBS-C in only 30 days. I got through Thanksgiving with very little difficulty and have been regular every day. I'm even finding that I can "cheat" just a bit with foods that were setting things off badly before. If it's working this well after 30 days, I can't wait until I have used it for the entire 100! Thanks Mike for giving me my life and joy back so quickly! 

    Rog. Canada  

    I will be purchasing it (the Anxiety Program)  once I'm done with my second round of the IBS one. I had great progress with the first round that I thought it could not hurt to do it again. I think the anxiety one could also help me as I'm sure even though it’s not related to my IBS, I'm sure it has caused some, if not most of my attacks from the stress of my anxieties.

    I also noticed that he has one to help stop smoking...I'm really interested with this one as well .... I really want to nip this habit in the butt. I have yet to have success with other methods. Thank you

    Jean R. California 

    "I treasure my  IBS Audio Program 100, it worked and I am clear of IBS.  I now use it as needed for "Inner Being Stress" - I'm using it to help me with everything in my life! I am ordering another copy for a friend."

    A.S Az USA

    Relaxing and Soothing - … I would like to say that this is worth the money for the relaxing feeling it produces, and since stress exacerbates IBS, it is bound to help… Invariably, if I do this at night, I fall asleep every time... it is that relaxing. NICE! … Sometimes I can even feel my stomach muscles un-tightening... worth it just for that! Good luck to you all - I know how hard it is and I feel for you.

    Mary C., North Carolina

    I have tried your self hypnosis product and I cannot believe the difference it has made in my life. Though it is a 100 day series, I got relief within the first few weeks.

    The IBS Audio Program 100 taught me how to actually stop the thought process of IBS and diarrhea. I should have realized long ago, as your website says "there is no magical pill or diet that cures IBS. You must address the emotional aspects of IBS or you will be a 30 plus year sufferer like I was."

    Over three decades of going to doctors, taking medications and undergoing invasive procedures did very little for me. In retrospect, that should have been so obvious to me. After suffering for over 30 years, I can finally go on long walks and enjoy the beach.

     I had earlier tried some of the other cheaper IBS CD products on the market, but I should have remembered the old axiom, you get what you pay for, they did not touch my IBS problem.

    The cost of your product is minimal compared to my RX medications, and unlike the others, IT WORKS!

    After having this problem for close to 40 years, I now consider myself about 90% better, with no more medications. Committing myself to your product and 100 days of your gut specific hypnosis was the best decision I ever made. You directly address the IBS thought process and break the connection between the mind and the gut.

    Thank you for giving me my life back. I almost forgot what it felt like to be happy and worry free. Also, thanks to your product, I sleep better then ever and I am now brimming with confidence and I can think so much clearer since my mind is no longer cluttered with IBS worries. The side benefits were worth it all by themselves.

    Thank you again for saving me. I do hope you can help so many others before they waste 30 plus years of their lives like I did 

    G. in Encinitas, California

    "The IBS Audio Program was so fabulous and made such a difference in my life."

    D.H. in Plantation, FL

    The IBS Audio Program 100® is absolutely incredible. I have referred others to it, and I am so pleased and thrilled with how the program has helped my IBS  and my sleep through the repetition of letting go and the acknowledgment of feelings. I continue to listen to the sessions for the relaxation and restful sleep.

    D.F Canada

    I listened last night to the second session. I was looking forward to it. Wanting to move forward with the program.

    I even managed to stay awake for the whole thing. I really loved this session. Part way through a feeling of total calm came over me and the feeling I received was...hope.

    I felt something very powerful. The closest I can explain it is that feeling when you walk into an old church. One that has seen hundreds of years. The silence and tranquility of the old building fills you with awe. You feel peaceful. I felt for the first time in a really long time....hope.

    Things will get better. Things aren't that bad. Life will be normal again. I will make that happen. Not by myself but with the help of these tapes and the wonderful people on these boards.

    The feeling has stayed with me all day. For the first time in a month I went to my kids baseball game and I was OK. went to the cemetery for a few minutes and I was ok. Today I feel good. When I feel those negative thoughts creep up, I remember…hope.

    I've never felt like there was a way out and now I do.  Thank you Michael. Thank you. 

    M.U. in New York

    You must do a much better job of letting IBS suffers know about the IBS Audio Program 100. I am a 54 year old professional who has suffered from IBS since age 20,   at one time being unable to drive 1 mile without suffering an IBS  attack.

     Many IBS sufferers can relate to the woman who wrote on your website "I  feel I raised my kids through my bathroom door!" 34 years of seeing gastro specialists, taking pills, having every test done has done little to cure my IBS fears.

     On a whim, based on an "off the cuff" conversation I had with my teenage  niece, I Googled "IBS + hypnosis", then I discovered your website. I am currently on day #54 of the 100 day program, and the results have  been unbelievable. I am more relaxed then ever, I fear IBS attacks less  than ever, and have not felt this confident with "well-being" in 34  years.

     None of the doctors I went to ever mentioned hypnotherapy. It is a  travesty that most of the 50 million IBS sufferers like me are not aware  of the help your product offers.

     Your product is tremendously underpriced at under $100. Do you have any  idea what IBS sufferers would pay to get rid of their problem? On one hand, you should be proud of the relief you have brought to IBS sufferers. On the other hand, shame on you for not making your product more well  known, for not getting your product into the mainstream medical world.

     You can do so much for all of us. Much more advertising is needed.

     Thank you for giving my life back to me!

    Please don't take this commentary lightly. You have uncovered the best  IBS cure in the world!

    As long as you use my initials, I implore you to use my email as a recommendation. The next time I go to my gastro Dr, I am going to beg him  to have his worst cases try the program.

     It is too bad so much of the world is out for money, and not for cures. I  can see why gastro doctors never recommend an alternative therapy like  this; there is nothing in it for them, no more 30 year customers, no more  meds. This program could hamper their business financially. Sad, but that is the world we live in. The people in problem are more  interested in making money from problems versus solving problems.
    I admire the people that accomplish both objectives.

    Tell Michael I owe him so much, I just really wish I discovered this a few  decades ago.

     He should also be pleased to know I ordered a second set which I gave to  my sister, who had a similar if not worse case then me. She is on day 30,  and she is already thanking me, doing things she has not dared to do in  her life, such as flying on airplanes with no bathrooms.

     In ending, let me say that if I were Michael, I would email every IBS  doctor in the world about his product and the feedback he has received  from the people that used it. Also, try to get on a world renown program  like 60 minutes and tell the world what you know!

     Tell Michael that whatever God he believes in will reward him for helping  those of us he has reached.

     As I said, feel free to use any of my comments as long as you use my initials, or, Mike U.

    But I feel I remiss without completing my thoughts.

    Aside from helping my IBS, the IBS Audio Program 100 has so many other benefits I feel there is no a person in the world that would not benefit  from it. The program makes you more relaxed, more calm, more lovable and complementary towards others. It helps you appreciate life. As I told my  brother, who is a stressed out, hard working engineer, the program "takes you down a few notches." Anyone can merely substitute another word for IBS, whether that word is Stress, or Anxiety, or whatever, and it helps you deal
    with your problems.

    In short, the program makes you a better person, a much more happier, lovable person who now appreciates life and living, rather then taking it all for granted. It does a great job in significantly reducing your stress and anxiety levels.

    The non-IBS benefits of the Program are immense. As long as the user of the Program is opened minded, and wants to improve their life (and who doesn't), success is just about guaranteed.

    I would have to say this is one of the best "quality of life" products I have ever seen. And to think of the benefits we receive without seeing a doctor, without taking a pill. Thanks again.

     Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page 

     J.S Switzerland

    The Last Resort for Severe IBS Stress Becomes a Lifesaver!

    I was diagnosed with IBS-D at Christmas 2004 and my specialist just said "eat fruit and fiber", and my general doctor had never even heard of IBS. I luckily found your website that very night of my diagnosis. Aside from the wonderful help of Acacia Tummy Fiber and the Peppermint Tummy Tamers, I must give you my particular thanks for your recommendation of Michael Mahoney's IBS Audio Program 100.

    As a last resort I bought the IBS Audio Program with the full approval of my doctor. He had no idea what it was but trusted that by now I knew much more about IBS than he did, with the help of your website and extensive reading on my part. I think of some part of the program every day and that helps me keep it all together.

    So today, I once again say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for me, Heather. I can only highly recommend the IBS Audio Program 100 to any IBS sufferer, along with all the information you have passed on to me, as well as your products.

    I know every body and mind is different but my life has changed in a major way through this course and both are continuing to remain in this healthier condition

    D D'S Mississauga, Canada

    I have found that Michael Mahoney's IBS audio program has been very helpful in dealing with my IBS symptoms. It has given me great insight into the mind-body connection and I am finding more improvement each day. Mike really understands people and is very compassionate.  Derek D'Souza Mississauga, Canada

    J.T USA

    Neither MD knows yet that on my own, I'm now doing the IBS Audio 100 (Mike's hypnotherapy CDs) and am making more progress than I did all those months they left me to basically sink or swim. Hopefully, I will make more and will have less need of IBS specific care.

    From Nancy in HFI Newsletter

    Dear Heather,

    I want to add my testimony to the many letters you receive about Dr. Michael Mahoney's IBS self-hypnosis program. I have had IBS since I was a teenager, and I'm now 75. I've had the usual responses from doctors: "it's all in your head" or "live with it".

    I found your web site about two years ago and have had remarkable results from your IBS diet and products. Not once did a doctor ever mention diet. I have developed several autoimmune diseases through the years, the worst being Myoclonus, a movement disorder that causes the entire body to shake when triggered by such things as loud noises, bright lights, heat, and cold.

    I also had to live with exhausting fatigue from Sjogren's syndrome. These conditions left me unable to drive, shop or attend church. I was quite housebound.

    I was at a really bad low point physically and mentally when I decided to try Dr. Mahoney's self-hypnosis program, after getting my doctor's eager approval. Results have been miraculous. The IBS is all but gone, but the real miracle is the effect on the Myoclonus. Sensitivity to the triggers has been reduced to almost non-existent.

    I can again drive, shop and attend church. At the same time Dr Mahoney's self- hypnosis program has given me back a normal life, my husband's health has declined. Without the hypnosis and the IBS diet we would now be in assisted living.

    Many thanks to you and Dr. Mahoney for restoring my health.

    Nancy H

    IBS BB

    I have just received Mike's CDs, and I'm only on day 3. I just have to say, even if they can't cure my IBS, they will surely help with anxiety.

    I see a difference in my anxiety level already!! Today my pain level has greatly improved. I know it's too early to make any definite conclusions. I just find my 30 min sessions so relaxing; I love his calm voice. I'm thrilled that I decided to order them.

    I will post periodically about my progress. But for now, I am so pleased. Thanks to the people on this board that recommended them..

    Mikeyb in the UK

    I've almost completed the 100 days of the program and am pleased to say I've noticed a marked improvement in my IBS symptoms!

    I had been suffering from IBS-D for a number of years so finally went to visit my doctor last year to see what could be done. After the usual tests came back negative they classed me as having IBS. The 'specialist' said that only drugs could help in my case (LOPERAMIDE every day, and buscopan for the pain). Between the test periods (around the year on the NHS in the UK!) I started Mike’s CDs and have progressively felt better. I listen to a session when I'm about to retire for the night. Pop my earphones in, fall asleep, wake up some 2 hours after the session has finished, remove earphones and fall back to sleep.

    The next hurdle for me is to overcome my social anxieties which IBS has caused. e.g. trying to go out without medication or knowing where the nearest toilet is, etc

    Little by little I'll get there. So a big thank you to Mike for producing the CDs and …Marilyn for the help.

      Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page


    May - Phoenix, AZ

    I have suffered from IBS for 2 years too long.  I was thankful once I got my hands on this Program. I thought that it was hopeless but after completing this 100 day Program I saw major improvements. I saw a noticeable difference in the way that I thought and felt. Definitely worth a try!!

    K.K Minnesota USA

    I have a daughter that is dealing w/ some anxiety issues along with the unfortunate gut issues (D). She is 15.

    I have IBS-D and found the hypnotherapy CDs to be extremely wonderful and brought me back to a life that I had lost for about 10 years. Basically, it helped w/ my anxiety issues big time.

    As much as I know that it helped me....I am seriously considering having my daughter try it to help w/ her anxiety. I am very anti-medicine, if it can be helped…

     CB - USA

     I have found the hypnosis 100 day discs very helpful… when the advised waiting to repeat period is over I will do the program again as I still have difficult days. My attitude toward IBS is better than it was and to my surprise I enjoyed the program and still use the breathing and the idea of a blanket of comfort when I start to get tense- it has been a great help.

    Helen B in Michigan:

    …You don't know how much I appreciate your prompt and kind reply.  And how I am looking forward to receiving the new set of (Chronic Pain) CD's.  I have been listening to a friend's IBS CD's (even tho my condition involves severe chronic pain, not IBS) and was so excited to see that Dr. Mahoney also had a program more focused toward my needs.  He inspires trust and confidence early on...You are all doing a great service to many of us out here, and I thank you…      Sincerely,

    From Pat R. in HFI Newsletter

    Hi Heather,  I have had IBS all my life, but at times I could eat normally. Looking back, it was a very psychological problem on my part. Your website has helped me a lot, but I must say that the IBS (Audio Program 100) self-hypnosis program was the charm, and I mean charm.

    I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer (a particularly aggressive form), in July of 2007. During chemotherapy, my IBS became extremely painful and constipating, even though chemo usually causes diarrhea. I was sort of hurting for cash, but I sprang for the hypnosis program anyway. IT WAS WORTH EVERY PENNY!

    Even though I am still in the midst of treatments, which make me feel like crap anyway, my IBS is even better than before I had cancer. Even with the things I tried from your website and book, I still had some bloating and cramps left. But now, wow! I am regular, and only have hard stools if I don't drink enough. I have no cramps at all, and hardly any bloating.

    I had to stop the program after the third CD because the chemo I was on made it very difficult to concentrate, but I am starting again as soon as possible. The hypnotherapy also got rid of my migraines - I don't get them at all anymore!

