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IBS Audio Program 100 - Immediate Streamed Version (English)

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IBS Audio Program 100




1 x Introduction Session, 5 x Structured Sessions,  Easy and Effective Listening Schedule, Progress Log, Symptoms checklist.

 Are you sick and tired of Irritable Bowel Syndrome's impact on your life, relationships, career, social life and other areas of life? Then read on.

Please note: This is a streamed version of the IBS Audio Program 100 - you do not own it, and are unable to download it.   If you prefer to download it and own it - Click here for the MP3 version

The IBS Audio Program 100 was developed specifically for IBS.

It is a systematic approach to dealing with IBS. 

 It is like having personal ‘one-to-one’ sessions in the comfort of your home.  

I bought the sessions about a year ago and they helped me so much after 40 years of IBS. I had 4 gastroenterologists,had acupuncture, saw a nutritionist, was gluten free, followed several diets, tried dozens of medications. Finally I was told there was nothing more to try. I had heard of hypnotherapy and thought what do I have to lose. I researched it on line and found Michael Mahoney . I am so thankful .This is the best I have felt in years. Please thank Mr. Mahoney. I am 85.

Ann M - PA - USA 24 Aug 2024

See what past users have said about the IBS Audio Program 100

  • Without the one-to-one high-cost sessions
  • No monthly/Quarterly fees - Just One Payment for 12 months of access - easy!
  • No travelling.
  • No rushing for appointments.
  • Use at a time convenient to you
  • Remember our cost-effective, structured IBS treatment, home use the audio program when you have tried everything else when all other options have failed.
  • Our programs speak for themselves!

We know about IBS and the misery it causes! This program was developed following several years of working with IBS sufferers getting a good understanding of IBS in their lives.

We listened to individual life journeys to the diagnosis of IBS and beyond and worked therapeutically with them.

We then spent five years developing this program with a three-year patient trial follow-up - so it goes without saying we take IBS very seriously!



(For the MP3 download Version click here)


Since 1998 our IBS treatment system has been helping IBS sufferers worldwide - in over 45 countries. To us, there is no 'IT'S ONLY IBS'.

Michael Mahoney, the author of the IBS Audio Program 100 for adults and the IBS Audio Program 60 for children, has worked tirelessly since 1991 to develop a realistic alternative treatment option to the problems brought by IBS.

We wanted to do something about the

  • pain
  • diarrhoea
  • constipation
  • Alternating bowel movements
  • cramps
  • bloating
  • gas
  • nausea
  • incontinence, and the
  • anxiety IBS brings to many
  • the fear of urgency
  • fear of going out
  • the draining of confidence
  • the distress of telling co-workers and loved ones and 
  • we wanted to help remove embarrassment too
  • and many other common IBS symptoms too.
  • And we wanted to help increase confidence and reduce IBS anxiety too.
  • If your IBS flares unexpectedly, especially at the worst possible time it could, 
  • if IBS anxiety is affecting your life and enjoyment, then read on.

    This program took many years to develop, test, trial, and bring to market. No wonder it is the leading program of its kind, tried, trusted, and tested.

    When you have had enough of the suffering and tried everything else, try this IBS program; you may quickly become one of the many thousands of users who say, " I wish I had done this years ago".

    This is the Immediate Streamed Version - All Files are sent to your smart device - or desktop


    More about the program.

    • It is a home-use program, so it’s convenient to use in familiar, safe surroundings at a time good for you, so there are no meetings to attend, no parking bay to find, no time or travel pressures, and no late cancellation fees from therapists, if you should get stuck in traffic or anything unexpected, happens which would make it impossible for you to attend your appointment. 
    • Super important, it is cost-effective! If you could even find a therapist who had a matching experience of Michael Mahoney, the author of the program (a hypnotherapist with 37 years of experience who receives primary and secondary care referrals), just one; one to one sessions would cost significantly more than this entire program.
    • We made it cost-effective because we understand its impact on the lives of those living with IBS. Keep reading; there are more reasons to decide on this program!

