Are you the artist of your life?

Are you the artist of your life?  Are you positive or negative in your outlook on life? 

When things are difficult, can you still see or feel signs of hope?  Or do you just hope that life will bring something you can cling too?

Whichever way we decide to think, the universe will deliver. Think negative and negativity will flow in to and through your life, likewise when you think positively, positivity will flow into and through your life.

I believe it is up to each of us to be the artist in our own life. Like an artist we can change the picture of our life, an artist studies the world around him or her, and the artist is often bold, decisive and positive.

Being positive is at the forefront of every success story.  You see the mind must really believe it can do something before it is capable of actually doing it.  

Way back in 1991, when I began developing the IBS Audio program 100 - a home-use therapeutic intervention for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, one of the leading gastrointestinal problematic conditions in the world - the majority of people around me said it just wasn’t possible. 

People I hoped would trust me and support me fell by the wayside.  Over 8 years the idea was developed, researched, piloted and the product created.  It was rejected by a leading London PR company as ‘unmarketable’. Really! - I don't think so!!

I didn't give up and it is now used in over 45 countries. 

Now, like way back then, I have the attitude, if someone tells me it can’t be done, I tell them to stand to one side, keep out of my way and watch!

That doesn’t mean struggles and pressures don’t enter my life, they do, but what remains is a belief in my own abilities and I know that all things are possible if you believe.

To change negativity to positivity takes some time and effort, I help people every working day to achieve just that. It’s important, no vital, to know what you want to achieve.  If you don’t know how can you achieve anything?.   Life isn’t about fulfilling someone else’s dreams, desires or fortune.

Each of us has to make a decision about what we want out of life. We have to follow our intuition - our gut-instinct as some people call it, and then take the steps needed to move on.

Achieving your goals, dreams and wishes, is hard work.

Expect it. Don’t give a half-baked attempt to succeed, you have to keep focused and motivated and know that problems are opportunities in disguise.  

Each problem you overcome is a learning process, each success achieved is a learning process; add all that learning together and you make growth and change.

Make sure you can change what you want to change. It’s no point working hard to change the weather, as it’s beyond your control. 

I knew I could make a difference in the Gastro world with my IBS program, I built on what I had learned and did the same for breast cancer survivors, the anxious, the stressed, the sleepless, those in pain and many more.

Life starts as a blank canvas,

we can bring colour and shape and form into our lives, and we can turn an idea into reality, if we put our mind to it, along with our motivation, determination, perseverance and self-belief.

So when life isn’t as you want it to be, ask yourself, what are you doing to change it? 

Sometimes it’s difficult to see you need help, but we all do at times.

If you want help and guidance to paint your own life canvas, take a look at my self-help well-being audio programs they are a good place to start.

Titles include the
And many others!


Start painting your life canvas today!


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