    This letter is to let everyone know that if the self hypnosis program can help someone with cancer, it damn well can help everyone! Thanks,   Pat R.

    T.H USA

    My Wonderful Outcome - I did do the hypnosis program -- the full 100 days. It was wonderful. I found that the hypnotherapy helped me in much more ways than treating the IBS. I was calmer, more focused, and even looked forward every day to my sessions. In fact, I liked the program so much that I ordered another hypnosis CD from Michael after I completed the IBS program. I do think it is worth the money, as you are getting so much therapy compared to seeing a regular hypnotherapist...

    PA Fresno, CA USA

    A while back I posted about how I was backsliding and not doing well. That's all changed! I'm doing great! I've been better about doing it daily (and in retrospect, I think the backsliding may have been due to that time of the month). I had an attack the other day, but it has been getting better overall, even improving my morning problems, which I've had every day for years. This stuff is amazing (and my mind wanders so much during the CDs, I'm surprised they work, but hey, subconscious mind). It's so encouraging!

    H.E in New Zealand

    I am on the 3rd session, day 29 and I am a feeling lot better than I was before I started this. I think the whole relaxation and being understood helps a lot …I am not saying I am cured but getting there and have been a lot more positive about my life. I am starting to apply for work for next term and think all will go well. AND I am starting my stop smoking program-feeling very confident about this… When I get to a stage in my day of feeling awful I just hear the tape and take three deep breaths, then it doesn't seem as bad. Thank you for such great advice.

    San in Oregon

    Remarkable Program - Having been diagnosed with IBS, I looked for ways to combat this extremely distressing cluster of symptoms. I am so grateful to Michael Mahoney for creating this CD set. When I saw the price tag I was reluctant to buy, but honestly, I can say this investment has paid itself over in multiple ways. No only did it help my IBS symptoms, it helped the way I looked at my life and the stressors in it. It was a kind of wonderful journey, and along the way I discovered that I ultimately had the power to control how I felt, how I behaved, and the kinds of ideas I chose. The whole program is about self-empowerment and imagination, a way of seeing life in a new way. Halfway through the program I ordered another set of CDs of Michael's because I really didn't want the program to end!

    By the time it ended, I felt I had really achieved something. One hundred days of entering into my own creative subconscious and building a strong and accepting view of my life. You will find it helps in more ways than in curing IBS. In my own case, I found that I was calmer, more focused, and more able to acknowledge all the facets of life, good and bad. In fact, the remarkable thing about this program is how little Mahoney directly refers to IBS and instead addresses the overarching elements of mind-over-matter that ultimately determine the way we feel.

    I guess I can't say enough about this program. I look forward to starting with another set by Mahoney I've ordered on self-confidence. Most hypnosis programs consist of, at most, two sessions, and this is, by contrast, a graduated series of recordings you listen to each day. Over the course of the 100 days I missed only two sessions. I found myself looking forward to the wonderful ease and relaxation the sessions provided. His voice is calming, sincere, and assuring. I hope you will give this program a chance. 

    Sarah - UK

    I have had great success with Mike’s tape. (IBS program)

      Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page 

    LBR in Germany

    Mike’s IBS Audio Program – English as a Second Language – My Experience.  My IBS is not too bad most times, but sometimes it feels good to know that I am not alone with this.  I am from Germany and have learned English in school (for about 8 years).

    Yesterday I have downloaded Mike's audio program.

    I have listened to the introduction and the first session so far and I really had no problems to understand it.  Mike speaks very clearly and slowly.
    And I don't have to translate everything into German.
    As I know… the IBS-vocabulary also this shouldn't be a problem.  Just wanted to reassure all those who doubt if they will understand and if it will work.

    L.L USA

    …  Mike is one of the most caring and helpful people I have ever had the pleasure to talk to. He will go way above and beyond the call of duty to help other people… Mike's tapes gave me my life back. They weren't a cure - I still have IBS and still have flares, but I now have the ability to go out for lunch without having to immediately find a bathroom. I no longer have the pains that were leaving me suicidal. Who do I have to thank for that? Mike and his hypno tapes! …I know that I will forever be grateful to Mike…The hypno was the best thing I could have done and I highly recommend it to anyone who is suffering as I was.

    L.L Toronto, Canada

    Thanks so much … I have found Mike's CD so helpful for reducing anxiety, that I am keen to both have other CDs for myself, but also for clients with anxiety, insomnia, and trauma as I am a psychotherapist. So I am delighted to see the variety of CDs he has produced!

    Lou USA

    I've just started on the programme, first time listening to it was last night. Thought the introduction was incredible, I was crying listening to it, all that he said was so true. I even remember thinking time and time again that I wouldn't wish it on my enemy, and when he said it, I just felt so much better.

    The way he talks about it all makes me feel like he really understands everything we all go through. Just things he was saying made me visualise the good times (before IBS) and how hard it had been for me. I’m only at the start, but at this point I just want to stay positive and so hope that this will work, it is a last resort for me and I just hope that it will help me! The first session is so nice, just relaxing and letting everything go. I think I just cried during that out of sheer exhaustion and relaxation it just felt so good to be understood by someone!

    Shannon in Ohio

    When I was first diagnosed with IBS my Dr. put me on Bentyl also. It had absolutely no effect on my symptoms so I stopped taking it after about 3 months. It just didn't work for me.

    I just started Mike's tapes (CDs) and after 14 days I have seen an amazing difference in my symptoms… Two weeks ago I was having panic attacks if somebody else even suggested using the bathroom at our house. Now I know I'll be okay.  Shannon

    D.W - USA

    Started session 4 the other day and this stuff seems to be helping a lot, when I feel the pain start building up I can pretty much knock it out pretty quick, which is really cool, still get a lot of cramps BUT I can usually make 'em go away before the full blown attack starts. Those having a tough time hang in there, you're not alone, trust me!!

    M.S in Honolulu, Hawaii

    I wanted to add my voice as someone who has gone through the IBS Audio Program… I am very happy with it. I went through the program last summer and diligently followed the 100 day process. I completed that in early November. It was a slow process but I continued to improve daily, even after no longer listening to the CDs.

    I went backwards over the holiday because I lost my father to cancer right after Thanksgiving, and there was so much stress associated with it. However, at the end of January I noticed that I had not had a bowel movement in 3-4 days, so I started cutting back on my IBS medicine. Long story short is that I have been completely off my medicine for a week and a half now, have not had an IBS attack, and have had good regular bowel movements. I recommend these CDs for anyone and I am grateful that I found them through you.

    J.G v Hvv - USA

    …Last summer I also ordered the IBS hypnotherapy program and I have enjoyed the wonderful healing results. …  I have learned a lot about myself emotionally and how we react to stressors in our lives. For the first time, I have the clarity of mind to step back and see an overview of how connected we are with body, mind and soul. … It is a very freeing and healing step to take responsibility for one's own healing … I had severe panic attacks and lots of anxiety for about two years, and now I am transforming into a new person who is out and about, and enjoying my passion, big band dancing. It can be done!  A happy customer,    Garippo

    Lilly USA

    It (the IBS Audio Program) was like the "last stand" for me. I was at my wit's end. Now, I notice that when an attack is coming on, I don't freak out like I used to. I am able to think my way through it. I used to wake up as well in the middle of the night with horrible panic attacks. Now, I do have them maybe once in while when dealing with a ton of stress but I am also able to think my way through it quickly and get back to sleep.

    … I want to say I cried when I hit the #5 recording. I guess it’s because it has always felt like no one really understood what us IBS'ers go through. He seems to understand and he's even a Dr.

    Fran  FL USA

    It's been maybe a year since I did the complete CDs again and I am responding wonderfully. Really, I relax so quickly that by the second time Michael says to tense certain muscles I am so relaxed it's hard to tense anything!  A big thanks to Michael once again.

    G.S   BC  CANADA

    The IBS 100 saved my bacon after my 2nd was born! It even continued to work after the 100 days were over and I wasn't listening anymore.  IBS D since 2004, recovered using Mike's CDs...

     Jay - in Idaho

    I just listened to the first CD and it was a totally awesome and interesting experience. I think the most valuable thing I got from this was that I realize how much stress I carry in my gut. While my entire body was relaxed, there were only a few very brief seconds when I could relax my gut - Knowledge is power - and I think realizing this is just the first step in learning to relax my gut!!! I'm very excited!!!

    A.T in Tempe, Arizona

     It (the IBS Audio Program) was a great investment. They really do help the anxiety. I finished the course, and have seen some improvement. I still listen to them occasionally when I'm stressed out, and plan on redoing the course in the coming new year.

    CM.B  USA

    They (IBS sessions) are positively marvelous! The brain/gut connection is so obvious now. I only wish they were available many years ago.

    D.M AB. Canada

    I did the sessions last year and I have been so much better since. I had a couple little snags (extreme stress from a wedding and work caused me a couple months of stress) but going from an attack a week to every couple of weeks to one maybe a month is a huge success in my book. I can even eat things that I have missed like pizza and chocolate sometimes (and always in moderation), there is less anxiety about being out in public and I have found wonderful things that I can eat that aren't triggers in anyway shape or form so I don't have to feel like I'm completely missing out. Things will get better it just takes time… I was starting to feel better after a couple weeks of the sessions. 

    Amanda M. in Sacramento, California

     They really do help you to feel more calm and relaxed, especially if and when you experience IBS symptoms.

    I think I'm seeing some improvement mentally, not physically yet. When I start to feel some symptoms creeping on (cramping and pain mostly) I am more able to calm myself down instead of automatically reverting to panic mode and bringing on an attack. When I do suffer from some D, which is more frequent right now because of my stress from starting a new job, I just think "oh well...it's not forever and it just my body doing it's thing again." I was never this dismissive before and always beat myself up like it was my fault for allowing the attack to happen.  Long story short, I think the CDs are finally beginning to work on me!!

    D.L, Oregon USA

     I love Michael's work. I have others (programs in addition to the IBS program) of his… and they are fantastic.  I want him to know how helpful he is. 

    Y.Y  From Sweden

    I have been doing the hypno program for a week. And I have to say I am already noticing positive effects from it on my mind and body. I think the relaxation is very beneficial for me 

    I.R USA

    Unbelievable Results! I bought this product with doubts in my mind to how it would help me, however a couple of weeks into the program and the results were amazing.

    I have now finished the 100 day program and although I am not 'cured' I am certainly a hell of a lot better off than I was before.   If you suffer from IBS I would give this a go!!! 

    U.S   From Arkansas

    Today I finished day 42 of the IBS Audio Program and thought I would provide an update on my progress. I have definitely seen some improvement in my IBS symptoms… Historically my worst problem has been urgency and the resulting panic. My heart races every time I get into a car. Forget a bus or a subway (though the latter are hard to find here in Arkansas). The longer and less familiar the journey, the greater the anxiety….

    Well, it seems that the HT (hypnotherapy) has been pretty effective with the urgency and anxiety… I can now take short journeys of up to an hour though I still have my moments of doubt. The HT seems to nip the panic in the bud (or is that butt?) before it blossoms into full blown urgency...  The diarrhea has also disappeared even when I challenge my digestive tract with too much food, especially restaurant food, a sure trigger in the past.

    Jen  in Maine USA

    I really feel it has helped me out! I feel more positive, more relaxed...and I have not had a bad episode in a while. If I do get anything, it is short...and nothing close to what I was doing (2hours-5 episodes when I was bad)

    Wendy in New York

    As of tomorrow, I'll be on Day 71 and it seems like it was just yesterday… that I'd just started listening to the CDs. I'm definitely better than where I was 2 months ago. 

    B.G Canada

    I love listening to his (Mike’s) voice while I sleep. It is so nice to know that someone understands what we go through. I do not feel all alone anymore.

    It (IBS Program) also teaches me that I hold the power for change. That our minds hold the power to control medical conditions not vise versa.  

    AN -  Los Angeles, CA

    The IBS Audio CD Program 100  has helped me overcome stress, emotional and physical triggers that set off my IBS symptoms. I highly recommend this CD set for anyone serious about healing themselves of this debilitating ailment. It has helped me tremendously! I am feeling better, happier and healthier for 2 years now! 

    Private Email From Paula A in Michigan: Dear Michael, Words are inadequate to express how grateful I feel for your time, your interest, your sincere caring and help to me – both in our telephone call of yesterday and from your wonderful and effective IBS Audio Program 100. Our phone conversation not only cemented the highly positive impressions I’d already developed about you through listening to and being healed by your audio sessions, but it opened new horizons of positive ideas and thoughts to me on my healing journey. I am sincerely grateful that I found your audios and that you were willing to take the time to speak with me yesterday.  You are an obviously good and very generous person…   

    Lastly, I want to mention that, as your excellent company continues to grow… [if needed] please contact me, as I would be honored to help in any way I can. Thank you again, Paula 

    From Linda – IBSG

    I started listening to Mike's CDs in April. Program (Session) 2 helped me immeasurably. I did listen to program 3 a few times but frankly, I didn't need to go on. I've only had a couple of slight bouts of pain since April. As long as I have a bowl of high fiber cereal every morning and stay relaxed, I am well. If I run into trouble, I'll listen to Program (session) 2 for a couple of days and for some reason this is all I need.

    I am grateful for this board for steering me to Mike's program and to Mike to producing this program. Very, very grateful! Thank you.

       Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page

    L.D MA  USA 

    …I’ve been meaning to write for a long time. I agree with researchers who call gut-directed hypnotherapy a "cure" for IBS, because it happened to me.

    I was diagnosed with IBS and was helped by your diet, but was still feeling symptoms when I deviated. I bought the IBS (Audio) self-hypnosis program from your web site and listened to the sessions as directed.

    I can now eat dairy, raw fruits and vegetables, drink fruit juices, soda, and alcohol, none of which was possible before. I now eat just about anything I want, when I want, and would call myself cured. I do find that I need to listen to the CDs a few times a week, even after finishing the "course" but that is fine because they help me relax and sleep.

    A thousand thank-yous, and hugs for your website and for the work and the products you offer. I would be honored if you used my comments on your website.    