    • The IBS Audio Program 100 is IBS-specific, meaning it was developed specifically for the IBS condition; the benefits of this are that the program addresses many emotional and physical symptoms. It is not a spin-off from another program wanting to ‘get in on the action’ it is the culmination of eight years of research, development and patient piloting to bring it to market in 1998
    • It is a structured program to maximise your benefit outcomes, which means we have taken away the guesswork of what to listen to, when and for how long! It is human nature to want to rush ahead when you are doing something to benefit you, but structure is key to addressing IBS symptoms.
    • The sessions in the program are interlinked so that each session builds on the proceeding one, encouraging continued progress.
    • It uses our OPSIM system to maximise your benefit. OPSIM or ongoing progressive session induction method. OPSIM is a key part of the program; it helps you to learn the new information in the program in a way that is similar to how you learn naturally, so you are not just listening to nice words and music; OPSIM ensures the structured, learning and interlinked sessions are made easy and familiar, leading once again to maximizing outcomes.
    • Along with the program is an informational booklet including a listening schedule, a symptom checklist (with 22 commonly reported symptoms), a progress log, FAQ and other relevant information.
    • A digital program for a digital world The program is easily accessible in immediate MP3 download or streamed version. The MP3 version can be downloaded to a desktop computer and synced with your smart device. For those who are unsure about downloading and syncing, we have you covered.
    • Our streamed version is exactly the same as the MP3 version, but there is no downloading or syncing, or checking off a daily listening schedule because a daily link is sent to your email and with a couple of clicks your program is ready to listen to via your Wi-Fi or data plan. Easy!

    Many people have used this program before you!

    Hundreds of thousands, in fact, in over 45 countries and in three languages, have used this program.
    Since its release in 1998, the IBS Audio Program 100 has been tried and trusted; we have been helping for many years and plan to be here for a lot longer yet.
    See our unsolicited testimonials from grateful users.


    Don't try to fight or force IBS recovery; work to tame it, understand it and then master it!  

    If others can do it - why not you?

    Woman wearing headphones listening


      Testimonial: “It’s worth the price! This is an excellent tool for "gaining control" of your mind over bodily function!” Joe R, USA


      If you have IBS and suffer due to its impact on your life and relationships, work or study, this program is for you!

      This program took eight years to develop, test, trial, and bring to market. No wonder it is the leading program of its kind; tried and trusted, and tested. 

      When the time comes that you have had enough of the suffering and you feel you have tried everything else, please consider trying this IBS treatment system.

      It was made for home use, to be easy to follow!
      You may quickly become one of the many thousands of users who say " I wish I had done this years ago". 

      Did you know hypnosis has 38+ years of clinical research behind it, recognizing it as a valid IBS treatment option?

      Worried looking woman

      This message is for Michael Mahoney. I can not thank you enough for this IBS series. It is effective, thoughtful, sensitive and caring. I can feel the kindness, the empathy and the knowledge of the IBS condition that you so eloquently portray.
      I have already used what I’ve learned one day when I started to feel some GI disturbance and diaphoresis that typically signal a ‘flare up’. I repeated some of the suggestions and ‘talked myself’ into a calm state with complete resolution!!!
      I look forward to each evening session and I must admit I do fall asleep halfway through on occasion and on those days that I must skip my session according to the schedule, I miss it. Again, many thanks for this incredible product.
      Frances USA
      18 June 2022


      The IBS Audio Program 100™ is structured over a 100-day period, with a listening schedule for each day (including some days off) This structuring is a unique process developed for this program, maximising outcomes.

      The IBS Audio Program 100™ contains an introduction and five interlinking hypnotherapy sessions, each building on the preceding one.

      It is a systematic approach to dealing with IBS. 

      Sessions vary in duration but average 25-35 minutes (much less than many IBS sufferers spend in the bathroom each day!).  This IBS treatment system needs a little time and patience, remember:

      • you didn't develop IBS overnight; it took time, 
      • you didn't develop your emotional triggers overnight; they took time too,
      • and you didn't build negative-driven thoughts overnight either; they also took time. 
      • and it took you time to develop the negative IBS expectations too!

      It makes sense that it may take a little time to get things back in the right order!   


      • a progress log
      • listening schedule 
      • symptom checklist, and,
      • other valuable irritable bowel syndrome information.

      All that is required from you is to find a time each day to listen quietly and be undisturbed. Simply fit your listening time into your daily schedule at your own convenience. 