    Merceditas in Kansas

    This (IBS Audio) program started helping me by week 2! I am on day 39. I still cannot believe it's working. I almost feel like it can't be true, but it is and it's real.

    I'll be back when I finish the program to let you know how it all goes and give you my background, but I had to come and say thank you for providing the help I needed. The past 2 years I've been stuck in my home and now I can come and go as I please. Sending hugs and kisses to Mr. Mahoney, Marilyn and everyone else who is responsible for this wonderful program! oxoxox

    G.H Vancouver, BC

    I'm amazed to report that I am only 60 days into the IBS Hypnosis Program and it probably already paid for itself by day 35!

    …I want to extend a huge thank you to your whole IBS organization because it has been my saviour in more than one way.    Thank you so much!

    Vancouver, BC

    PS: Feel free to use any or all of this letter as a frame of reference or support for other sufferers...I know it can feel like a hopeless journey.

    Caroline in Philadelphia, PA

    I loved this program...

    CM Bickel

    My sentiments exactly, "Love It, Love It, Love It!" I'm on day 30 and the Hypno program is terrific! Thanks for the info about "Towards Inner Peace."

    From Rosanne

    Love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!!   I just want to share with all of you how much I'm enjoying the CD's. I look forward to them every day and I wish there were no days off! I'm half way through the program and feel more confident, calmer and focused. I am better able to handle my anxiety and am very happy that I decided to try the program.   Any suggestions as to what to do once the program is complete? I'd love some ideas and resources to other guided imagery/meditations. Regards,  Rosanne

    C.B Toronto, Canada

    I just wanted to write to you and tell you how much my life has improved since I found your site almost 2 years ago! I was a sufferer of IBS-Constipation for more than half of my life (I am in my early 40’s now).

    , I read a testimonial for the IBS Audio program 100 (the hypnotherapy CDs) from an IBS sufferer. I decided that I had nothing to lose so I ordered the program.

    I can’t describe how much my life has turned around! I realize now just how consumed my day to day thoughts were about my tummy and the IBS. And since I have completed the program, I am so much more at ease and my 'problems' seem to have all but disappeared. I am not in any way pre-occupied with bloating and how my clothes will fit, etc.

    I honestly can't describe how or why the program worked, I am just thrilled to report back that it did work. I hope that you can share my testimonial in order to reach anyone suffering from IBS. There is hope for recovery, there truly is!

    Thanks for all of the work you've done! I shudder to think of where my life would be if I hadn't stumbled across this site almost 2 years ago.

    C. B
    Toronto, Canada 

     From Lillett

     I think it (the IBS Audio Program) has really helped and I am seeing that I am much more able to cope with my anxiety because of them… I think it’s a good investment.

     email from Jill J

     Can't thank you and Michael enough...Heather, I've been meaning to send this for a few months , but was afraid I'd "jinx" something...I can not adequately express my gratitude to you and Michael Mahoney (hypnotherapy CDs) for giving me my "normal" life back. I got sick last July and was so sick that I was down to 95 lbs (severe pain, diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite etc.) My gastro doc did the complete workup to rule out all the other stuff, and ultimately said it was IBS. They put me on antispasmodic that didn't do much except make my mouth so dry it was impossible to swallow. I went to the library to do my own research and came home with your book.

    Thank you for telling me what I could eat without getting sick. Within a few weeks I ordered Michael's CDs....another miracle!!!! After listening to the first session, I slept through the night with no Ambien. I continued all the sessions, even going on a trip to St. Croix that had been planned for a long time. I developed anxiety/panic attacks about 2 months after my diagnosis and was taking Atavan for them. I have been done with the CDs for about 5-6 months now and am back up to about 105 lbs (my normal is 110-115). The only medication that I take is one tablet of Zoloft per day...nothing else.  My "safe" food list continues to expand and I can eat ALMOST everything I used to…Thank you again for helping me when my doctors couldn't seem to. I would so appreciate it if you could forward this thank you to Michael (I didn't know how to get this to him). Please feel free to use this in any way that might help someone else...Sincerely....Jill 

     Lisa.M in Lakewood, Colorado

    A month or so after finishing my second round, my symptoms decreased to being almost nonexistent! So definitely don't despair if it feels like things are getting worse at times. The good thoughts will always prevail over the evil ones! 

    G.C Roanoke, VA

     I ordered this last year when I was battling IBS and it helped me more than any medicine. It is for IBS with diarrhea and/or constipation.  Michael Mahoney  has a very relaxing and soothing voice. I highly recommend giving it a try.

    Nancy In Spain

    Thanks – It helped so much!  I was pregnant when I started the tapes (CDs)… The tapes did not work so well for me during the pregnancy probably because of the hormonal effects on my bowels. However, once I gave birth I redid the whole process of listening to the tapes and during the whole year following the hearings I have been progressing to the point that I now believe that I am 85% cured. It is now 2 years post my pregnancy and slowly my body has been progressing and I am convinced that it is thanks to Mike’s tapes!!! Thank you to Mike and all of you.

      Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page 

    R.H USA

     I was diagnosed with IBS last year (pain-dominant and stress as an aggravating factor) and bought a multi-CD set meant to (be) listened to over the course of 100 days. I wound up listening to it twice and still have to be careful about what I eat, but there are days when I feel completely normal. The gastroenterologist who diagnosed me seemed to know nothing about using hypnotherapy to treat it and prescribed an antidepressant, instead. Thanks to hypnotherapy, I never had to take any of them. 

    It may not work for everyone but in my opinion it's definitely worth trying. 

    It was the 'IBS Audio Program 100' by Michael Mahoney

    He's a UK hypnotherapist who's been treating IBS since the early 90s and he's very well known (in the UK, at least). Hypnotherapy for IBS is actually covered by insurance over there and even though the CDs were a bit on the expensive side, though not prohibitively so, I can honestly say they would've been a bargain at twice the price. 

    From Shannon In Vancouver, BC

     Seeing the difference! I am constantly amazed at the difference hypno has had on my life...I am on day 33.

    I was stable… but unfortunately came down with the flu and have retriggered all of my symptoms… HOWEVER, I am still carrying on with my life - 3 months ago I would have shut down, given up and waited the month or more to get my body back in line. Instead when I woke up this morning and got sick I stayed calm, got ready and before I left the house did some visualisation. I went all the way downtown on public transit and got my haircut, not having any anxiety the entire time. This is HUGE for me. In the past I would just go to work and go home...doing nothing in between those two things

    I have to say…Hypno is definitely affecting my life with IBS in nothing but a positive way.. thank you thank you thank you.

    From Bucks, England

     I am on day 53 of Mike's tapes (CDs) and I have had some ups and downs along the way but overall feel much more relaxed. Even if the tapes do not cure the IBS I will feel it was a worthwhile journey as I think it has gone a long way to undo the guilt I felt for having this problem. Mike talks to you like he really cares and empathises. Everything is so calm and relaxed that I look forward to my session everyday. They have also proved to me that I am willing to try and find healing and just need the tools to help me do that.

     R.H USA

     Excellent -  After suffering IBS for over 30 years I have finally found something that actually works. Michael Mahoney's 100 day audio program is beautiful to listen to and results happen in a short time. I have just been through a terrible stressful time, usually I would be a mess, IBS would be at its worst!! However I am doing really well, along with Insoluble fiber everyday I have what I am sure is a normal and healthy bowel. I highly recommend this treatment, Michael Mahoney’s program…                                                                                                   

    From Kristina

     Update: I am on day 56 of the tapes and am slowly but surely seeing results, most of the time I drift off in the sessions too and wake on countdown or "feel good".

    I too had around 2 weeks of a downslide with symptoms and thought why bother I’m sick again, but I pushed through it and am back on the road to an improved life.
    I too have been able to eat out and even go out for the first time in a year without stressing my head off and it feels so good when you get home and realise, hey I did something normal today.

     I am now on day 50 of Mikes Tapes and these seem to help me control my anxiety over getting attacks and help me be more positive…

    Linda IBS WS

    Day 4 and all is well - I haven't been able to relax my abs - they were constantly tensed as they braced for another onslaught of pain that may or may not come. This in itself was causing pain in my stomach, hips and upper thighs.

    With the first session I was able to "let go" of the tension I had been holding onto. It was quite a big deal for me to experience this - I hadn't realized just how guarded and tense I'd been… I'm amazed at the difference in my stress level already.

    Also happy to report that I'm already beginning to feel calmer during the day. For instance, I had to go to make a "dreaded" [large wholesale store] run today. When I arrived there I ran into a neighbor that I'd been avoiding for years! We talked, actually she talked for 15 minutes and I listened. Normally this would have given me much stress and anxiety but today, when she had finished I simply went on with my shopping. No headache, no feelings of stress. This is a huge improvement for me!

    I actually look forward to the sessions. I like the feeling of doing something positive for myself.
    Looking forward to even greater benefits in the weeks to come. I'm very thankful for this program. Thanks, Mike!

    M.P in the UK

    I'm on day 58 now and I've finally started to see some rewards, I think. But the crazy thing is that I didn't notice.

    Over the past week or so I've got on buses, I've been in the car, I've got a coach to London and back, been on the tube, taken taxis in London, met a load of new people. These are things I hadn't done in nearly a year. And throughout almost all of it I'd practically forgotten I even had IBS, even though the symptoms haven't really gone away.

    I put this down to Mike's work on the subconscious mind. I admit, I was HUGELY sceptical about this. I appreciated that changes could be made at a conscious level and believed in that. But the only way I can explain the sudden disappearance of my worries is that the CDs have really got beneath that and changed things inside my head.

    I'm trying not to get carried away here, but it really is a long time since I've just walked around somewhere strange and not worried.

    Private Email Update From Robin

     Hi Marilyn,

    Long time, no hear from me - 'cause I'm doing GREAT!
    … I am 110% better with my IBS-D! After the IBS tapes and the TIP CDs, I started the Emotional Recovery CD's in conjunction with Questran, which I have since stopped taking. Then, this past fall,  my husband looked for a new job that would possibly take us out of state. I stopped the CDs for awhile since we had too much going on. He ended up getting a job offer on the last Friday of 2006 for a job in Atlanta (a longgggg way from Colorado!). We got the house ready, put it up for sale, packed, and moved in one month, driving cross-country over a weekend, and putting in 12 hour days as we drove. I left my kids (grown) and my parents and my long-time friends behind – emotional for sure. After one week, hubby went to Philly for training for a month, leaving me to get everything arranged in our new city, and leaving me alone in an unfamiliar area. I went to 8 job interviews, got a job, and have started working... Etc, Etc.

    And it suddenly hit me today... ABSOLUTELY NO IBS! NONE! NADA! ZILCH! I never even thought about it, which is why I am amazed. I actually drove 1300 miles without a thought for where the nearest bathroom was! We went across Kansas and Missouri where a bush to squat behind is hard to come by, much less a rest area. I went to job interviews with no problem. I am working with no problem. I drive in heavy Atlanta traffic (4th worst in the country, from what I hear) with no thought of even needing to go. If I have a twinge, I don't even worry about it!

    Mike is an absolute GODSEND. I don't know what I would have done without him and the tapes - I was seriously at rock-bottom when I tried the CDs as a last resort.

    Thank you so much for your support, too, Marilyn!  I just had to tell you how far I have come and ask you to please pass this on to Mike - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

    Take care,
    Robin S

    From Luna

    I found that "Mike's tapes" ..the IBS hypno tapes... helped me a lot with lessening pain during attacks. I was able to relax more during them and that helped a lot. I was initially skeptical of the hypno but it really helped with how my body responded to attacks on a subconscious level.

    It's a 100-day program, and it might take a while to see the effects ..but...and here's a good thing...I swear it helped me during labor. I did surprisingly well with the pain of kidney stones during pregnancy and abdominal-area pain during labor and I think it was the effects of the hypno I did five years ago.

     From ECM, , Georgia USA

    I am on my second round of the tapes. With the first round and help with the diet, I was able to greatly improve my constipation. With the second round I am working on the pain. I am on day 29 and have had some pain free days, the first in over a year!
    Some people may need several rounds of the tapes depending on the issues that need to be resolved.  As my doctor told me - it took time for my body to get where it is and will take time to get it back to where I want to be.  Please hang in there, and stay positive. It will work for you.

    From Tiss

    I use them (Mike’s programs) as a sleeping pill. When I hear Mike's first word I automatically start relaxing. I believe it is called a classical response. I've been using his different tapes (programs) off and on for about 3 or 4 years and I love them.  I have used the IBS CDs, Toward Inner Peace CDs and just today I got my Emotional Recovery CDs. Mike is great. Hard to explain but overall I feel better IBS-wise, calmer and sleep 100% better since I started using the TIP CDs… I have bought these over a period of years.

       Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page

     Nicole in Oregon USA

    I'm listening to Mike's tapes as well. I absolutely LOVE them...

    TM. in New York

    Excellence - Today is my second day on the hypnosis CDs and I must say that already, I feel more relaxed and better. I can hardly wait to progress farther into the program. I am already pleased and know I made the right decision in investing in the program.

    Rick in Costa Rica

     This is my day number 10 with the tapes, (CDs) and I can tell you today was one of my best days in months, perhaps not with my IBS symptoms, but rather I was very willing to get out of my home, go to work and even had the energy to go outside and play some music with my band.

    I'm also enjoying those tapes like you can't imagine. I listen to them at night and I actually feel excited when I notice it is about time to listen to them.

    J.M USA

    I have had IBS since I was 16 (now I’m 21) and I realised if you want to cure it then you have to do the research, I have spent so much time and money on trying new things…

    I also tried hypnotherapy- I listen to CDs I purchased ibs audio program 100 the man behind it, Mike Mahoney, is a doctor for the NHS that devised a programme for sufferers of IBS. its £60 but its a hundred day programme of CDs you listen to and it really helps if part of IBS is feeling sad/anxious, as well as retraining your gut; mind connection… at one point IBS was something I’d cry about, but now it totally doesn’t effect my life at all! It’s hard work but if it effects your life so much its worth it! its about retraining yourself- now I can still eat out in restaurants, cook etc, just with modification! 

    Dee - USA

     Dear Marilyn,  I ordered the CDs Thanks for your quick reply, and please pass on a huge thank you to Michael for making the recordings,  it has greatly reduced my anxiety levels and is beginning to help with IBS symptoms.  I would have never believed hypnosis would have such a positive impact if I didn't witness it firsthand. Thanks, Dee

    Ali - UK

     I just thought I'd post my experiences. I just finished my second round of the hypno tapes. (CDs) The first time was helpful, and I did feel like I was a bit more confident, however I still wasn't secure in going out and really enjoying life. After this round, all has changed. Not only does it help me get a great night's sleep, my life is different.

    Although there are still too many days when I don't feel great, and sometime have the dreaded "do I go out or stay in' debate, I always go. I have a new attitude that I should go, try it out, and if it truly gets that bad, find my way home. This is really a huge deal for me. I used to opt out and play it safe SO often.

    I then felt guilty and terrible about missing whatever it was, especially class. Being in grad school right now in England, the stresses are there. I'm away from home. I'm still getting used to the food, especially when I'm forced to eat out. The buses aren't really reliable, but I've never found myself nervous about being stuck on a bus.

    Here is my biggest change: There is always a way out. There is always a bathroom. There will always be some way to deal with it IF it happens. I never believed this before. I'm proud of myself, and I just wanted to share this. Especially for people who did the tapes once--it took me this second time to really improve. And, it didn't 'cure' me, but if I am left with a 30 second debate of "should I go" followed by ALWAYS going--that's great! … I wish everyone the best of luck with this program- it's so relaxing and gives you the control back that you have always desired!

    Z.M USA

     I've tried the IBS audio program, and it really works. Without it, I would still be feeling the same as I did 1 year ago (like ****). It has help me a lot, and now I barely have D or C, only gas.

     M Minogue  Healthy Audio Product Review

     I did a great deal of reading on this product before purchasing and most of the comments were from people with IBS much more severe than what I had experienced. I purchased the program anyway, and have had great success with it. Apparently, this works as well for a nuisance level of IBS as for more severe cases.

    In addition, I was a bit unsure of hypnosis imagery as I had exposure to meditation, but no experience with hypnosis. I found the imagery interesting, precise, relaxing and not at all far-out, frightening or odd. I have even recommended it to my sister, who is very spiritually conservative and suspicious of hypnosis, yoga and meditation.

    This does take a commitment to put in some time listening, but I have found the results to be excellent and have gone on to order the CDs for smoking cessation. If you've come so far in your research on this product as to read this review, by all means, go ahead and purchase the product!

    Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] 

    Minnesota USA

    Good Progress so far. The (IBS Audio) program works well for those of us who are not severe cases, as well as the really tough ones. I've had IBS off and on. It gets worse, then better depending on a variety of factors, but I don't have a story as harrowing as many here. I nearly didn't try the hypnosis as I thought it wasn't bad enough, but took a chance. It's working wonderfully.  So - if anyone is wondering if this works for "moderate" cases of IBS, I'm here to say it's worked for at least one. 

    KAD - USA

    I have them (CDs from the IBS Audio Program) and I like them so far. I think they are helping but it is gradual. What they seem to be helping with at this point (3 weeks into them) is the urgency. I still sometimes have cramps and feel like I have to go but I am down to 2-3 times rather than 6 + and I can wait a few minutes unlike before when I had to run and I mean run to the bathroom.  I like them because they are safe and legit and they weren't too much.

    CC. USA

     I used the IBS Audio Self Hypnosis Program as a last resort, kind of. They were actually the last thing I found. I used to have episodes every 3-5 days, for the past 2 years. I have IBS with constipation.

    I am almost totally well! I'm going to repeat the hypnosis program again to hopefully get total relief and hopefully go off my medication eventually.

    You are very welcome to use my comments on your website or IBS Newsletter! Thank you! 

    S.D Indianna USA

     Re the IBS Audio Program - Just some encouragement. Our daughter (freshman in HS) has started the (CD) series. After only 3 days on session 1 she was sleeping more restfully. She really liked session 2, and last night started session 3. We are following the eating guidelines as well, but she has now been 4 weeks without an attack. It's like a miracle. I would recommend this program based on this experience alone. Thank you.

      Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page 

    L.M in Lakewood, CO USA

     Thanks, my mom loves it! Thanks for spending time on the phone with me to figure out which CD would be best for my mom. I was afraid she'd think the whole hypno thing was "weird" and wouldn't try it, but she really likes it! I got her the "Anxiety" CD and she's been listening almost daily since Christmas. She's been having a hard time with migraines lately, so the CD has really been helping her to relax. Anyway, just wanted to say "Thanks!" to you and Michael!

    Herb  Qld, Australia

    Excellent - After suffering IBS for over 30 years I have finally found something that actually works. Michael Mahoney's 100 day audio program is beautiful to listen to and results happen in a short time. I have just been through a terrible stressful time, usually I would be a mess, IBS would be at its worst!! However I am doing really well, along with insoluble fiber everyday I have what I am sure is a normal and healthy bowel. I highly recommend this treatment.

    Lisa - Lakewood, Colorado

     Last night was my final night on the (IBS Audio) program. I can't believe how quickly it went by. Now I'm excited about listening to my favorite sessions (2 and 3) whenever I want. I definitely notice a huge improvement; especially in one particular area. The hypno really helped me get over my restaurant anxiety. Just walking into a restaurant used to give me an IBS attack, no matter how safely I ate. The imagery in the program really helped me calm myself down so that I can now eat out without worrying about getting sick! I feel like I can start to take part in normal activities again; what a great feeling!

    I have also noticed a reduction in gas and bloating. Awhile back I posted that my gassiness was coming back and M. explained about the "mind armies"... well, the gas isn't totally gone yet, but it's gotten better, so hopefully it will completely go away again, this time for good! But I'm just so happy with the overall progress I made! Thank you, Michael!  

    ….My greatest improvement has been reduced anxiety about eating out, especially at other's homes. 

    Brett in New Jersey USA

     I bought these tapes one year ago after suffering with IBS for 18 years and trying every med known to man. I was at a point where I could no longer step out the front door to go to work without my gut cramping up and usually resulted in making a U-turn to get home ASAP to get to the bathroom. Fast forward one year, I'm 85% better. I no longer get panic attacks when someone asks me to walk out the front door. I can't say enough about Mike's Tapes or the support people he has in place. His voice is calming which in turn allowed me to relax and drift off into a sleep during every session. I saw small results in the first week of listening and over time started noticing big changes in my IBS. My only regret is not getting these tapes sooner. My family and I lost a lot of years of doing things together because of this nasty condition. Thank you Mike Mahoney for giving me my life back. Bless You 

    Also From Brett in New Jersey

    I have to admit when I purchased the IBS Audio Program CDs last December my faith wasn't as deep as it is today, but I still asked my Lord for guidance in prayer before purchasing the CDs. …Hypnosis has gotten a bad wrap from TV shows in the past for entertainment value. I'm sure you've watched a show or two where they hypnotize people on stage and make them bark like a dog, etc, ... This isn't what it's all about at all. It's not voodoo or hocus pocus or anything like that. Not in this case. The sessions are very relaxing, and for most people, they just work. I've gotten great results from listening to Mike's program. Results will vary but in my case I saw some results within a few weeks. Gradually over the past year I've gotten better and better and can honestly say my life is just about back to normal. I go anywhere, anytime. Today my wife and I went shopping for 4 hours…the important thing is I was able to do this, whereas … last year I was a total mess. I couldn't be in a store more than 5 or 10 minutes. … I also had to weigh the CDs over taking meds the rest of my life. I tried antidepressants among many, many other things. 1, they didn't work and 2, I didn't like the state of mind they put me in. Thanks to Mike’s Tapes (CDs), my anxiety attacks are few and far between.  Had IBS-D (diarrhea) for at least 19 years. 

    From Trish -  USA

    IBS Audio Program - Hi, just wanted to say that this program is fantastic. I have suffered with IBS for over 30 years, I have spent a fortune on trying cure after cure .... and never any real relief until now. I am a new person, I have just finished the course, I started having positive results quite early in the program and now I am symptom free!! which is not a statement I would make lightly. I have just been through one of the most stressful times in my life, nursing my mother for 4 weeks until her death, and then a whole heap of stuff to deal with afterward which would have in the past caused me a nightmare situation with my IBS. It was such a comfort to have my 1/2hr listening to the C.D. a real life saver in just giving me relaxation and peace and of course no IBS symptoms. Anyone who reads this who is considering trying this program I say "go for it" the best money I have ever spent!!! Thanks to Heather and Mike, God Bless you both. Regards Trish

     Kathy. W USA

     I have suffered from IBS for about 36 years. I have been to many doctors, including the Mayo Clinic and herbalists. None were able to really help for the long term… For the past two years I have been nearly symptom-free. I attribute this to two things - using the principles … set out in Eating for IBS and the IBS Audio Program 100tm hypnosis  (CDs).

    While I was skeptical about the benefits of the hypnosis tapes, I used them just as prescribed for 100 days and have been nearly symptom-free since. Thank you so much for helping me and others with IBS. You should know that I have been able to travel to Ireland (4 times) and various destinations in the United States over the past two years without a single accident.

    Aly – USA/UK

     I am only on day 22 (This is my second time doing the CDs), but I can see some great improvement! I recently had a big move-- across the ocean to England with my fiancé for grad school. With all of the stress, I expected to have a really rough time. I was struggling when I arrived and couldn't sleep well. I remembered how well I slept with the CDs, so I decided to give them a try again. The first time was calming but didn't seem to help my IBS drastically. Anyway, I've noticed that my attacks are so much quicker and less intense. This weekend I was out of my apartment both days all day. That's a huge deal for me. I went into Birmingham on Sunday and even ate out at an Italian restaurant (splurging on garlic bread) and ate a pretzel from the German market with Nutella on it. Normally, I could never do it-- physically AND emotionally. I would have never wanted to try it. I did and nothing happened. I feel like my mind is starting to tell my body it's OK to eat a little bit of stuff I normally wouldn't. It's such a freeing experience! But the most important part is that my attacks are so much better. If I have a bad belly day, it could be a few hours, never days upon days like it used to be. SO, I just wanted to share my thoughts... :) 

    From Cassandra - USA

     Day 100 Complete - And I must say that I am MUCH improved!! ... I would say I am 90% better than I was in August when I started and 150% better than I was in February when I contemplated admitting myself to hospital. My attacks are wayyyyyy down - 1 or 2 every week or 2. Compared to 3 or 4 a day is phenomenal. I am so very happy with my progress so far.

    I can't wait until I see the GI on Dec. 11 to let him know what I have done for myself since I saw him in May. He will be pleased with the progress...

    If you haven't tried the program, what are you waiting for? Seriously, it has saved me, physically and mentally. Go ahead, order it!! It is far more valuable than the small investment!

       Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page

    ■  From Berry - Canada

    "I have two words for you: DO IT !   Like most others here, I tried so many different avenues to get my IBS-D under control. I am amazed at the results from the hypnosis program. Amazed!!!

    I started it in May and by early July, when I wasn't seeing any magical changes, I started to get discouraged. I stuck to it anyway, "just in case"... and I'm incredibly happy to announce that I was able to take a 14-hour road trip (!!!!) to go on my first vacation in 7 years (!!!!!) in early September.

    I started noticing the changes in August. My perpetual fear of getting caught somewhere far from a restroom is completely gone. I kid you not. I feel so much more in control!

    I'm still careful about what I eat, but I no longer "fear" food, if that makes any sense. Seriously... try the program. When you're through with it, you'll be amazed at how inexpensive your freedom was in the end!

    p.s. - I've been eating out at least once a week since August, just because I finally can !... I'll stop soon, not because it's physically uncomfortable for me (my old excuse), but because I can't afford it. That's a problem I can live with! "

    We are in the process of adding more feedback and comments. Please return soon!

    ■  T.S USA

    I've gotten up into about 1/2 way through session 4 of Mike's tapes. The improvements I have noticed in my IBS-D are:
    pretty much complete "regularity" now
    pain/cramping is now much more rare occurrence
    easier & faster recovery from occasional times I do have any IBS problems

    Other things I and other people have noticed:
    I'm a LOT less anxious overall
    I sleep WAY better
    I have lost my fear of going out almost completely
    I'm generally feeling less moody and more relaxed

    Now, I have to admit that I have also made dietary changes - I have cut out all gluten and drastically cut down on caffeine and sugar, but I haven't needed my anti-spasmodics in a long time, and I decided that I didn't need the anti-depressants after all. Also, I just got back from over a weeklong trip to Europe. Normally the very idea of getting on a plane would have me so terrified I wouldn't be able to think (or even walk)straight, let alone the idea of being in a strange country where they might not have available toilets.

    Not only did I make the whole trip - 8 - 10 hours one way going either way AND during a terrorist alert - with NO anxiety, I took multiple day trips while out there, including one on a boat with NO toilet available - all with NO anxiety or relapse. I even tried to talk my brain into being afraid on one of the plane trips and it just wouldn't listen. I don't know if the IBS 100 Program was entirely the reason for this huge turnaround for me, but I really feel that it has helped a whole lot not only my IBS, but my overall ability to deal with stress. Even my husband who doesn't have IBS likes to listen to the tapes with me because they completely override his chronic insomnia. I like the program a lot!

    From Marilyn – Illinois –

    IBS really ruined my whole life; I felt torn between being grateful I didn't have something "serious" and guilty for feeling like I was dying anyway. People treat you differently when they know that IBS is something that isn't "serious" as in life-threatening, but even my gastroenterologist told me that he could treat the pain of his colon cancer patients better than his IBS patients.

    I was officially diagnosed in 1988, after about five years (1983) of not knowing why I was having increasingly severe diarrhea and abdominal pain. With the birth of my daughter that same year, I thought I better get tested, that maybe I did have some digestive disease, but several colonoscopies later, (four total over the years) it was confirmed as IBS.