      Remember it is an investment in yourself; you are worth your time!

      Click the testimonial links further down the page; we never asked for them!    Although we are very grateful for them!

      An overview of the program sessions is as follows:

      Commentary Introduction:

      This provides detailed information about hypnotherapy, the specific process being used for the audio treatments, and irritable bowel syndrome information.

      • Acknowledges the physical and psychological combination that characterizes IBS pathology, triggers, and symptoms.
      • Aims to treat both IBS and the problems in a person’s life that have resulted from IBS, including anxiety, social fears, depression, fatigue, and worry.
      • Sets a stopping point for the emotional drain of IBS, effectively saying, ‘this is as bad as it gets. From this point on, IBS symptoms will not progress as the listener learns and works to improve their understanding and control of mind and body.
      • Subconsciousness begins to be affected, and positive physical changes should be expected.
      • Emphasis on the safe, gentle, non-invasive aspects of IBS therapy and its record as a safe form of IBS treatment for many conditions for many years.


      First Session:

      • The foundation session. It allows you to take the time to reduce your stresses and apprehensions, become familiar with the hypnotherapy process, and re-learn that they are always in control.
      • It offers a gentle introduction to reduce anxieties and emphasis calming thoughts, thus reducing the negative thought patterns which trigger IBS physical responses.
      • It helps manage IBS symptoms and lets users begin to understand the benefits of allowing both mind and body to work together towards their goals.
      • The commentary introduction and this session together create the foundation for the program to be built upon.  Once you know the foundation is in place you can, you can move ahead confidently. 

      "Coolest Thing EVER. I am telling everyone about this (the IBS Audio Program) even my mom wants me to get this for her - she doesn't suffer from IBS but she liked how it calmed her. I will be ordering again soon - I even love the fact that it explains IBS to those around me."

      Second Session:

      • It begins to address the subconscious and conscious thoughts that can trigger IBS symptoms.
      • Teaches users, through creative imagery, to exercise control over these thoughts.
      • Uses the power of suggestion to enable listeners to learn to control the speed of peristaltic waves of the GI tract, leading to normal bowel movements.
      • Uses the mind to regulate the body.

      Third Session

      • Uses visualization to control the entire digestive process, from start to finish.
      • It begins to allow the user to take control and mentally search for areas within the GI tract where there is IBS pain or discomfort and then reduce these symptoms while continuing to use positive thoughts.
      • Negative thoughts decrease and are replaced by positive thoughts, which will help develop new coping strategies.

      "Just in the beginning stage [ of the IBS Audio Program 100] but have noticed a definite improvement. More helpful than the health psychologist I am currently seeing. I highly recommend it." Patricia -BP

      Fourth Session:

      • Uses metaphors to help view the journey through IBS as a trip that is nearing an end.
      • Acknowledges the struggles of the past, the many steps the journey has required, and that while there may be a step back occasionally, the progression will remain.
      • Acknowledges old thought patterns and allows them to be released; enhances positive thought patterns to achieve continued
      • improvement.
      • Emphasizes that while memories of old thought patterns may remain, we don’t live in the past. We live in the moment.
      • From this moment on IBS will steadily improve, a sense of order has been reached, and progress will now continue on its own.

      Fifth Session:

      • Encapsulates positive moments from the five previous sections of the program.
      • Reaffirms the effects of the program.
      • Listeners are encouraged to review this session occasionally after the program ends to optimize their positive changes.

      Outcomes may vary from person to person.  Please consult your medical doctor before using if you have any concerns about using this program.

      ...I'm on Day 48 of Michael Mahoney's wonderful IBS hypnotherapy course - OH am I glad I ordered this!!!! My anxiety levels are practically nil again, what an enormous relief!...

      The content and listening order of the sessions are both important.

      The IBS Audio Program 100 gives the IBS sufferer the structure necessary to allow a progression to the ending of many presenting IBS symptoms in their lives.

      The listening schedule uses a specific structured approach which includes repetition and moving between sessions in a structured way.  We suggest your use this method of listening to maximise your outcomes.

      After the program is concluded, patients are encouraged to listen to the final session for additional time to ensure the learned processes are embedded in their subconscious.