    Trips to the Mayo Clinic and two other gastroenterologists further confirmed that every single prescription and OTC medication had little or no effect, and only short-term, if any:

    Over the next 12 years or so, I was prescribed various IBS medications by my gastroenterologists and internal medicine physicians - some examples: every antispasmodic including Hyoscyamine (Levbid/Levsin, and Levsin SL), Dicyclomine (Bentyl), as well as Donnatal, Tincture of Belladonna, etc., several diets and diet modifications/food eliminations, fiber, the anti-depressant Amitriptyline (Elavil), various SSRIs (Prozac, Effexor and others), Codeine, Colpermin (enteric coated peppermint capsules), various other Antidiarrheal and/or Antiperistaltic prescriptions or OTC medications, as well as non-label use of prescriptions such as Seldane, which has a side-effect of constipation to combat my extreme diarrhea. There were other medications, and herbals as well.

    My gastroenterologist finally told me that he had exhausted his treatment options, and to go look up other treatments on the internet. In my search, I found out about the use of clinical hypnotherapy for IBS but I thought this method was pretty far-fetched and seemed to be absurd to me.

    But at this point I was desperate, now almost housebound with severe urgent diarrhea, painful cramping, and nothing helping, so I tried this treatment method as a last resort in the summer of 2000. This treatment program is known as the IBS Audio Program 100. It consists of a set of audio CDs containing clinically researched therapeutic sessions with a very specific listening schedule. (Michael Mahoney of Cheshire England is the author of this program. He came to the IBS Group BB in 1998, when his program became available to the public as a result of patient demand. Mike has many publications about him and by him and is one of the leading clinical hypnotherapists in England who works alongside gastroenterologists in his medical centre.)

    Even though the program had been helping thousands of IBS patients, even prior to its availability to the public in 1998, I felt that this would not work for me, that I was a hopeless case, having been diagnosed as severe refractory IBS, and I doubted that anything of this sort would have any real helpful effects on my symptoms – I was of a very negative, depressed mind-set from the beginning and throughout listening to the program. I had very little belief in it or the method. In fact, I thought it was rather bogus, and misleading to think anything of a brain-gut approach would help me. After all, the problem was in my gut – not my mind – or so I thought. I fought all the way – writing emails to Mike in England, how this wasn’t working, and that I was relapsing, etc. I was a nightmare patient! An IBS “poster child.”

    During the course of listening to the hypnotherapy sessions, I not only had to deal with IBS, but my marriage dissolved in part, due to IBS, and I had several various surgeries – one on my foot, a gallbladder removal (which the doctor misdiagnosed as IBS pain), and removal of repositioned entangled ovaries. While the hypnotherapy program wasn’t dealing with my IBS, I found out it helped me cope with the many other stressors and health issues in my life first, as these were the most pressing – once resolved – I re-listened to the program yet again – and my IBS began to improve. Very gradually at first, but one day, I realized, I hadn’t had severe pain and urgency as often as I used to.

    As the time passed, the urgency and diarrhea diminished substantially – in fact, as time went on, I later realized that at the first hint of urgency, I “automatically” had what I would call an “unspoken” inner thought – that “said”, in effect, “I don’t have time to deal with this now,” or “I don’t want this now, go away” and the urgency and impending diarrhea would subside within almost seconds. It was an automatic response – I didn’t think it through. Just as in the past, my “gut” previously reacted as an automatic response to go into pain, cramps and urgency and severe diarrhea.

    Due to the severity of my severe refractory IBS, as well as several non related surgeries, I listened to the entire program 3 times. Each time I saw better improvement – I was the worst case scenario. Mike told me that the hypnotherapy program worked first on those health issues and stressors in my life that were most pressing to my overall health – and that the IBS was dealt with last in my case – but I persevered, and my symptoms greatly reduced. That was several years ago, and now I can actually leave the house, whereas before, I raised my children "through the bathroom door!" I had attacks of diarrhea and pain lasting for hours on end, sometimes six hours a day, almost every day, never knowing when...even if I ate small amounts, the attacks would come out of the blue.

    I am now able to function – if I do get an attack, most of the time it will subside within minutes, if not seconds – IBS is no longer the severe issue that it was, and though not a cure, for me, it was the best thing I could have done to treat my IBS on a holistic level.

    My IBS cost me a whole lost life...events and special celebrations for my kids, just taking them to routine doctor and dentist appointments was an ordeal, and my marriage suffered and collapsed in part because of it. I went from being able to travel and talk professionally in front of large groups of people, to being just about housebound.

    This program saved my life. And that is why I am still here helping on the BB and why I now help the author of the program, Michael Mahoney, as a result of my gratitude for getting my life back. As one of the slowest persons to respond, and with very severe symptoms, I feel that I do need to pass on what was given to me and encourage others to not lose hope. That's what worked for me and I hope this helps someone too.

    Shannon B, Washington, USA  Calming and peaceful

    I am only on the second cd but I can tell you this, I am calmer and able to handle stress better, and my stomach problems are better too. I still have some issues with my stomach but as I said before that I am only on the second cd. Most every night I fall asleep to the relaxing voice of Dr. Mahoney, he says you don't have to stay awake to have the message work and he is right after the first night I notice a change in the way I handle stress.

    From Stephanie N

    I, too, am a testimony for the IBS Audio 100 Program for self-hypnosis.  I tried it as a last resort - out of desperation.

    The first thing I noticed was a change in my thought pattern and my reactions to stressful situations. Then I slowly began to see a change in my bowel movement. The changes went back and forth for me for a while because I'd just started a new job that was very stressful, along with the fact that I am a full time wife and mother who's taking a full course load in college. So I knew that if was to work for me, it had to be pretty good.

    It was difficult for me to stay on track with the schedule at times, but I was persistent because I knew that this was something I had to do for myself. With such a busy schedule, I was always tired when I listened to it and would fall asleep every time. Thank goodness hypnotherapy works on the subconscious, allowing the subject to totally relax. I began to see a total healing in about 75 days.

    For the first time in years, I have eaten a full tossed salad as a main course, ice cream and other things that I had sworn off because of IBS. My only concern now is keeping my weight down. I commend Michael Mahoney for a terrific, effective program. It works. It truly works. It is worth the money. There is no reason for people to suffer unnecessarily.

    Thanks for all that you do. I hope that others will listen as well.

    Stephanie N

      Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page 

     Natalie -  UK

     I wouldn't get on the bus, train anything without a toilet in sight and  it had been ruling my life for so long that it was just normal. I didn't want to think that way, but there seemed to be nothing to get me out of that thought pattern. Until that is....I discovered Michael!! I think I’m one of the only people on these boards to have used Michael’s hypno CDs and then gone and actually had sessions in person with him....he is AMAZING....and although I didn't notice it working as quickly as some people...now I can't get over the change.....its like a miracle!

    From Kim   USA

    Better than any drug helped

    I have been diagnosed with IBS and am on a prescription that helps but my problem is the anxiety which still causes problems with my digestive system. I am only part way into the Audio 100 and am already noticing a big difference in the way I feel when I leave home. I highly recommend this program!!

     Jenks  - Orange County, California 

    ***** Haven't felt this good in years!,

    After trying every medication/diet imaginable over the last 7 years, I tried the IBS 100 CD's and have finally found relief! The hypnosis program has worked wonders for me. Over the last 6 months I have gone off all of my medications and am far less sensitive to stress and diet triggers. Hypnotherapy really works! It has helped me to manage stress in my life so that it doesn't affect me the way that it used to, and I can eat the foods I haven’t been able to eat in years. I highly recommend this product! 

    Sharon H of AZ USA

    It has been at least 5 or 6 years now, since I used Mike's hypnotherapy program and am still doing great. IBS is a shadow now, it is in the back of my mind rather than dominating my life. I function very well day to day. Sometimes I am surprised to realize I haven't thought about IBS for a while, or find myself in a situation that used to put me in a panic. I think about the "what ifs..." once in a while, which was a huge problem before, but now I am able to get rid of the thought as soon as I recognize it.

    I still get D on occasion, but I can usually figure out why...consuming alcohol and allergies will always trigger an attack. I can shrug it off easily with "It's just my allergies, it's not the IBS returning." I guess mainly I have learned to under-react to IBS symptoms. I realize these are CBT techniques. I tried using them for years before I used Mike's program, but without the hypnotherapy to help me change my way of thinking CBT was not enough.

     Mary H. W - Houston, Texas

    "Having just been diagnosed with IBS, but realizing I've had it for some time, I ordered this book The First Year- IBS and found it to be extremely helpful. It reviews Dr. Michael Mahoney's hypnotherapy CDs which I bought and have found to be just the ticket. I would heartily recommend this book for anyone with IBS."

     Anderson Delaware … Best product for IBS

     believed I may of had IBS for all of my life, however I really noticed it after getting off a well known medication. After searching for over two years I finally found something that really works for the long term. My underlining problem though is anxiety (social) and that really is what causes my IBS. But this cd helps with anxiety as well. For the price of this cd it's well worth it for your health. Although I'm not 100% healed I am able to live my life comfortably with less anxiety and less IBS symptoms....

    Robin L. M  - SAN CLEMENTE, California

    ***** great product

    I have finally found something that has helped my IBS. I recommend it to anyone suffering. 

    From Aurora - USA

    I’m on  day 95 and it was 10 days ago when I took Imodium last time. When I started Mike’s program, I was on Imodium every day. The frequency I needed to take Imodium came to reduce gradually, but I used to need to take it at least around twice a week even during the time I followed Mike’s program. But yesterday when I looked at my IBS-diary, I noticed that I had not taken Imodium for the last 10 days, it’s an incredible change for me and I just couldn’t believe my eyes!!

    I have even noticed a great change when it comes to how I feel and think about IBS, especially when I’m at the University. Before, I always had to go to the bathroom at least twice just before the class would start (for just in case, even though I had been on my bathroom several times at home just when I would leave the house) and was worried all the time with the thought what if I began to feel that I needed to go to the bathroom again during the class etc, but during the recent days, I didn’t think about the bathroom at all and went to the classroom straight away. I even didn’t think about the bathroom during the class and I felt really, really happy after the classes. It’s like as if I have got new confidence that I can make it without thinking of bathroom and D all the time.

    WT – IBSG

    My 100th day of this program was this past Saturday and I must say that I am feeling much better than when I started. I am much more relaxed and although I still get cramps from time to time and the odd bout of the runs, it is so so much better than 100 days ago.

    The biggest test for me was last week.
    We went on vacation which although I love, it always has a ton of triggers for me, starting with, Are we going to miss our flight, What if some one else is in the bathroom, what if I am held up in customs, where are the bathrooms, what type of food can I eat, will I be affected by the water, what about island excursions, did I pack the right stuff etc etc etc, (I know most of you can relate) I always rely on Imodium, lomotil, buscopan and rolaids, different combinations for different days to get through the holiday and there is always a great deal of anxiety that is ever present even with the drugs.

    This vacation was so different, We took a 7 day cruise from Florida to St. Thomas, St. Martin and Bahamas and had to take a 3 hour flight to get to the cruise ship. I did not take Imodium until the third day and then it was only one dose and definitely due to over indulgence the night before.
    I was up early every day, did multiple shore excursions, had 2 anxiety free flights, ate pretty much whatever I wanted, drank far too much alcohol, faced unknown territory every day etc. and I was fine.

    Yes I did have a few times that I suffered from pain and cramps but they were manageable and did not stop me from doing anything that I wanted to do. Certainly the best vacation experience (IBS wise) that I have had in years.

    I am not saying I am cured (yet) but I would easily say I am 80 - 90 % better. The trip was the first time since December that I have taken an Imodium although I have taken the occasional buscopan for spasms.

    I can't begin to describe the way it works because I really don't know but Mikes Tapes certainly have helped so far and I trust what I have learned will continue to help in the future.

    Best investment I have made in my health for quite some time. I would highly recommend them, however you do need to be motivated because it is a significant time investment and to work I understand that you need to be consistent with the schedule. I was.

    Take care all and Hats off to Mike’s Tapes (CDs).

    Kerry - Australia

    "I've finished round 2 and am feeling good. stable again and back on track. It was no easy task with two young children but I made the time and I'm glad I did.

    If you are thinking of trying the hypno but haven't yet I recommend it!"

    C.BB in the UK

     Mike,  Just a quick e-mail to say THANK YOU for the creating the IBS 100 CDs. I discovered the CDs on the IBS Group bulletin board (As an emergency nurse by background I have been a believer in traditional scientific medicine and wary of "alternative" therapies - how my beliefs have changed over the last few months!!!!

    I have had IBS since I was 19 when I was on a long term course of antibiotics whilst living in a student house studying for my degree. I now think the combination of the antibiotics and the anxiety of the shared bathroom may have been the trigger for my condition. I am now 30 years of age and over the last 11 years my symptoms have got progressively worse and I ended up feeling quite anxious about trips away (not just overnight but just to the local shopping centre!). I was reading the reviews on the bulletin board with some skepticism (not a believer in miracle cures!!!!) but I was at the end of the road having tried many conventional treatment options!

    I started the CDs in August and followed the schedule to the letter (if I missed a day or two I jumped back the required number of days!) - I completed day 100 on the last day of 2005 whilst on holiday in Hong Kong. I can not put into words the difference your programme has made to my life - my symptoms have more or less gone (and what remains does not hinder my life!). I feel calmer - I recently had to present my MSc study at an Ethics committee (sounds like you may have gone through this process as you do NHS work!) - well I would normally be in pieces but I was calm, self assured and defended my study.... I have also just returned from a 4 week trip to Japan, Australia and Hong Kong - in the past I would be popping  back to the hotel after every meal and eyeing up public toilets wherever we went - this time I ate LOTS of food and forgot about my IBS for 95% of the time!!!!

    Really I just want to say thank you  for your help and also for not dismissing this problem. I am very very grateful!!!  Thanks.  

     From Lauralee

    ...I am one of those people who have done Mike's tapes, benefited from them greatly, and have improved my IBS 85%, if not more.

    [It has been ] said, "Many of the original posters on this BB who did Mike's CDs have left because they no longer have a need for the BB as IBS is not uppermost in their thoughts anymore."

    This is very true for me and the reason why I took quite a while off from posting here. I don't have a lot of problems any more - just occasional flares due to stress. I can eat what I want, I can go out to lunch without worrying about needing a bathroom, accidents are a thing of the way distant past, I have my life back, and I have Mike and his hypno tapes to thank for that!

      Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page 

    Robby L  -  Colchester, Vermont

    You owe it to yourself to give this Program a try
    After suffering IBS-D for 20 years, with the last 4 being unable to work and almost 100% house bound. Like all of the other High Raters here the IBS Audio Program 100 has given me back my life. So, instead of raving on about the program, I would like to make some comments based on info I found while researching this program before I bought it and support I received directly from the author after I bought it.

    Hypnotherapy performed without the proper training in IBS and addressing the IBS directly will probably not work. Think of it like this, your IBS is a beehive and your anxiety and depression are bees. If you kill the bees that fly out of the hive, the hive itself will still be alive and after a brief period of time the bees will be back. Until you address the hive itself it will always exist and continue to produce more bees. So, if you are going to see a Therapist be sure to find one who is trained in and has a proven track record for treating IBS.

    For those who have the IBS Audio Program and feel that it did not help you should give it another try since you already own it. Keep in mind that everyone is different and will begin to see results at different points in the program. I have seen one person begin to see changes in as little as 2 weeks, several were about 30 days into the program (like myself) and I have even seen one that went through the program 3 times before seeing results. So, your time to see results WILL vary.

    With over 80% success rate in clinical trials your odds are real good that proper Hypnotherapy will help you, but keep in mind that that you are dealing with the mind and if you go into this or any other program with a negative attitude you could sabotage yourself from seeing any results.

    If you are considering trying the program just go and get it, you won’t be sorry, and if you have not considered it, please do, then read this sentence again.

    Tomorrow, January 31, 2006 I will be 46 years old and have lost almost half of my life to IBS, so now I have a lot of catching up to do, and a lot to make up to my wife (the saint) who has never known me without IBS. This includes everything from our honeymoon (which consisted of staying 2 nights in a hotel in the same town that we lived in) to simply going shopping (she had to buy most of my clothes since I could rarely go).

    From Noelle USA

     I've told the two physicians I work with here about it (IBS Audio Program). I've had depression (probably secondary to IBS) since I was 35. After 2 weeks on the program the "tape" of nasty negative cognition in the back of my mind shut off. All the other work I've done (meds, therapy, yoga, exercise, you name it) had not managed to do this. I've been on meds for 15 years - my psychiatrist is ready to take me off of them if I maintain for another two months, and I'm sure I will…

    But it seems to take listening to someone whose had results.  I've had other folks get other CD's from your site.  I really should just rent a highway billboard and tell the world - that's how I've felt about it, really.  It's life altering.  And this from someone who grew up with hypnosis, although mom was a pediatrician and no hypnotherapist, she used standard protocols to take warts off children rather than liquid nitrogen.

    What is so radically different is the level of sophistication in the approach you use and how you structure the sessions. The things done here in the states seem so - for lack of a better word - simplistic. Hypnotherapy is not cheerleading, or Peter Piper...but that's how they do it here.

    I had eye surgery today. Waiting for the inevitable in the chair I used the sessions and modified it for surgery site specific pain by altering one aspect of one directive.  I'm supposed to be on percodan nonstop, I've taken half a tablet.  Change the world, one person at a time, and you still change the world.

    Now that the research has finally confirmed what many of us knew all along - that mood and affect has a biochemical base and is physically "real", along with knowing that stress is a physically real event, perhaps the idea of using our minds to work on our health directly will pull more weight. There was a front page article on hypnotherapy in the paper here just a week ago - it had been picked up from the Associated Press. I was surprised - and hoped it caught some eyes.  Nothing is as empowering, or as just plain good, as helping yourself be well.  If you have a fan club, count me in. And no, I am not the fan club type!

    G.B – Colorado Springs, CO

    Rating: 10 out of 10

    IBS Audio 100 tapes
    This program has helped me more in the 13 years I have had IBS-D than any other product I have tried, without a doubt. I truly wish I had found it sooner (I cringe at the money I could have saved on all the other things I've tried in my desperation)! When I began the program, I was having daily diarrhea, with literally about 10-15 seconds in which to find a bathroom when the D attacks would hit me. I finished the program in Dec. 2005. I have learned through them how to be less anxious about public outings and how to hold off the urge to go until I can find a bathroom (which is becoming less and less frequent as time passes). The tapes are very easy to listen to and Mike's English accent is very soothing and understandable. There is a set way to do the program and the user needs to follow the schedule even though the temptation is to want to go faster. Remember, you didn't get IBS overnight and you won't cure it overnight! I can't thank Mike enough for the IBS tape program - it gave me my life back!

    N.D – North Richland Hills, Texas

    Rating: 10 out of 10 

    IBS Audio Program Really Works!
    I have done Mike's tapes (IBS Audio 100 Program), benefited from them greatly, and have improved my IBS 85%, if not more. I can eat what I want, I can go out to lunch without worrying about needing a bathroom, accidents are a thing of the way distant past. I am so grateful for the work that Mike Mahoney has done to help all of us. I have my life back, and I have Mike and his hypno tapes to thank for that!

    C.T – Warwick, UK  

    Stick with it - amazing results
    Despite being cynical about hypnosis I started the IBS Audio 100 programme in August (I had tried every-thing else including diet and medications). I began noticing a positive change in symptoms at around day 20 and from then on things got better and better. The symptoms improved and the relapses when they happened (and they did) were never as bad as before I started on the programme. Keep a diary as you will soon forget how bad your symptoms were - I had IBS for 13 years and it kept me housebound for periods of time. It is 30 days since I have finished the programme and I have been symptom free for over 7 weeks.... also I am feeling more relaxed than ever. There is a time commitment to the programme but 30 relaxing minutes a day is so beneficial I advise you to give it a go....

    W.T  Birmingham, UK

    I loved it, changed my life

    This program so changed my live. I completed it a little over a month ago and I am so pleased. I persevered with it, sometimes following the listening schedule was a bind, but I kept at it and I am so pleased. I can only speak for myself but this is the best. After all the meds and other treatments this was the gentlest. So thank you Mike. My wife also says thanks, she has noticed such a difference. Now we go out to the park, and theatre again brilliant.

    A.R UK

     Well, today is day 50, I am officially half way through Mike's IBS Audio Program 100. The results I am seeing already are simply AMAZING. If my house were to catch fire Mike's CDs would be the first thing I would grab, after I was sure my wife was safe, of course.

    Each day just keeps getting better and better. Depression is still gone and I am so pumped up about how I feel I can't imagine being able to get depressed. As far as anxiety goes it has not shown its ugly face in over 2 weeks, no flare ups or panic attacks at all. My BM's are down to 1 every morning and there is no more urgency to it, I will have to go in the morning at some point but I now have full control as far as when. The stools are no longer loose and watery, every day they continue to firm up more and more.

    This past Sunday I was feeling so good that I came up with a test to try Monday morning. I got out of bed at about 7:15am, went to my office opened a Coke and had a couple of cigarettes, about 7:45 "I DECIDED" to go to the bathroom, had a good BM, took a shower, shaved, and got dressed and at 8:15 I walked out my front door got in my truck and drove away. I finished my errands and was home around 10:00 and I felt like a million bucks. Now this may not sound like much, but, I don't remember being able to leave the house before 11am in almost 4 years. Whenever I need to make an appt to see the doc or someone else my auto-response has always been "afternoons work better for me".

    Because of the success of my test I think I am going to start desensitizing myself to leaving the house and driving, and if I don't have anywhere particular to go I will just pick a direction drive out for a while, turn around and come home. Then the next thing to work on will be being able to be a passenger.

    I reported in another post that it was around day 32 or 33 when I noticed that I was starting to feel better, well, last night my wife told me that she had already been seeing subtle changes in me before that day.

    Now, like everything else we have tried, this program may not work for you or it may take longer for you to see results, some people have had to go through the program more than once to see results. But, with more than an 80% success rate in clinical trials your odds are better than anything else available as long as you go into it with an open mind, have a positive attitude and keep telling yourself it "

    WK.M  on HFI - Newslatter

    I'm on Day 36 and therefore have listened to Session 3 many times already. Today I was a little more alert during the session, and I think it's absolutely brilliant. Filling your body with "starflakes"; how did he come up with this? This is beyond massages and hot tubs as one of the greatest calm-inducers I have ever experienced. I'm going to remember to listen to it during times of anxiety even when I'm done with the program.

    Robin S – Colorado USA

    I just want to add my thanks to Mike for this program.

    I just finished the 100 days. When I first started, I had had IBS-D for 13+ years and it was getting progressively worse. I've tried lots of things and I should have bought stock in Imodium - there was a time I was on 6-8 a DAY, every day, for 4+ YEARS. Then, though my pharmacist swears you can't get sensitized to it, it stopped working - even the prescription strength. So, on to bigger and better drugs like Elavil, Dicyclomine, and Librax. Plus, OTC supplements like fiber, digestive enzymes, Digestive Advantage - you name it! I got no better, and I definitely got worse.

     I swear without exaggeration that I was ready to march into the gastroenterologist and demand a colostomy because at least then I could have a life!

    Instead, I (thank you God!) found Mike's CDs. I ordered them after reading all the positive posts on this and other websites (I figured if they could help Marilyn, they could help me!). I actually cried all the way through the first two days of listening, because I was so stressed and tense over the whole IBS thing.

     Gradually, I could feel myself relaxing and my Symptom Rating Chart (included with the program) showed that on day 27 I could already rate my progress at 1-2 points better in all areas. This may not sound like much, but when you're at the top of the scale (9-10 is very severe), you have nowhere to go but down to lower and better ratings. And I had done this after only 4 weeks! I rated myself again at day 50 and saw even more improvement.

    The biggest thing I noticed initially was that I could actually get in my car and drive to work (a 40-45 minute one-way commute) without my stomach (and other parts of me!)clenching and gurgling and fighting me the whole way. Believe me I know where every bathroom is in town and I used to leave for work early so I could make pit stops along the way.

    Gradually, I could eat lunch at work and not have to run to the restroom for half the afternoon. I also slowly stopped running to the restroom for half the morning when I first got to work.

    I did add Citrucel in September, just after starting the CDs, and GSE and calcium at the beginning of December, to supplement the program and to help with some additional stresses I've been faced with in the last month (besides the holidays, which are stressful enough).

    Since the beginning of December, I've had even more improvements...I can eat tomatoes again! I have small amounts of dairy now with no problem. I had a Christmas cookie party right before I finished the program and never went to the bathroom once during it (usually the anxiety of hosting it would set me off)!

    Another improvement: after only getting part way through the program, I could feel my stomach start grumbling and tell myself "I don't have time for this right now, you'll have to wait 20 minutes" (or however long) and 9 times out of 10 I could make it until then.

    Now, even if I can't last the entire time, I can wait a few minutes, then calmly walk to the restroom without issues. And that's the end of it! (The visualization of the wheel slowing down really helps a lot).

    My problem right now, is that it's been so long since I've been normal, I don't remember what it's like, so my (wonderful, supportive) husband keeps reminding me that (as Mike also says) not every digestive symptom is IBS.
    Anyhow, sorry to ramble, but this program has helped SO MUCH when I think of how my life was even just 6 months ago! I urge anyone who is sitting on the fence, not sure if they should try Mike's CDs, to do yourself a favor and order them NOW (Oh, BTW, I am not paid to say any of this - it's all straight from the heart!) Thanks so much for giving me my life back!

     From cwil – USA

    ...I am a therapist and am working on my doctorate in clinical psychology, and I
    have IBS...I also fall asleep while listening to the CD's often, and it has been
    okay for me. I have finished 50% of the program and am feeling 90%
    better. Trust that your mind knows what to do take care of you even if
    you do fall asleep...

     R.F Review

    IBS Audio 100 This system of treatment requires a commitment, but is worth the effort. I suffered with IBS A for years. After 1 1/2 years I am symptom free. I believe it is worth every penny.

     H.W USA

    "If anyone who knows Michael, let him know his audio program CD (IBS Companion) for family and friends of the IBS patient really saved me. I had a family wedding in a distant state of a distant cousin. Of course, the entire extended family was attending, except me, due to IBS.

    The family was not amused. But I sent them copies of the CD that explained IBS and all of them wrote back apologetically, saying they did not realize what an IBS person goes through.  Good work, Michael.

    From Manchester England

    "...Mike’s hypno is working wonders-I’m on day 75 and I’m like a new person, so much calmer about everything. It took a while to start working but I persevered and would recommend it to all. I am going to ring my doctor and tell him to recommend it. It’s definitely worth it!"

      From Pop. P USA

    If you have had IBS for 10 years now you know that a quick fix is not going to happen. I have done the IBS program once and going to start it a second time. It hasn't cured me, but neither has the 10 different pills I've been prescribed, the colonoscopy, barium drinks, x-rays, ultrasounds, stool samples, blood tests, allergy testing, etc. Simply listening to the CDs is a walk in the park against everything else I have tried.

    I believe the CDs have helped me greatly in the reduction of anxiety I have surrounding IBS and the embarrassment of having to run to the bathroom numerous times per day. I have read at least 10-12 books on the subject which haven't cured me either, but I do think being knowledgeable about my problems is helping out too.

    Please continue the program, give it time and if need be, take the program again. Email Michael if you need to, he will contact you directly. He has for me and I thank him for his work with IBS and trying to make a difference in our lives.

    Seems odd that my GI doc and general doctor don't have the same calm, positive demeanor that Michael does.