      This streamed version will be available to you for 365 days from day one. Give plenty of time to re-listen the program if and when you wish. 

      The program is successful for many users in reducing or even eliminating the presenting symptoms altogether and often also reduces the severity of presenting symptoms. As we are all different, outcomes and time frames may vary.  

      • Patience is also required!
      • Don't try and rush it!  
      • The program will guide you through as it has with many thousands of previous users. 

      Please have your symptoms diagnosed by a Gastroenterologist or physician before starting the IBS Audio Program 100. It is important to remember that you cannot self-diagnose IBS, and many serious conditions have symptoms similar to IBS. Outcomes may vary from user to user. 


      I recently did the IBS100 self-hypnosis series, and it’s given me the most help of anything I’ve tried.

      IBS Audio Program 100 in 45 seconds:

      1. The only clinical hypnotherapy treatment resource using the OPSIM™ method (structured listening developed specifically for this and other full programs).
      2. Developed specifically for physical symptoms of IBS & also the emotional aspects too!
      3. Alleviated symptoms of tens of thousands of IBS patients resistant to conventional medical IBS treatments.
      4. Clinical trials for over 20 IBS symptoms with three-year follow-up results show continual ongoing improvement after completion of the Program. Also, in-situ unsolicited testimonials verify program effectiveness outside the hospital or therapeutic rooms. 
      5. Use in the safety and comfort of your own home. No travel, appointments, traffic, or embarrassment.
      6. Cost-effective: SAVE £, $, €, ¥! comparable to less than one session of private IBS therapy.
      7. Our IBS Audio Program 100 can be used alongside other IBS treatment methods or used stand-alone. Often used when all other treatment options have proved disappointing.
      8. The American Gastroenterological Association has approved using clinical hypnotherapy as an IBS treatment method since 1996.
      9. In the UK, clinical hypnotherapy has been used as a successful IBS treatment method for over 40 years. Our program has 25 years of online success and 28 years of success in Michael's practice.
      10. Available in immediate MP3 download format or streamed.           

              Listen to the sound clips and read the reviews below               

              User reviews and testimonials.

              Sound Clip   Introduction

              Sound Clips Session 1    Session 2     Session 3    Session 4    Session 5


               Please note that when discounts higher than the one in this video are available, this code is not available. 

              If you are still not convinced


              Endorsement From Jeffrey Roberts,  August 1, 2008, For the IBS Audio Program 100®

              Jeffrey Roberts, founder of the IBS Association as featured, on the IBS Self Help and Support Group website, www.ibsgroup.org, Michael Mahoney’s IBS Audio Program 100®  Roberts comments that “Sufferers continue to see this type of clinically proven technique as an affordable and safe way to alleviate and control the most troubling symptoms of IBS.  The IBS Audio Program 100® has a great deal of clinical evidence to support its use and we consider it as a primary tool to help sufferers.”


              And if you are still not convinced

              then bookmark this page, try whatever other options you feel necessary, and when you think the time is eventually right, please revisit us. Our intention is never to sell hard!

              Our IBS Audio Program 100 is often imitated but never beaten!  We have a reputation for excellent products, good service and bringing innovative, affordable products to market.  We will be here waiting, as we have been since 1998 - but we cannot guarantee any discounts will be!

              Bookmark this page, try whatever other options you feel necessary, and when you think the time is eventually right, please visit us again.

              We never intend to sell hard - you will know when you're ready!

              Our IBS Audio Program 100 is often imitated but never beaten!  We have a reputation for excellent products, good service, and innovative, affordable products.

              Our program developer Michael Mahoney even received an invitation in 2011 to attend the Queen's Garden party at Buckingham Palace in recognition of his Innovative Health Solutions - It sounds like he had a great time! 

              Read our blog post, The IBS Journey.


              We wish you well on your journey of gentle change.

              Get your special price today!

              The Healthy Audio Hypnosis Team
              The IBS Audio Program 100 MP3 Download - English was built with people like you in mind. We work hard to make your life easier. Every. Single. Day.



              Like many streaming services fair usage limits apply.

              The IBS Audio Program 100 - Immediate Streamed Version (English) is the product you didn't think you need, but once you have it, something you won't want to live without.

              Inventory Last Updated: Oct 22, 2024