     From Piper USA

     I am two weeks into the IBS audio 100 CDs and I am finding that I need to say my prayers BEFORE I start the sessions because even if they don't put me to sleep, I am "frozen" still and close to sleep at the end. I never thought I could be that relaxed and still awake - I realize now that I was never relaxed and that I was probably passing out - not really drifting off to sleep before. I would just stay up as long as I could keep my eyes open and then crash when I couldn't keep them open any longer. So I am SLEEPING MUCH BETTER NOW. Also during the day when I begin to feel an attack coming on I don't run to the bathroom as I used to and I don't break out into a cold sweat. It's weird - the thoughts lately have been : "Ok, here it comes, but that's good because I do need to go and it will be over soon." And sure enough, it comes on ( but it doesn't hit me like a ton of bricks now ) and I get through it and feel much better afterward. I also don't feel like my life is over because of this IBS - I truly didn't think that I would be thinking positively as a result of only 2 weeks listening to mail order CD's - but thank GOD I tried it. I pray that I will continue to heal!

    [October Update from Piper: ] Ok - sorry in advance for the play by play but I just have to tell SOMEONE!!! I am in the middle of session 3 of the Hypnotherapy tapes and have seen an incredible change in my attitude toward not only IBS but life in general. I am once again optimistic and actually living my life which I had given up hope on just a few months ago. I still have symptoms of course but they are fewer, shorter lived and I don't get the anxiety attacks, I just focus on anything BUT IBS as it is happening and soon enough it passes and life goes on. Where were you, Michael, 2 years ago?????

     taffa -   Review

       What a relief!  I'm only part-way through the Programme, but it's already having a great impact on my state of mind and the control I feel. I would definitely recommend this to anyone suffering with IBS. It gives you back some control over your life, instead of having to rely on pills and other things.

      From Franny HFI

      "I am on day 68 of the CDs. As I was checking off the daily session in the booklet I came across the "symptoms rating chart" on page 15, that I had filled out when I received the CDs. Most of the symptoms were 8 or 10s. I forgot about the chart again until now so I didn't fill it out at day 25 as suggested. It was so surprising to me that now all of those same symptoms I could rate a 1 or 2! It's like the headache that goes away and your not aware of when it left. I remembered how really awful I was feeling when I began this diet and the CDs and so thankful that I feel so much better these days. Thanks again Mike!!!

      Barb -  Florida – HFI BB

      About ready to do my 4th session with the CD's. I'm really loving that 30 minutes. Already feeling less stressed and sleeping better...  ...I love the IBS 100 program, I am eternally grateful for it ,many thanks to Michael Mahoney for his dedication!"

      From Cristopher -  New York

      "I  have been using them for a while for both IBS, stress reliever, as well as helping you train your mind to focus on specific sources (or not focus at all)...great tapes."

      From Chicago, Illinois

      I think the CDs are great (I’m on my first run-through), and I'm not sure if this is the point or not, but I'm also sleeping much better, and NEVER have that laying there trying to fall asleep for 2 hours feeling. THAT is awesome! No tossing and turning!
      And since I think I'm the type who lets my anxiety and stress travel to my digestive system too easily, I'm finding it's helping with that too. And I love the part on one of the CDs where he says it's ok to be taking time out to take care of yourself, don't feel guilty. I love it!

      Pam. D - Cheshire England

       Dear Dr Mahoney,

      I’m sure it cannot be a rare event for you to receive letters of thanks, but I just felt the need to add my voice to the throng!

      I was diagnosed as having Irritable Bowel Syndrome in June 2004, following a sudden onset which I can pinpoint precisely to a highly stressful event in the January which certainly seemed to be the trigger in my case - although I appreciate that stress is not the ‘cause’ per se.

      I eventually consulted my GP to find an explanation for the crippling abdominal pain I had been experiencing intermittently for the previous 5 months - frequent episodes of which almost always led on to bouts of tearful and exhausted vomiting. The antispasmodic tablets prescribed by the GP were of little help. I gave up my part-time teaching post as a direct consequence of the condition, focussing instead on my role as an on-line tutor. I would frequently sit at the computer sweating with the pain but of course in this context at least my students didn’t know!

      I was lead to your IBS 100 hypnotherapy programme... and by the time I had completed it my symptoms had reduced by what I considered then to be a miraculous 70 - 80%. The relief from the dreadful symptoms was sustained and the improvement continued after I had finished listening to the CDs. I can now report that I have been COMPLETELY symptom-free for the past 3 months

      I suffered from IBS symptoms for less that a year. It horrifies me to read in the literature of people who are enduring this syndrome for year upon year upon year - and it grieves me to think that for 80% of these people relief might be merely 100 days away if only they knew! I’m happy for you to use my name and the content of this letter in any way you deem appropriate to help ‘spread the word‘.

      Words are simply inadequate to express my gratitude for the time, effort, and determination you have brought to the cause of bringing relief to IBS sufferers.

      Yours Thankfully, Pam D, Cheshire England

      Grace. G UK

      I'm glad others in the medical profession are encouraging the use of hypnotherapy. I'm using Mike's tapes right now and I have very high hopes for them.

      I'm on session 3 so far, and I am a LOT less stressed out - when IBS kicks in, the chances of me having a panic attack or just getting really nervous over what will happen...has gone down a lot. Still have the symptoms of IBS although I think they are slightly changing...IBSD with constant cramping and pain...but now it seems the pain is getting worse (or I'm possibly just noticing it now?) but the cases of D are definitely getting lower...so I feel I'm headed in the right direction...

      Sorry for rambling on there about my progress, but I'm very thankful to Michael Mahoney for really caring about IBS sufferers and for the hypnotherapy tapes he's created, and I'm glad doctors are taking IBS seriously and trying to find something that will work to make us all feel better.

      From M.T.  UK

      I want to go on record as one of those helped by Mike's tapes. I followed the printed schedule completely two times and found them most helpful in getting rid of the pain and discomfort. They were worth the time I spent listening to them.

       Sharon - California

      Well, today is day 30 and the difference that I can see and feel is truly wonderful. I'm so much more relaxed and my anxiety level has dropped dramatically! I've had one and a half! episodes of D since my last update at day 10. The half episode was my own fault from a dietary slip. I had one incident where I became anxious over something and the ol' tum began singing it's song but...... I used the imagery from the CDs (Gave myself a little pep-talk while I was at it, too!) and it just settled right down and I was fine and continued my day uninterrupted. The sessions are a lovely respite and I look forward to them. I am coming into a rather stressful time over the next 10 days, culminating on the 6th of March and I'm surprised to find myself just not anxious about it at all. The cramping has gone entirely. The BM is now regular and daily, something it's never been before! The difference is night and day. I can now leave the house to do errands comfortably and I'm hoping that I will soon be able to resume my daily walking. Before Michael's hypnotherapy CDs, walking would set off a terrible episode of D. I'm only one-third of the way thru these CDs and the change has been very dramatic for me. Looking forward to feeling even better as I progress thru the sessions.....

      From Karen P
      Well I started using the tapes and they changed my life completely...Can't pinpoint what it is exactly but if there's the slightest chance that it can work, I was willing to try anything and I'm really glad I did. I'm working again, I can go the grocery store without worry and I even went skiing for the first time in 10 years. I have nothing but positive things to say. Try it, it can't hurt.

      Just wanted to say how much better I've been feeling lately since I’ve started Mike's tapes. I've only started on the second tape but I feel better already. I've been going out of the house for the last 2 weeks and I feel more relaxed. I start to feel that "oh no" coming on and I just say in my head "oh well, I'll worry about that later" and it goes away!!! I can't believe it. Hope it just gets better and better .....

      Thanks Mike!!!!! Sorry to sound like an infomercial but I can't help it. Its just so nice not to feel panicky so much. 

         Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page

      From Norbert  - Texas

      I am possibly the best success story here by not having any symptoms of IBS for four years after taking Mike's IBS Audio Program.

      I suffered from severe IBS/D for 35 years and this was just about my last hope when I came here to sign a Lotronex petition and discovered the Hypnotherapy tapes. I have now been retired for several years and go where I want, when I want. I eat what I desire with no restrictions. Over the 35 years of suffering I must have spent many thousands of dollars and wasted a lot of time seeing MD's including taking Antidepressants from Psychiatrists with no relief. As a matter of fact some of the Psychmeds nearly ruined me mentally before I quit them "cold turkey" and I wouldn't wish that on anyone!

      The money I spent to buy Mike's Audio Program is the wisest investment I've ever made and if you have just a fraction of my success you'll be thanking Mike Mahoney for the rest of your life.

      Many thanks… for your stamina in  giving others a chance to live a productive, enjoyable and happy life. Thank you Mike Mahoney for your tireless efforts in creating the Audio Program and passing it on to us, I'll be forever in your debt!

      PS: I have been a Christian for 43 years and try to live my life according to the Word of God. Jesus is my savior and I find nothing in Mike's Audio Program that would compromise my faith or beliefs in any way! Mike also has a strong belief in God and would never harm anyone!

      How I Beat IBS from Jack C.

      I've been there. I've tried it all. Spent huge amounts of money. Read all the medical journals. Seen the *BEST* specialists. No expense/effort spared. The only thing that worked was hypnotherapy. And yes it did work. I’m not sure if anyone is aware of the "Audio 100" program, but it changed my life.

      It's basically a 100 day hypnotherapy treatment on CD.I have no financial interest in pushing this product. My only interest stems from the fact that I can understand what everyone is going through, and I wish someone had alerted me to this earlier.

       S.D USA

       I've had IBS-C for 6 years and tried "all the above" and had all of the tests done without anything serious found. About 8 months ago my GI doc put me on Flagyl for 3 weeks. This improved my constipation greatly but I still had pain and bloating. I continued with probiotics and citrucel after the antibiotic treatment and I've been much better ever since.

      I've also bought and have been using the self-hypnosis, "audio 100" cd mentioned above. It has further improved my condition to where IBS is not dominating and controlling my life anymore.

      I still have some bad moments but they happen much more infrequently. I'm 50 days into the program and I've been presently surprised by it. If nothing else, the CD's make you feel incredible relaxed and help with stress. That's my story, I know IBS is different for everyone but it helps to here other people's success stories

      John D - USA

      This is the best for IBS
      I have had IBS since I was a teenager, I have tried every medication, test and specialist out there. I found out about the IBS audio program 100 through this site and all I could say is WOW!

      I am on day 25 and my only regret is that I wish I would have heard about this sooner.

      I finally fully have my life back, IBS no longer makes my decisions for me. Even if you are skeptical like I was you have got to try this.

      It's quite remarkable. It has certainly helped me tremendously. Good Luck!

      NM – Denver, CO USA

      I use IBS audio 100 every night.

      I bought IBS audio program 100 full of doubt - i thought it was expensive and i didn't "believe" in hypnosis... but i was in severe pain and desperate.

      80 days later and not only am I 90-100% IBS-free, but i am more relaxed and easy-going in general.  It has literally changed my life.

      Dee. E USA

      Very relaxing and helpful! – For Constipation
      This CD set was a great help to me. When I first started using it, my symptoms actually intensified for about a week.

      But then things started to get much better. Michael Mahoney has a very soothing voice and makes the listener feel at ease about the condition.

      I found I could use visualization and relaxation to ease my symptoms when they popped up. I also have noticed that I don't have as many problems with IBS as a result of listening to this set of CDs.

       From UBU in Connecticut

       I started on Dr. Michael Mahoney's 100-day program 32 days ago and it has been amazingly helpful. I have had a normal bowel movement almost every day for 2 weeks, reduced bloating, and less anxiety. I can't recommend it enough.

      G.G R - USA

      IBS Audio Program 100
      I've been dealing with this big "D" phenomena for over 14 years. Most of the time, I just took medicine and whined to anyone who would listen. Then, by the grace of God, I came across these tapes. Even as a CBT therapist, I was a bit skeptical and wasn't excited about spending the money on something I wasn't convinced would work!

      Well, lo' and behold, it was the best $$ I ever spent in my life. I've been quoted more than once saying that "if my house was burning down around me, I would be clutching my tapes"!! I initially started listening a couple years ago and it took a few weeks to "kick in" but what a powerful punch when it did. To this day, I still listen more often than not just to relax…
      I cannot say enough good things about the tapes, by Dr. Mike Mahoney. 

      From:  D. A UK

      Amazing improvements so far (1/3 program finished) - It seemed like once I hit Session 3, I had BMs daily like clockwork, with absolutely NO D and very little gas and bloating. The funny thing is, I still haven't heard more than like 5 minutes of each of the sessions, I have NO idea what Michael is saying to me while I sleep.

       A.D USA – Rating 9.9 out of 10

      This has been the best I've tried
      Using the Audio program 100 has made my IBS go into remission. Today I finished the 79th session, and my remission has now lasted over two months. Every symptom I had, from frequent watery BMs, gastritis, gas, bloating, colicky pain, ALL have disappeared.

        Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page 

      Suzanne B, Vermont -USA

      Hi,  I wanted to take this time to tell everyone how Mike's IBS Audio Program 100tm has helped me feel like a normal person again.
      I have suffered with IBS for many years thinking that I was not normal and feeling guilty when I had to change anyone’s plans or interrupt  family travel to rush to find a bathroom.

      My life got to the point where I would travel with a hospital bed pan in my car trunk for fear that I would not find a bathroom in time.

      While scanning the internet I came across Mikes tapes. My daughter being a Hypnotherapist checked out the web site and told me to order the tapes immediately.

      When I received the tapes I moved into the spare bedroom so I could have all my attention addressed to Mike’s tapes. I saw changes immediately in my thought patterns and how I handled stressful situations.

      It has  been four months since I finished the tapes and can honestly say I have had only three out breaks of IBS. I even flew to California to visit my daughter.

      For anyone suffering with IBS please do not hesitate to get these tapes. You are worth every penny spent and Mike’s approach is so gentle and comforting you will look forward to each session with him. Words are not enough to thank him for giving me back a life I can now enjoy.
      Sincerely, Suzanne

      From Kathleen M

      I have suffered with IBS for over 30 years. I was diagnosed as a teenager with Crohn’s Disease and then informed in my 20’s that I really didn’t have Crohn’s  -  I had IBS and Fibromyalgia. I have struggled through never ending pain and diarrhea for so long and didn’t think it would ever end.

      Last year I heard about Michael and sent for the program! I’ll have to admit I was very skeptical and my husband was even more so. BUT  I tried it and it WORKED! I am 1000% better. When I’m feeling down or stressed out I put in one of his tapes and feel so much better.

      I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is suffering from IBS symptoms. I am eternally grateful to Michael for his work and dedication in helping end the suffering. Any really, suffering is the only word to describe what one goes through. This program has also had  a positive effect on my ability to deal with Fibromyalgia.   Sincerely,  Kathleen

      From Faith - Queens, New York

      Hi , I just wanted to say thanks to the people who posted the information about Michael Mahoney's IBS Audio Program 100. It changed my life completely. After suffering from IBS since 2000 I was finally diagnosed in early 2004 ( I’m 24). … I had follicular lymphoid hyperplasia of the ileum. The doctor said it could be a normal variant for my body. Unfortunately, for some reason every time the doctor tried to taper me off the entocort (steroid) my symptoms would return. I was finally able to come off it, after I realized myself that milk products were the problem… the doctor had told me I was lactose intolerant. She told me to take supplements to digest the lactose in foods because lactose is added to so many things is not just in cheese ice cream and milk. It is added to many foods such as cereal , cold cuts, and even canned products. What she didn’t t say is that sometimes lactase supplements don’t work for everyone. so after doing research on the internet I realized that they weren’t working for me. since I only avoided everything with milk while I was on the medication I was better then, as soon as she lowered the dose I thought everything was fine so I went back to eating milk products so you can see what happened. even though eliminating all products for my diet helped me a lot. I still had bloating, stomach pain and mild diarrhea a few times per month. but it was the worry of happening again that completely paralyzed me. eating milk products and IBS caused me to have diarrhea everyday in the morning for about 4 years so even after it diminished greatly the worry of not knowing where bathrooms were located everyday affected my life to the point that I was living in fear of going anywhere I didn’t know before IBS.

      So finally I started the IBS Audio Program 100 hypnotherapy program. today I’m on day 86 of 100 and I have a different outlook on life even when I get the urge to go and some mild cramping I can hold until I get to a bathroom, I’m longer afraid of going out as much. my only worry is long trips by car or riding the train. I’m sure I’ll be able to conquer those fears soon. I even had a pap smear done while I had cramping that's how much I have learned to remain calm in the most extraordinary situations. please everyone out there don’t lose hope. IBS can be managed even with symptoms we can have a normal or at least close to normal lives. I don’t need medication, but I used to take Imodium everyday for about 2 years. I was prescribed nulev for the abdominal pain but it is so mild that I don’t need it. as long as I don’t eat wheat, insoluble fiber without soluble fiber, fatty foods or milk products the pain is never too bad. and when it comes occasionally is very mild. please if you need medicine use it. but what has greatly helped me is the hypnotherapy. THE WEBSITE IS www.healthyaudiohypnosis.com it has worked for me, maybe it can help you too.

      God bless I hope I didn't write too much. but everyone out here has helped so much with this debilitating condition if it wasn’t for your help and the IBS hypnotherapy program I don’t know what would have happened to me. I’m proof that IBS can improve and it can be managed in many ways. work with your doctors, have faith, and never give up. God bless everyone. ......

      .....if you have any questions feel free to ask. please follow the hypnotherapy instructions, believe in yourself, and don’t ever lose hope. just remember give yourself time to see a difference, don’t expect to get better right away. it took me a bout 2 weeks to see a change. for some people it might be longer, but don’t feel discouraged Mahoney says in the cd that you may continue to improve even after you finish the program.

      From Ralph in Australia

      I believe that anyone who… struggles with IBS and finds some reason not to try the CD's is seriously depriving themselves of perhaps one of the best options available to them. Just look at all the incredible result reports! And if nothing else works what do you have to lose by trying. I feel for those who are missing out on what could provide a turning point in their lives.

      I too am getting great results from the audio program. I have just finished the hypno course, packed the fibre and went  for a weeks skiing with friends.
      Hard skiing everyday, followed by much eating and drinking, and I have to say that the digestive system has never behaved better, found I was congratulating myself (and of course the sub-conscious mind) every day on a fine job, and how well I felt. I think the hypno along with increased and regular (used to forget a bit) use of fibre has really done the trick.

      THANKS, MIKE! You've provided a great service for me and many in need.  All the best 

      Kit. B  BB USA

        Just to add my thanks for the improvement that I have benefited from since doing the CDs. The first time round I saw huge improvements. I am IBS-D and got to the stage that I could hardly leave the house. I had a few "safe" trips where I had it in my head where the public toilets were to run to when I needed and that was that. I couldn't travel to see my family, go to the cinema etc.

      Not long after I started the CDs things got much better and I was confident enough to increase my numbers of journeys (car journeys were definitely the stressful trigger that set me off). I was out of work at the time and had time to take proper care of myself. Then I had to move house when my husband got a new job, this involved loads of traveling round when house hunting, I found this really hard …. but I managed, and I managed the new journeys involved to the train station when job hunting and even living at my in-laws for a time.

      But then I had a bit of a set back, I had just finished the program and I think upheaval was too much. But as soon as I was able to re-start the CDs things seemed to settle back down again. I have managed to survive the interview process and get a new full time job, cope with the journey into work & even traffic jams (the journey is only 20 mins but I couldn’t have done that a year ago), travel with colleagues on short journeys to other sites, and I have even booked a short holiday for next week ….. so wish me luck but I am sure now I have improved this much I will be fine on the 3 hour drive.

      I am on the last session so just have a few weeks to go now. If anyone is at the considering stage with purchasing these CDs then go for it! They have made a huge difference to me.

      From Amanda  - New York

      "... I have (thankfully) never struggled with depression or serious anxiety, so I've never experienced life on any of those medications, but on day 34 of the program, I feel amazing. I have noticed over the last week or so a huge change in my mood, especially in my reactions to stressful situations.

      I have not had an IBS attack in FOREVER, so I don't even think about that anymore, but I wasn't expecting all these other benefits. Normally, something like breaking a glass, or having to deal with an extra wait at the pharmacy, or just missing the subway, was enough to ruin my mood for at least an hour. I'd stamp my feet, get cranky and pouty, and not be able to enjoy myself. Now, all three of those things have happened in the last week, and I've been so calm and unbothered. I haven't had to tell myself to calm down or anything ... I just think oh, broken glass, I should pick it up .... oh the pharmacy made a mistake, I'll come back after class ... oh, that train is already leaving, I'll get the next one ...
      I feel so Un-Amanda-New Yorker-Stressed out law student! I never thought I was a bratty or moody person before, but looking back I definitely see a favorable change in my general mood.

      I love these CDs. I've actually been using them for more than 34 days -- I listened to C (Commentary Introduction) and (Session) 1 intermittently over the summer, before I could commit to a routine (schedule was crazy). I really began the program probably 50 days ago, but have missed days here and there, sometimes a few at  time, and have had to go back and re-listen. I can't wait to see how I feel at the end of the 100 days. ....

      I've been better able to deal with the stress of law school, and I've been able to eat a much wider range of foods without experiencing IBS symptoms all the time. Having suffered with IBS for a while, this is a tremendous relief for me, and I am happier all around, because my life doesn't revolve around what I eat and how I feel.

      From -  Bev on HFI BB

      Towards Inner Peace - an "extra" follow-up program.

      Hi Everyone,  I haven't posted for quite a while, but just wanted to let you know that I have just finished TIP – (Towards Inner Peace) and am flourishing like a daisy in a field!

      I was very happy after finishing the IBS Audio 100, but this is something else. Just so peaceful and my stomach thanks me for it every day. Now I'm only listening to a couple of sessions every now and then and my digestion is so good!! After all these years, it really is a miracle.

      If anyone is considering getting these CDs go for it. I'm actually putting on weight for the first time in I don't know how many years and may now have to watch what I eat!!   I am just so happy that Mike was put on this earth to help us.

         Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page

      From David in the UK

      I had been wondering about the second session  and wondered if this was going to be the mechanism for future control. It's early days for me, but I'm finding that I'm far more relaxed than I've been in a very long time. I went abroad at the weekend, and normally the travelling and airports alone would have made my guts do somersaults, but I felt strangely relaxed and energised throughout. Thanks again. Regards, David 

      From Miranda V - Holland

       I've been feeling a lot better lately… I made a big step in using the audio program … My gut has been a bit gurgly in the last couple days and I could "feel" an attack coming on...

      This morning, just as I felt things might turn bad, I sat down and really concentrated hard on visualizing. I used the images in session two  and I was able to stave off my symptoms getting worse. I thought about my gut becoming calm and slowing down and so far no visits to the loo!

      From Clair, York, UK

       I'm now about 2-3 years down the line from using Mike's tapes - I can't even remember how long it has been actually! but I am symptom free and at one point I had pretty severe IBS. It all seems like it happened in another lifetime that's how long I haven't even thought about it.  So to anyone out there who is skeptical that these tapes can change your life - I am living proof! and I remember being the biggest skeptic of all told me… I got proved wrong and glad to say so.

      From Elena, UK

      Hi Mike, I completed the IBS Audio Program in January & my life has TURNED AROUND. I want to thank you because I realise now that anxiety was the overriding cause of my symptoms but now I no longer think of IBS and how I'll get thru the day when I wake up- I feel free! I’m so happy, I’ve finished my year out in Japan (amazing), … I’m  going travelling with AND I EAT WHAT I WANT: spices/ bread/ dairy... I want to thank you so much. I feel alive again! Best wishes, Elena 

      Jack UK

      Mikes CD's/Tapes are worth every cent, and I highly recommend them to anyone. Mike really knows his stuff. It's a shame he doesn’t get a chance to regularly contribute to the board, as I feel not enough attention is given to the benefits of hypnotherapy.

       From Ralph R  IBShelp

      It does keep on getting better. I also like to remember some key moments from the tapes,(CDs) my favourites are the pedals/wheel, and if I feel any stirrings, I like to tell myself that
      "its ok because my subconscious knows exactly what to do, it's permanently coded there now" !

      Also if anxiety is a big issue go back to the cart and well and throw heaps of bags labeled anxiety into it and wave them goodbye. I have just spent three weeks touring around the countryside towing a van and covering about 4000 km, and I’ve got to say my system performed brilliantly, and travel is traditionally pretty good at upsetting routines.

      All indicators are that IBS is rapidly becoming something in my past, and I am determined that this is the case.

      K.C in Philadelphia

       I highly recommend the program. I hit a low point a couple of years ago and nothing i was trying was working for my IBS. I decided then to try the tapes with the "they can't hurt" mentality, and they have been one of the best things I’ve done for myself and my IBS.

      They are very simple to use and very relaxing, and I usually listened to them right before I went to bed every night. I still listen to my favorite sessions now that I’ve gone thru the program in times of high stress to help me get thru. The tapes didn't 'cure' me, I still have bad days - but then even people without IBS have bad stomach days! The tapes gave me some control back at a time that I thought I had none, and that was incredibly helpful.

      From D. in Minneapolis, MN

      It seemed like once I hit Session 3, I had BMs daily like clockwork, with absolutely NO diarrhea and very little gas and bloating.

      The funny thing is, I still haven't heard more than like 5 minutes of each of the sessions, I have NO idea what Michael is saying to me while I sleep.

      From C.B  - Schaumburg, IL

      I was on a thread called "Miserable, my meds are not working" or close to that, but decided to start a new topic because I want you all to see this.

      NEARLY A YEAR AGO, I purchased Mike's Tapes and just put them in a drawer because I just didn't think I could commit to 100 days. Well, I am now on about day 12 or so and all I know is I am using 1/2 to 1/3 the amount of meds I was using 10-12 days ago.

      I don't believe it!!! I don't know how this works, but I am now a believer. I feel so much better, stools are formed, no "D". I am also able to tolerate Citrucel for fiber where before it would cause me to double over in pain.

      My urgency is completely gone. I know I have only been on the tapes a short time, but I have had no relief from this IBS-d for a year and a half.

      If I get no further relief, this has been worth it.  Thank you Mike for your encouragement.

      August 2004   From Leslie in Colorado

      I started Mike's tapes about 10 days ago. I have gone from 5-6 bad days (diarrhea) out of 1 or 2 good days to almost ALL good days with completely normal bowel movements with no discomfort, pain or urgency.

      So far, I am very encouraged with Mike's tapes and am a big believer that the mind is the mechanism that keeps us well.

      From SWN - Washington State

      My story? IBS-C with severe pain. Tried librax and another one like librax (without the librium). Both made the constipation worse and were only moderately successful with the pain. I also hated the side effects. While I've been IBC-C since my teens the pain was a new one.

      In examining my life I've been under horrendous stress for the past 18 months; dealing with elderly demented parents - one who tried to kill the other - and who were also taken financial advantage of by crooked professionals. One parent did die, the other had a severe stroke shortly after the death.

      Listening to the CDs I found I was really able to control the stress level and eliminate the pain by about 90%. I've also been very conscious of my diet but I was before too (like no onions). Do I still have bouts of the constipation? Sometimes, but not nearly as badly as before. So looking at all the factors I think it's the hypnotherapy that did the trick.

      From B.F

      Doing great. I'm on day 60 or so of the program. The problems of urgency and running to the bathroom are almost totally gone, and my reflexes to panic every time I hear rumbling in my stomach have disappated.

      I feel like I am continuing to work toward being 100% normal -- and am very close. Looking forward to finishing the tapes and continuing to get better. I even have a softball game tonight where there will be no bathroom in sight -- before I wouldn't have thought about it -- tonight I'm going happily.

      RH USA  - Rating 10 out of 10

      IBS Audio Program 100  - Very Effective. This program is a blessing. After years of medications that were ineffective, this finally did the trick. My IBS symptoms have been greatly improved, to the point where I don't think about IBS for every waking moment of the day like I used to. And stress levels are reduced as well. So soothing, even my hubby will listen and he doesn't even have IBS. Best thing I ever did for IBS over and above other treatments.

        Go to the IBS Audio Program 100 page


      Mike is not a doctor. He is a very dedicated therapist!